1400 Moss Street

New Orleans, La. 70119

Phone: (504) 482-1193

Fax: (504) 483-8671


December 14, 2015

Dear Coaches:

The Cabrini High School Speech Team invites you to attend our Green and Gold Quest Speech Tournament on Saturday, January 15-16, 2016.

We are pleased to offer the following Individual Events: Declamation, Original Oratory, Extemp, Impromptu, Oral Interpretation, Dramatic, and Humorous. We will also offer Duo Reading (Binders) and Duet Acting as well as Public Forum and Lincoln Douglas Debate.

The deadline for entries is Monday, January 11, 2016, at 3:30 p.m. The last day to add or drop entries will be Wednesday, January 15, 2016.

Preliminary rounds of debate and all events on Saturday will be held on Cabrini's campus. Registration on Friday and Saturday will take place in Cabrini High School’s Library located on the second floor of our Moss Street building. Competitors may report to the student lounge which will be located in the cafeteria on the first floor. Coaches and judges are welcome to visit our judges’ lounge also located in the cafeteria on the first floor.

We look forward to seeing you at Cabrini’s 2016 Green and Gold Quest! Thank you in advance for supporting our team and our great city!


Michelle Fortier

Cabrini High Speech Coach


The deadline for entries is Monday, January 11, 2016 at 3:30 p.m.

The deadline for drops without penalty is Wednesday, January, 13, 2016.


You can also mail, fax, or email entries using the following information (email is preferred):

Cabrini High School

Speech Team

1400 Moss Street

New Orleans, La. 70119

Phone: (504) 482-1193

Fax: (504) 483-8671


If you are faxing an entry, please include a phone number or email address if you would like verification that we have received your entry. If you ask for notification and receive none by Thursday, January 14, 2016, please call the school to verify entry submission.


Entry fees are $6.00 for each individual event and $12.00 for each team event. Drops made after the deadline will be $12.00 for each individual event and $24.00 for each team event. Please make checks payable to Cabrini High School.


We will offer the following events:

Declamation Dramatic Interpretation

Original Oratory Humorous Interpretation

Extemporaneous Duet Acting

Impromptu Duo Reading (with binders)

Oral Interpretation Lincoln Douglas Debate

Public Forum

All events will be conducted in compliance with the Louisiana High School Speech League guidelines. Students may enter up to three individual events and may cross enter in Duo and Duet. Students may enter one debate category.


Debate: One judge for every three entries or fraction thereof.

IE’s: One judge for every five entries or fraction thereof.

Duo and Duet: One judge for every three entries of fraction thereof.

Please make sure that you have the correct amount of judges. Names of judges must accompany your entry. If a school cannot provide the required number of judges, the entry must be adjusted. A coach must be present for each school entered.


The following awards will be given:

1st, 2nd, and 3rd in all Individual Events

1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th in Duo and Duet

1st, 2nd, and 3rd in Sweepstakes


The following points are issued for placement in finals:


DUO/DUET 50 35 20 10

I.E. 35 25 15 5

LD 35 25 15

PF 50 35 20


  1. No student is allowed in a room without a judge present.
  2. Cabrini High School computers are NOT for public use. Please do not touch any of the computer equipment in any of our classrooms.
  3. Damage to Cabrini High School property will disqualify the student/school from the tournament, and the student/school will be required to pay for all damages.
  4. Smoking is prohibited on Cabrini High School’s campus. If anyone is caught smoking or engaging in any illegal activity, he or she will be disqualified from the tournament and authorities will be called.
  5. The first time a student goes over the thirty second grace period, he or she may be ranked no higher than 2nd place. If a student goes over the grace period a second time, the student will be ranked no higher than 4th place.

Cabrini High School

Green and Gold Quest


January 15-16, 2016

FRIDAY, January 15, 2016

3:30 Registration

4:00-5:15 Debate Round I

5:15-6:30 Debate Round II

6:30-7:45 Debate Round III

7:45-9:00 Debate Round IV

SATURDAY, January 16, 2016

7:00-7:30 Registration, 2nd Floor Library

7:30 Round I Extemp Draw

8:00-9:15 Flight A Round I – EX, DEC, IMP, OO, and DUO

9:15-10:30 Flight B Round I – HI, DI, OI, and DUET

Debate Quarter Finals

10:30 Round II Extemp Draw

11:00-12:15 Flight A Round II – EX, DEC, IMP, OO, and DUO

12:15-1:30 Flight B Round II – HI, DI, OI, and DUET

Debate Semi Finals

1:30 Semis Extemp Draw

2:00-3:15 Flight A Semis (Round III) – EX, DEC, IMP, OO, and DUO

3:15-4:30 Flight B Semis (Round III) – HI, DI, OI, and DUET

Debate Finals

4:30 Finals Extemp Draw

5:00-6:15 Finals – All Events

6:30 Awards

* Times may be moved up if tournament runs ahead of schedule. The offer of a Round III is subject to change given numbers of contestants in events and is at the discretion of the tournament directors.



1400 Moss Street

New Orleans, La. 70119

Phone: (504) 482-1193

Fax: (504) 483-8671


SCHOOL: ______


Declamation ______X $6.00 = $______

Dramatic Performance ______X $6.00 = $______

Extemporaneous ______X $6.00 = $______

Humorous Performance ______X $6.00 = $______

Impromptu Speaking ______X $6.00 = $______

Oral Interpretation ______X $6.00 = $______

Original Oratory ______X $6.00 = $______

ALD ______X $6.00 = $______

NLD ______X $6.00 = $______

Public Forum ______X $12.00 = $______

Duet Acting ______X $12.00 = $______

Duo Reading ______X $12.00 = $______

TOTAL OWED: ______