2013 AP US End of Year Research Project

1.  Choose a topic

  1. Any event that we covered in AMERICAN history is acceptable – from pre-colonization to the present, but you can NOT pick a topic that is already being covered this year (Or one that an older sibling or BFF did when they were in AP!)

2.  Check that Hamer approves your topic

3.  Research your topic – May 24th – June 4th in the library (additional at-home work might be needed)

  1. While Wikipedia is an acceptable place to start, it is not the endpoint of knowledge on your topic. Books, videos, web pages, and online banks of research (US History in Context from GALE on the library page) are good places to look and are required for you bibliography
  2. You need to take your notes in Microsoft Word or another word processing program. You will need to turn in your notes (email them to Hamer) no later than June 5th. Notes can NOT be taken on your presentation - organize your notes before hand and then...

4.  Make a presentation for the class so that the class now understands your topic

  1. PowerPoint is not allowed. Prezi or a more creative presentation format is allowed - see Hamer with questions.
  2. This needs to take approximately 8 minutes. You will be stopped if your presentation goes over 11 minutes. It should be REALLY interesting and reach out to us in a number of ways – audio, visual, creative, etc.
  3. Expect another 4 minute question and answer period at the end of your 8 minute presentation.
  4. Remember that the creativity of your project is important but it should NOT overshadow the information.
  5. You will be graded on the quality of your presentation in the following fields:

  1. Depth of information
  2. Accuracy of information
  3. Creativity of presentation

  1. This needs to be your OWN research and words – do not copy and paste from the research sources – that is plagiarizing and you will get a NEGATIVE 100%

5.  Turn in to me both your bibliography and some sort of digital access to your presentation (email it to me...)

  1. Bibliography is VERY important and is another grade for you
  2. Needs to include EVERY source that you used in making your presentation - 5 at the minimum
  3. Minimum requirements:
  4. One BOOK
  5. One entry from GALE or another database
  6. Needs to be in MLA format (use a citation machine if you don’t know how!)

6.  Grades and Due Dates

  1. Your Notes are due for 15 points no later than June 5th
  2. The presentation itself will be graded along the guidelines in 4d: 20 points each for a total of 60 points. The bibliography itself will be worth another 15 points (turn this in when you make your presentation)
  3. Egypt's presentation will be on May 30th and non-seniors will begin presenting on June 5th and will continue through our day for finals.
  4. Participation grades will also be given for attendance and positive behavior at the presentations and quality of questions asked of the presenters.
  5. If for any reason you fall so deathly ill before your presentation that you can’t make it – I must be notified as soon as possible so your absence does not affect the class. Obviously you must pick a presentation day that you know you can attend – not one when you have track.
  6. Extra Credit will be given if you turn in a WALL WORTHY poster in addition to your presentation. See Hamer for past examples!