God’s Word is True

Scripture Passage: 1 Samuel 3:6-9; Psalm 119:160; John 17:17

Lesson Objective and Application ......

Children will learn that the Bible is God’s Word and that it is all true. They will begin to understand that just as God spoke to Samuel in the night, He speaks to them today through His Word. Children will also begin to understand that reading God’s Word and doing their Quiet Time will help them know what God wants them to do.

At the conclusion of this lesson, the children will name a time of day when they will try to read their Bible and do their Quiet Time. They will pray and ask God to help them do this.

Supply List ......

Bible Lesson ......


Look, I have a letter. Show envelope. I am going to open the envelope and read the message inside. Read letter. Dear (insert teacher’s name), I love you. Love, Grandma. Have any of you boys and girls ever received a letter or card like that? Allow time for response. Isn’t it fun to get a special message from people who love you? The Bible tells us about a boy who received a message from someone very special. Can you guess who the special message was from? Allow time for response. It was a message from God! This boy’s name was Samuel. We can read about Samuel’s story in the Bible, God’s Word. I am going to open my Bible to 1 Samuel, chapter 3. Let’s ask God to help us understand what we read in His Word before we begin. Thank God for giving us the Bible. Ask Him to help the children be good listeners.


The Bible tells us that Samuel lived in the temple with Eli the priest. A temple is like a church. He helped Eli do different jobs around the temple. What kinds of jobs do you think Samuel helped Eli do? Allow time for response. Whenever Eli asked for help, Samuel would do what he was told to do. He was a very good helper. Show Visual #1. One night while Samuel was sleeping he heard someone call his name. Call out Samuel’s name. Samuel thought it must be Eli calling him for help. So Samuel quickly ran to where Eli was sleeping. Show Visual #2. Listen as I read from the Bible to see what happened next. Read 1 Samuel 3:5.

So it wasn’t Eli calling Samuel’s name. Eli told Samuel he should go back to bed. So Samuel went back to bed. Show Visual #1. It wasn’t long before Samuel heard his name called again. Call out Samuel’s name. Again, Samuel thought it was Eli calling him for help. So Samuel quickly ran to where Eli was sleeping. Show Visual #2. Read 1 Samuel 3:6b—Don’t read yet that it was God calling Samuel.

But again it wasn’t Eli calling Samuel’s name. Eli told Samuel to go back and lie down. Show Visual #1. So Samuel went back to bed again. It wasn’t long before Samuel heard someone calling his name again! Call out Samuel’s name. Boys and girls, who do you think was calling Samuel? Allow time for response. Well, Samuel thought it was Eli calling out to him again. Show Visual #2. So Samuel got up and ran to where Eli was sleeping. This time Eli finally understood who was calling to Samuel. Listen as I read from my Bible to find out who was calling Samuel. Read 1 Samuel 3:8b-9. It was God who was calling Samuel’s name! Eli told Samuel to go back to his bed. Eli told Samuel that if he heard someone calling out to him, he should say, “Speak Lord, I am listening.” And that is what Samuel did. God did call out just as He had done the other times. He said, “Samuel! Samuel!” This time Samuel knew what to do. He answered, “Speak Lord. I am listening.” Show Visual #3. God had a special message for Samuel. God had many things He wanted to tell Samuel. Samuel listened carefully to all that God said.


Wow! Samuel’s message was from God. Did you know God has a message for you, too? Now, He probably won’t call your name out in the middle of the night like He did Samuel’s. He has chosen a different way to share His message with you. How do you think God shares His message with boys and girls today? How do you know what God wants you to do? Allow time for response. God has given us His message in the Bible. Hold up Bible. The Bible is God’s Word.

Remember the letter I had from my Grandma? Hold up letter and envelope. What if I had not opened the envelope? Would I have known what message Grandma had sent me? No, I had to open the envelope and read the letter to find out what Grandma said to me. The same thing is true with our Bibles. Show Visual #4. If you want to hear the message God has sent to you, you must open your Bibles and read His message. Remember, boys and girls, everything you read in the Bible, God’s Word, is true. Samuel knew God’s Word is true and that’s why he wanted to listen to all God said. God wants to tell you things each day. Reading God’s Word, the Bible, and doing your Quiet Time each day will help you know what God wants you to do. When is a good time for you and a grown-up to do your Quiet Time together? For some families, first thing in the morning is a good time to read the Bible and pray. For others, bedtime is when they like to do their Quiet Time. This week choose a time to do your Quiet Time so you can be like Samuel and learn what God wants you to do.

Prayer Time Suggestion ......

Thank God for giving us His message in the Bible. Thank God that His Word is all true.

Review Questions ......

Have children put the palms of their hands together in front of them. Tell the children this is their pretend Bible. Tell the children you will ask them questions about the Bible story. When they know the answer to the question, they should open up their pretend “Bibles.” Show children how to put theirhands together and then open them so the palms of their hands are facing upward, like an open Bible. Practice doing this with the children one or two times.

Snack Time ......

JSamuel Cookies

Purchase gingerbread or sugar cookies at a grocery store or a bakery and serve with milk. You may choose to have the children decorate the cookies with purchased tube frosting or icing.

¿Samuel’s Midnight Snack

Use a cookie cutter to cut shapes from sliced bread and top with cheese or other toppings. Add the toppings yourself or allow the children to do so by themselves.

Discipleship Time ......

Use Activity Sheet (The Bible is God’s Word — Lesson 1)

Questions for Further Discussion:

1.  Does God want to talk to you like He talked to Samuel? (Yes)

2.  What will help you know what God wants you to do? (Reading God’s Word, the Bible, and doing my Quiet Time each day.)

3.  Why should you listen to God’s Word? (Because it is true.)

4.  Name a time of day when you will try to read your Bible and do your Quiet Time. (Answers will vary.)

Prayer Time

Thank God that we can learn how He wants us to live by reading the Bible.

Suggested sentence prayer

Dear God, please help me to set a time each day to read Your Word and do my Quiet Time.

Scripture Memory Time ......

Verse: Luke 11:28b

Activity — Rise and Shine

Arrange the children on the floor. Have them pretend to sleep like Samuel was asleep in the Bible lesson. Tell the children that when you call their name and say, “Rise and shine,” they should stand up and say the memory verse with you. After they say the verse, they should go back to sleep. Continue to awaken groups of children until each child has had a turn. Repeat as time allows.

Game Time ......

JListening Game

Have the children close their eyes. Tell them when they hear you read something from God’s Word, the Bible, they should stand up. When they hear a different noise they should put their hands over their ears. While their eyes are still closed, have them try and guess what the noise is. Alternate between reading one of the Bible verses and making a noise with the objects in the basket. Make sure to hold the Bible up so that when the children open up their eyes they can see that you were reading from it.

¿Sleeping Samuel

Have the children sit in a circle on the floor. Choose one child to be “Samuel.” Have them lie down with the pillow and blanket in the middle of the circle. Tell them to close their eyes and pretend to be asleep. Choose another child sitting in the circle and have them call out, “Samuel, Samuel.” Then have “Samuel” wake up and go stand by the person who they think called out their name. The player who called out “Samuel’s” name gets to be the next “Samuel.” Continue playing until all the children have had a chance to be “Samuel.”

The Bible is God’s Word – Lesson 1 15