School Supplies:

Please send the following supplies to school. Please label all items that need to be labeled with your child’s name. Check with your child during the year to make sure they still have the supplies they need. We will put their extra supplies in a file marked with their name so that they may stock up as needed.

Seventh Grade

  1. Clear or mesh backpack
  2. Colored Pencils
  3. 2 boxes of facial tissue
  4. 2 bottles hand sanitizer
  5. Ruler
  6. Yellow highllighter
  7. Pens – black or blue only
  8. Steno Pad
  9. Pencils - #2
  10. Protractor – Academic brand
  11. KJV Bible
  12. Headphones with ¼ inch adaptor & extension cord
  13. 10 Spiral notebooks for individual subject
  14. $5.00 Math and research fee


Education is a partnership between home and school. We value parent involvement at every level and encourage you to partner with us. In order for this partnership to be effective, we need to be able to communicate

Please feel free to call, write a note, or e-mail us if you have concerns or questions about your child’s education. We are always available to schedule a conference to discuss any issue or concern you have regarding your child.

School Phone:

(318) 357-9473 Cell: 332-2856

Student use phone and aftercare line:






A Parent’s Guide to

7th and 8th grades

7681 Hwy One Bypass

Natchitoches, Louisiana 71457


Our Philosophy:

The primary objective and purpose of Oasis of Love Christian Academy is to train students in the knowledge of God and the Christian way of life and to give each one an excellent academic education. The teachers realize the solemn responsibility before God in molding the life and character of each student in order to give a good foundation for their future. The administration and faculty demonstrate a loving concern for each child under their care and endeavor to live a good example before them.
Oasis of Love Christian Academy does not discriminate due to race.

Behavior Expectations:

We have high expectations for students in our rooms. We expect the students to achieve academically to their fullest potential. We expect students to contribute in a positive manner to our classroom. The following is a list of rules for all classes.

  1. Do not speak without permission
  2. Do not get out of your seat without permission
  3. Always face the front of the room
  4. Be Kind

Steno pads:

Steno pads are used for teacher-parent-teacher communication. Students are responsible for writing all homework, report and test or quiz schedules in their steno pad. It is your responsibility to check it every night. Some teachers may require it to be signed.


Your child will have homework most days. It will reflect the skills that we are covering.

There will be a grade given on the report card for homework it is listed as a citizenship grade. Detention will be assigned if the grade falls below a 75%.

Notes home and facebook:

We want to make sure you are informed of upcoming events. Please check all notes and,if possible, go to our facebook page and “like” it and you will get our updates in your news feed.

Lunch orders

Lunch forms are sent home at the beginning of the week for a week in advance. Please fill out the form, enclose payment and return the next day.

About Us:

We are trained in the use of the A Beka Curriculum. It is expected every day that teachers stay on the course requirements. Some students have all or some of their lessons on video. If so, the teacher in the classroom will work to help students in review and classroom work.

Things You Can Do At Home To Help Your Child At School:

Make sure your child does all his/her reading assignments as well as written work.

Ask your child about school and take an interest in what they are learning.

Make sure they get enough sleep.

Set limits on the amount of television they watch, video games or other similar activities.

Make sure they have enough to eat. (We have a breakfast and lunch program available.)

Our students are encouraged to attend church on a regular basis. Family participation in church is an asset to the students’ adjustment to the Christian school environment.

School begins on August 13, 2018
orientation & open house:

August 9 – 7 PM

Parents are required to attend orientation.