Assisted Living Association
Of Alabama
ServSafe® Food Safety Training and
Certification Class
October 11, 2018
8:00AM to 5:00PM
Assisted Living Association of Alabama Office
2740 Zelda Road, Ste 3B
Montgomery, AL 36106
The ServSafe® program has become the industry standard in food-safety training and provides accurate up-to-date information for all levels of employees on all aspects of handling food, from receiving and storing to preparing and serving. You will learn science-based information on how to run a safe establishment.
A ServeSafe® Certificate will be supplied to all who successfully complete the class. The certification is good for 5 years. You will receive your book approximately 2 weeks prior to the class date so that you can begin studying for the class. A score of 75% is required to “pass” the exam.
Training will be conducted by US FoodsServSafe® certified personnel directed and presented by Pam Williams-Bethea, RDN, National Accounts Executive.
If you are interested in attending, please submit the attached registration formno later than 30 days prior to the class (NO EXCEPTIONS).
ServSafe Class Registration
October 11, 2018
ALAA Member Non-Member
Facility/Organization Name:______
Contact: ______
Address: ______
City/State:______, ______Zip Code: ______
Telephone:______Email Address: ______
Print or Type the Name of each registrant attending.
Total Registrants: ______
FEES: (includes lunch)
ALAA Member: $170.00
Non-Member: $220.00
**The DEADLINE to register is 30 days prior to the seminar. NO EXCEPTIONS!!**
Cancellations – NO refund will be given for cancellations once you have registered.
Check Enclosed (Payable to ALAA) Check Request Enclosed
Please charge my _____ Visa _____ MasterCard _____ Discover/ Total Charge: $______
Name on Card: ______Card Number: ______
Expiration Date: ______Signature:______
Please return form with registration fee to:
ALAA, 2740 Zelda Road, Ste. 3B, Montgomery, AL 36106.
Or Fax Registration to (334) 262-4603 with a Credit Card Number.
CEUs - Assisted Living Administrators 6.0