Facilities and Resources Meeting

held on Monday23rdNovember 2015 @ 1830hrs


Present:Jesse Chapman (JC)

Stephen Jordan (SJ)

Andrew Jupe (AJ)

Darryl Morgan, Headteacher (DM)

Mark Rosling, (MR)

David Savage,ChairF&R Committee (DS)

Karol Toporek (KT)

Apologies:Ilaria Barnett (IB)

James Bawn (JB)

In attendance:Alison Dudley, Clerk to the Governors (AD)

Julie James, School Business Manager (JJ)

Jayne Moore, Head of School (JM)

Governor support and challenge highlighted.

a)Apologies had been received from IB and JB. These were discussed and agreed.
b)MR announced his receipt of IB resignation from the Governing Body, this due to personal circumstances.
c)The meeting was quorate.
Governorsmade no declaration of any interest in specific agenda items at this meeting. / AD
Minutes of the previous meeting dd. 23.06.15were confirmed as an accurate record of that meeting, and were signed by the Chair. / To be filed / AD
There were no matters arising.
  1. TERMS OF REFERENCE (no changes)
Noted there were no changes. All governors agreed.
  1. FINANCE POLICY (updated)
JC asked whether the use of the word ‘prepare’ on p. 2 of the document was correct (The Role of the Finance Aspect of the F&R Committee), in the context of making ready the annual budget for approval by the Governing Body?
JJ confirmed this was correct and that the wording is taken from the model policy on the Babcock 4S website
MR questioned the expenditure and virement levels.
JJ responded that she believed these to be OK. Julie had spoken to the school’s Finance Consultant about the expenditure and virement levels, and he had advised her that each school sets their own. They have in fact remained the same as last year and are highlighted in red simply because the wording has changed. She reconfirmed that the values are the same.
MR sought further confirmation from DM that he was OK with this?
DM confirmed he was.
DS drew the attention of the governors to the reference to overtime, and asked whether everyone was happy with this? All agreed.
Update 10 November 2015 with an additional paragraph on the authorisation of overtime.
  1. GOVERNORS’ EXPENSES (no changes)
DM acknowledged that if, for example, governors attend training - as part of their role as governor, but in addition to their normal governor duties - they should be reimbursed for thise.g. mileage.
JJ raised question of the quantities of printing governors are expected to do in the course of their duty as governor, and whether/how the school could support the governors with the ‘cost’ of this?
DM said there were a number of options:
  • governors could bring with them to meetings an iPad, and access reports on their emails
  • the school could provide laptops for governors to do as above
JC and MR both said they prefer to have a paper copy in front of them during meetings, so they can annotate documents as they go.
JJ said she could also arrange for a set of papers to be printed out for governors, for their use at meetings.
MR said he had asked Sandra to print off copies for him in prep for that day’s meetings.
  1. HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY (no changes)
DS invited comment from governors re. H&S policy. Governors all agreed the policy. A copy of the policy was signed by DS and MR.
  1. PAY POLICY (updated)
DS was keen to understand whether the changes reflected just the changes to new pay conditions?
DM replied that the UPS 1,2,3 criteria have changed and are open to interpretation. The Pay Policy went to teachers beforehand, and what is in the policy now has been through consultation. He confirmed that the teachers have agreed the criteria set. The set compares acceptably with other special schools.
All governors agreed the Pay Policy.
JC asked about appendix 4 of the policy, School Staffing Structure.
MR said this was useful to keep with.
DM said the school would not be negatively impacted by the pay implications.
DS asked about the Pay Committee, and how it feeds into the F&R Committee? He wondered whether this too should be on the agenda?
DM replied this is still a bit early. For 2016, this same meeting would ideally be approx. a fortnight later. But this year it was key to strike a balance, so that governors had a chance to meet and sign off the draft budget, before its submission to Babcock due 30.11.15
N.B. Pay recommendations always need to take place in the Autumn Term.
JJ advised the draft budget has to be submitted to 4S by 1700hrsNovember 30. 2015. She suggested that, for the future, the F&R meeting be held as close to November 30 as possible, this to allow for adequate draft budget preparationtime, and for the pay committee meeting/agreement of any pay recommendations following the conclusion of the appraisal cycle. / Signed copy to be filed with the minutes of the meeting.
Discuss with DM or JJ optimal date for meeting 2016 / AD
Governors (b/f. meeting dd. 01.02.16)
(for the period ending 31.10.15)
MR thanked JJ for the very thorough notes sent in advance to governors, to support this part of the meeting. (Copy to be filed with the minutes)
JJ raised for governor awareness the following:
-funding: she had received most of the funding now, except:
  • ISPSB funding for thereimbursement of salary costs, for those pupils who receive 1:1 support
  • 1.2.1 grant
  • Yr. 7 catch-up grant
  • Nursery transitional funding
- salaries: forecasts for these have been adjusted to take into account:
  • reimbursements from Gosden House, for support provided by DM
  • 1 teacher who was on long-term sick, and who has now left
  • a senior teacher who has now left.
- curriculum support staff:
  • JJ expressed regret that although salary costs had been lower v. plan because of sickness and vacancies, replacements had needed to be made using agency staff; the budgeted cost for this was £50k for the year v. approximate spend to 31st October of £56k
  • However, to date 55% of the budget had been spent; JJ said usually for month 7 expectation would be closer to ca. 58%.
DS asked what, if anything, could be done to adjust spending, to make savings?
JJ replied that reducing staffing levels was the best option, if savings were necessary.
DM added that there was a relatively high turnover of staff anyway, and JJ pointed to examples of fixed term contracts which would be coming to an end in August 2016.
MR asked about the projected carry-forward.
SJ asked what is the “committed” bit for?
JJ explained there was:
- £90k in reserve to protect against a drop in student numbers (the student count in the school currently stands at 98, with £10k worth of place funding, as well as top up funding for each child.
- £20k for 2 water heaters (it was hoped the SCC would be able to pay for this)
- the remainder was a ‘bring forward’ for the teaching school
SJ asked whether the £110k was then a ‘just in case’?
JJ said the committed amounts for:
- a drop in pupil numbers
- the water heaters
were placed in reserves. She continued that these reserves would be saved, and used for the purposes for which they had been committed. She added she had sought advice from the school’s financial consultant, who had confirmed that this was appropriate.
SJ asked if this might be used, for example, for the boilers? SJ expressed concern that, in the event the money not be used, the school could inadvertently create an impression that it had more funds than it actually doesi.e. in the order of £400k.
DM understood but explained that should the school ‘academise’, the LA would have no access to the school’s budget. He continued that, as a school with academy status, an independent accountant would recommend that the school keep in reserve at least 1 month’s capital, if not, ideally, 2-3 months’ worth. / Copy of notes to be filed with the minutes / AD
JJ explained there had been a sizeable transfer of revenue to capital projects:
a)the car park has now been completed (cost ca. £10k)
- AJ commented that the work had made the car park far safer.
- JJ continued the work had been carried out in response to a number of restrictions/challenges (documented in pre-read material).
- MR asked whether the 6 places were still available to use?
- JJ confirmed they were and that some other staff also parked in The Bourne Club car park. The Bourne Club had informed JJ they do not mind additional school staff parking in their car park, with the exception of Wednesdays, when the car park is in full use by their members.
b)MILE Room (budget £40K)
- JJ confirmed that KT in the process of organising quotes – 2 more due in, and
- a meeting with Richard Hirstwood, Sensory Expert, is planned for 07.12.15
c)KS2 Playground (budget £30k)
- AdelRidgen is managing the tendering process - ongoing
- SJ asked why the budget dropped from £60k to £30k?
- JJ explained the budget has been split, so that the canopy and door are shown together as a separate part of the budget (budget £30k.JJ has prepared bids to various charities and organisations for support with the cost of the new playground equipment.
d)LED classroom lighting (budget £5.5k)
- JJ explained that although the investment seems big, the long-term savings will be significantly greater than this initial outlay.
MR asked whether any of the projects would be cheaper to complete as an academy?
DM responded that, as an academy, the school would have the opportunity to bid for capital funding and that specialists may be used to prepare bids on the school’s behalf, to give the best chance of obtaining the funding.
JJ confirmed that, as an academy,the process of obtaining quotes would still apply and that the quotes would be scrutinised to ensure any chosen supplier offered best value for the school.
SJ questioned whether, given the fact of a potential surplus in the budget, was there anything else that should be given consideration?
DM said no, all covered.
SJ asked whether additional cost would be incurred as part of a possible academisation process?
DM answered that yes there would be, and cited this as a further reason for retaining any surplus.
SJ sought assurances that any reserve at the time of coversion to an academy would remain the school’s money?
JJ explained that, under such circumstances, the LA claws back any surplus held and retains it for a few months. It is then given back to the school.
e)Teaching School
JJ confirmed that the grant of £50k had been received, for the 2nd year.
£40k is expected in Yr. 3 and then again in Yr. 4
Revenue, Funding and Income
JJ comments:
- the bring/forward includes the Teaching School
- the number of places funded will remain at 98 for 2016/17 at £10k per place
- pupil top-up is an estimate based on current pupil numbers, adjusted for any known changes and the school’s estimated numbers from September 2016
- noted that 9 Yr.14 pupils will be leaving in July 2016; they attract funding of £3k each i.e. £27k
- there are no Yr. 11 children this year. Pupils in years 12 – 14 attract a higher level of year funding at just over £3k
- assumption on the budget that the Yr. 7 Catch-Up Premium will remain as was
MR asked why are thre no Yr. 11 puils?
DM responded this simply occurs from time to time. By contrast, he said, there are currently 10 students in Yr. 10 so as that cohort moves into Yr. 11 it will be full again.
DS asked whether younger cohorts cost less?
Revenue Expenditure
(a) Staffing
JJ noted that:
- staffing costs are expected to have significant salary-related pressures in 2016/17, leading to 3%+ impact on employment costs
- single state pension to be introduced April 2016
- contracting out from the additional state pension (formerly SERPS) will cease
- employers will therefore no longer get the NI rebate (3.4%)
(b) Teaching Staff
- employers NI contribution rates for all staff in pension schemes will increase
- public sector pay rises limited to 1% per year from 2016-17
- Teachers’ Pension Scheme:contributions increased from 14.10% to 16.48% in September 2015
JJ noted that:
- head teacher will no longer be supporting Gosden House (from April 2016)
- head and deputy will revert to their previous salary points as from 01/04/16
- nursery manager will be replaced by a teacher, most likely an NQT, from August 2016
- new nursery teacher in post as from 01/08/2016 (budgeted for as NQT because the school will be aiming to recruit from its own trainee teachers)
Education Support Staff
- curriculum support staff numbers are increasing
- school currently recruiting 5 Special Needs Assistants for whom salary costs have been budgeted
- an inflation rate of 2% has been applied for non-salary items (as advised by Babcock 4S, or unless otherwise specified.
JJ said it was important to be mindful of longer-term sustainability, referencing an IFS report recently published which had cited an 8% real terms fall in education funding over the next 5 years.
The NAHT (headteachers' union)recently sent an open letter to Nicky Morgan (Educ. Secretary) re.school funding, claiming government views education as a cost and notas an investment.
An NAHT (National Association of Head Teachers) report entitled Breaking Point suggests nearly two thirds of school leaders are having to cut spending to balance the books.
DS asked how might the pressures on costs manifest themselves?
JJ replied, in budget cuts.
DM expanded, saying that it is not that funding per pupil is expected to fall, but rather that it is inflation-capped and the necessary costs are expected to rise. This therefore results in a ‘real terms’ cut.
DM made the comparison with FE (further education) colleges.
He further explained that whilst the needs of pupils have in some instances become more complex, the financial support for staffing provision has not increased.
DS thanked JJ for her very comprehensive report.
MR signed the draft budget and stated that all governors were very happy.
DM outlined highlights of the report, defining for governors the protocol re.handling staff absence, explaining that 3 absences within a given timeframe will automaticallytrigger a process of inquiry.
DS said he was satisfied that a good procedure was in place.
DM said he was particularly careful about the way in which absence because of mental health issues is handled. He said he was cognizant of the need to strike a balance between good stewardship of public money and a duty of care to members of staff.
All governors agreed on the importance of supporting any member of staff struggling with issues around mental health.
JC presented his report,which had been circulated before the meeting.
He referred the governors to the comments around The Photocopy Room.
JC indicatedthe key here was that the occupational therapist had expressed difficulty with the cluttered nature of the room and JC said she doesn’t want to go into the hall.
DM commented that some of the clutter is in fact their equipment, but that he had arranged for a clear-out.
JC asked that this please be sorted out.
(SJ left the meeting 1935hrs)
DM confirmed that appraisals had been done and that the Pay Committee had met at 1800hrs earlier the same day.
DM confirmed that recommendations had been agreed.
Confirmation that there are 98.5 FTE(full-time equivalent) pupils on the roll.
The 0.5 accounts for the fact that nursery pupils are each counted as 0.5
Financial Value Statemement – DS confirmed that he is planning to attend training for this.
JJ asked that the start time of the meeting revert to 1800hrs rather than 1830hrs.
All agreed this was a fair request, in view of the fact that the LMT finished at 1800 and the F&R could for the future follow on immediately after that. / Next F&R meeting 14.03.16 to start at 1800hrs; JB and SJ to be advised separately / AD

The meeting closed 1940hrs

Model Termly Agenda 2015-16 Updated 14/9/15