
Dalton Bruce is a self-proclaimed “overseer” of a group who call themselves “The Defectors” - a religious cult who thrives on attacking and character assasinating preachers of the End Time Message who will not agree with Dalton Bruce's teachings, especially on doctrines based on Robert Lambert's tapes, whom Dalton Bruce considers as the "Voice of the Archangel".

Dalton Bruce proclaims that he alone and his group have the secret to the "Third Pull" and that his group alone holds the mystery of the "Seven Thunders". One needs to become one of his followers if anyone wish to go in the rapture, for Dalton Bruce alone holds the secret to the revival of the Bride of Christ; that's according to his own teachings.

Dalton Bruce hails from Trinidad, West Indies, and writes a lot of books whereby he enjoys lambasting those who he disagree with and calls these ministers in his books as “idiots”, “hell-bound”, “demonic”, "powerless ignoramus", "monsters", "mentally deluded", "false prophets", "imposters", "blind guides fit for the lake of fire" and more.
This dirty tactic of "branding", "name-calling" and "character assasination" done by Bruce Dalton has earned him the title of "guillotine executioner" of ministers in this Message.

The foul language that he uses against these preachers are published in his website "www.bethelthehouseofgod.net” and distributes these books in India, Africa, South America, Asia and Europe to elevate his ministry above the rest. Sisters that come out away from his denomination are branded by Brude as "witches" simply because that they will not agree with his Nicolaitanes system.

Dalton Bruce is obviously trying hard to portray himself as somebody authoritative, forcing people to look up to him as a "pope" in the Message. He obviously shows a “know-it-all” attitude and desires the office of a “final say-so” in the Message circle. He assumes that he (and his group) is infallible, trying to unsolicitedly meddle with the affairs of other churches which ought to enjoy their own God-given rights and local sovereignty in their own local churches.

If one will try to read any of Dalton Bruce's EODH books, one might lead to think that this man is psychotic or simply out of his mind, because the words that he uses to brand other ministers are very libelous in nature. When you visit his website, you can hardly find anything edifying because all you can find there are hateful articles, all forms of mockery and verbal abuse against respectable ministers of this End Time Message.

So put on your spiritual eyeglasses when you do visit his website. Test every spirit (word) whether they are of God or not, for the Bible exhorts us to "mark them that cause contentions among you."


Dalton Bruce and his gang had already maligned and victimized a number of renowned preachers (photos at the left) and other respectable individuals in the Message Ranks by publishing libelous materials against them through his printed materials and throughhis website.I wonder why he is still at-large considering the many offenses that he has committed against these dignified individuals. Somebody from the International Human Rights Agency should take a look at his materials and see whether they could qualify for some "human rights violation".

The following is a short list of a few notable/respectable ministers whom he has slandered and has victimized in his website articles (anyone can verify the thing with these ministers by emailing them; or by downloading the derogative files against them from Dalton Bruce's website):
1. Rev. Vin Dayal, Pastor of Third Exodus Assembly, Trinidad, West Indies.
(Rev. Vin Dayal is being branded by Dalton Bruce as "Vin the Crow", "Five Star General of Lucifer", "Idiot, powerless Ignoramus", a "false prophet", "proud", an "arrogant impersonator", an "anti Christ" and a "servant of Satan"); all such descriptive verbal abuse can be found at Dalton Bruce's website.
2. Rev. Brian Kocourek, Pastor of Message Doctrine.net, was lambasted and defamed by Dalton Bruce for his stand on the Godhead and on his Parousia (Christ is Here) Doctrine.
3. Rev. Joseph Coleman, former Pastor of New York, was lambasted and defamed by Dalton Bruce for his stand on the "Seven Thunders-Seven Virtues" teaching and more.
4. Rev. C.W. Wood, pastor of Dewitt Tabenacle, Arkansas, USA, was lambasted and defamed by Dalton Bruce for his teaching on the "Seventh Seal" and for his Biblical mathematical prowess.
5. Rev. Richard Gan, a missionary from Singapore, was lambasted and defamed by Dalton Bruce for his "Seven Men-Seven Thunders" teaching, and more.
6. Rev. Ewald Frank, pastor in Krefeld, Germany, was defamed and lambasted by Dalton Bruce for his teaching on the 70 weeks of Daniel, and more.

7. Rev. Lee Vayle, teacher and editor of the Seven Church Age Book, was lambasted by Dalton Bruce for his teaching on the Godhead and more others.
8. Brother Owen Jorgensen, Writer and Biographer of the “Supernatural Life of William Branham” Book Series, was lambasted by Dalton Bruce for his biography books/issues number 1 to 6 on the Supernatural Life of William Branham

9. Ron Millevo, Webmaster of this website, is being lambasted by Bruce Dalton and his gang for publishing in this website the book of Owen Jorgensen and letters of those who have witnessed against his Nicolaitan system and false doctrines
In Dalton Bruce's recent booklet, he has branded all other ministers who are affiliated with the Annual Believer conventions in the USA and Canada, (such as the Ohio Family Camp of Ptr. Jeff Jenkins, the International Believers Convention of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada of Harold Hildebrandt and the Cloverdale Conventions of Eddie Byskal) to be a gathering of “heretics”composed of “idiotic thunder preachers”. What right has this man to call these people as such? And what authority has he got to “brand” these precious souls as "heretics"?

Pray for this man that God will bring him to his knees in repentance for his errors and offenses. He does not realize that he has fallen in the same old rut as the Pharisees who misjudged the disciples of Jesus and has projected a “holier-than-thou” attitude amongst God's people. His disrespect and irreverence for other servants of God and his desecration of other people’s ministry has shown a Nicolaitanes spirit in him.
TESTIMONIAL LETTER from SISTER ELIZABETH CANZONI... A precious sister who left Bruce Dalton’s congregation because of his obvious Nicolaitan system, wrote to me from Connecticut:

Dear Bro. Ronnie Millevo,
Hello from Connecticut, USA. Your website is very nice. It has help me in so many ways. I came out of a very controversial church located in Connecticut, connected to Dalton Bruce in Trinidad WI.
They believe in another prophet after Br. Branham (Shout). His name is Robert Lambert (Voice of the Archangel) and he revealed the seven unknown thunders that were hidden in the capstone and not written in the Bible, according to them. His message was all about the capstone revelation (Token). They are still waiting for the Token to come to Connecticut. When they receive the Token, they will go on a world wide revival with this message (so they say). It will start in secret somewhere (Connecticut). This great revelation is not for the public yet, but it will be soon, after they receive the power.
The Seventh Seal by Owen Jorgensen goes against a lot of the teachings I was taught by Dalton Bruce. He loves to fight against people, this makes him stronger and stronger with his beliefs.

There are so many things I could get into about the doctrine they preach, but it is not written in the Bible. There is no place in the Bible it says to go to the east (Connecticut) and wait for the Token.

Dalton Bruce is a cult leader. The more people fight with him he will get stronger and stronger within. The best way to deal with him is ignore him and keep on preaching and posting the truth. Any letters to him will be twisted and he will only let the public see what he wants them to see. Dalton Bruce controls by fear of the mind. He has a mind of a cult leader and has built an empire on the doctrine of Robert Lambert and more of his own, too. Dalton Bruce is a mad man, he wants that golden nugget for himself. He wants to be the one to tell the secret to the world.

I want you to be aware of the fear that Dalton Bruce puts on his followers who leave his churches. The churches have local pastors, but Dalton Bruce is the overseer of all his sister churches.
I was five years old when my parents started attending the church in Connecticut in 1970. Our pastor was Robert Lambert. My parents moved from Canada to Connecticut to wait for the Token. This Token comes to Connecticut first because that is where the seven unknown thunders were preached by Robert Lambert. Right foot on the sea and the left foot on the land looking toward Israel. Robert Lambert passed away in 1973. Dalton Bruce took over the church in 1979.
They type Robert Lambert as the "Christ Ministry", Voice of the Archangel, White Horse Rider, White Eagle Message, and Lion of Judah, the "Voice" to make the shout plain.
This is the fear: Anyone who hears the Voice and turns it down or leaves the church is LOST. After 30 days of leaving the church the blood is removed. It is better that the Lord takes you home during the 30 days.
The seven unknown thunders is a secret and will not be revealed to the public until they receive the token. Then the revival will start in Connecticut (New England) go around the world six to nine months to give the bride rapturing faith for the rapture, according to them. Noah waited 120 years. They will hold on to this promise as long as it takes. Because they will be able to give their loved ones salvation at that time if they accept their message. And if they don't accept it, they will drop down dead. They will be like little Jesus's on the earth again before the rapture. Tent and healing meetings around the world.
When Br. Branham preached a message, the tapes and books went around the world. When Robert Lambert preached a message it was kept in secret. We were told never to tell this revelation to anyone or we would be cursed. (Oh, that's why it's encrypted in their website...eh? *Ron)
This doctrine has torn families and friends apart over the years. Because once you leave the church it is total separation from them.

I want to say this about Robert Lambert: He was my first pastor and I loved him very much. I was 8 years old when he was murdered in 1973. We don't know if Robert Lambert (Br. Bob we called him) would have changed his doctrine if he was still living or that is why the Lord took him home. I don't know why.
From 1973 to 1979 before Dalton Bruce took over the church, the church was going back to more main stream like the other churches. It was when Dalton Bruce took over in 1979, we went back to the doctrine of Robert Lambert and some more of Bruce's own doctrine. He was a very poor man and seen a great empire. He took over the church slowly in Connecticut. Changing it little by little. Until it was too late.

My sister is in this group, I have not seen her or heard from her in four years. We live in the same town.
Keep preaching the truth. For the truth will set us free. Nice website!
'Glad to be free!
Your Sister Elizabeth Canzoni
From Connecticut USA



Br. Ron, My name is Gary Canzoni and this is my testimony. I left this church (Dalton Bruce’s) many years ago and it's doctrines.

I was introduced to the Message in 1979. A brothergave me a few books and tapes of Bro. William Branham. I started attending the church located at that time in Durham, Connecticut in 1985. After a few months I realize this was a very different church.

Theybelieve Bro. Branham was only the foundation for another prophet to come. This prophet they claim was Bro. Robert Lambert.

The Church moved to Middletown, Connecticut and they changed their name to Grace Covenant Church . They believe in two prophets and two covenants.The firstprophet is Bro. Branham; which they type his ministry as John the Baptist. (The Shout). The second prophet isBr. Robert Lambert; they type his ministry as the Christ Ministry (The Voice of the Archangel of Rev. 10:1).

The Church in Middletown Ct. believes thatno onecanbe born again or receive the Baptism of the Holy Ghost under the ministry of Br. Branham. The only ministry a person can be born again and receive the baptism of Holy Ghost is under the Voice Ministry (Robert Lambert). And you will have to find this secret place in the East.

They are still waiting in the East for the Token. The only revelation left is how to receive the Capstone, the Token. All of Robert Lambert’s preaching was all about was written in the Capstone. They believe that Robert Lambert was the prophet to catch the secrets that are lying outside of the Bible, on the backside of the Book, not written in the Bible (REVELATION 22:18, 19).

I thought I was so special to find this secret place in the East. But, as time went by, I seen the Control of the leaders had over the people. The leaders tried to put fear on me. They said if I left the church terrible things were going to happen to me. I left the church after two years in 1987.