14820 Conway Rd., Chesterfield, MO

Stated Meeting of the Session

September 20, 2016

Moderator: Don Everts Place: Board Room

Clerk of Session: Bob Buchanan Time: 7:00 p.m.

Ruling Elders Present: Randy Baker, Mary Bruning, Bob Buchanan, Steve Ecker, Lisa Hartshorn, Cris Heffernan, Helen Hume, Jim Kilby, Brandon Mann, Scott Martin, and Mary Morgan

Ruling Elders Not Present: John Hall

Teaching Elders Present: Rev. Don Everts, Rev. Chris Macky, Rev. Tom Hobson

Staff Present: John Green

Visitors Present: Terry Grogan

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. and a quorum was declared. The moderator led with a devotional continuing our journey with Moses based on Exodus 16:31ff. He then prayed.


Buildings and Grounds:

Terry Grogan made a presentation on the possibility of placing a large cross on the highway 40 side of the building. After a period of discussion it was concluded that while such a plan might be worthy of consideration, it was premature due to other pressing projects.

John Green explained the failure of a portion of the incoming electrical power to the complex. Urgent repairs and a system upgrade to avoid such failures in the future will cost $38,000. Jim Kilby moved, and Helen Hume seconded that:

Buildings and Grounds be permitted to exceed their budget by $38,000 to repair the electrical system..

After a brief discussion the motion was passed unanimously.

Transition update: Chris Macky reported that the response to the all-church questionnaire was excellent. The survey will be the foundation of our assessment being conducted with the help of Dana Allin. He and Nate Dreesman will be here the second week in October to conduct numerous interviews of officers, staff, and covenant partners-at-large. We expect an initial report in November and their final report, including recommendations, in January.


The minutes of the September 18th Called Session meeting, to accept new covenant partners was approved with minor revisions on motion by Chris Heffernan with a second by Mary Bruning. The minutes of the August 16th Stated Session meeting was approved as submitted, motion by Helen Hume and seconded by Steve Ecker.


Letters from two members were discussed.

There was no other correspondence.



The following Worship report was presented for the period August 16, 2016 through September 20, 2016:

Communion was served to:,

229 people in scheduled Traditional services

237 people at scheduled Contemporary services

12 members and residents at Delmar Gardens


Randy Baker presented the August financial report and summarized it saying that we are slightly behind due to timing, but expect to finish the year on budget. The finance summary for August is attached.


Brandon Mann reported that review of the impact of changes in Federal overtime laws continues.


The motion regarding hosting the global Leadership Summit in 2017, which was tabled at the August 16th meeting remained on the table.

Subsequently, via eVote, it was taken from the table and passed.


A. Chris Heffernan moved, and Scott Martin seconded:

A motion to solicit money at our Bicentennial Celebration on October 2, 2016, for a church planting fund.

The motion passed unanimously.

B. Don Everts informed the Session members that MOBAP allows no food or beverages in their auditorium, hence we will not serve communion during the bicentennial celebratory service. Other scheduling issues make it impractical to serve communion at another time during October. He therefore moved and Helen Hume seconded:

There will be no communion served during the month of October.

The motion passed unanimously.


The meeting was adjourned, on motion, at 9:20 p.m. and was closed with prayer, peace and harmony prevailing.

Approved by Session: ______

Bob Buchanan, Clerk of Session

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