Leeds University Union

Transport Booklet 2015-2016

Student Activities

Autumn 2015

0113 380 1413


Introduction.………………………………………..…………… 4

Conduct.………………………………………..……………….. 5

Transport.………………………………………..……………….. 6

How to book transport

Terms and Conditions


Amending hire

Cancelling transport



Additional paperwork

How to get a quote

Useful information

External companies

Motor Insurance.………………………………………..……….10





Authorised Drivers List.…………………………………………. 12

Registering as a driver


Lost Licence

Motor Insurance



Private Vehicle Use.……………………………………………. 15

Corporate Manslaughter

Registering a vehicle


Trip Safety Form.………………………………………..……….. 16


Wednesday BUCS

MiDAS.………………………………………..…………………… 17


Theory Test

Practical Test





Driven Vehicles.………………………………………..……….. 19

Company Coaches.…………………………………………… 19


Self Drive.…………………………………………………………. 22

Vehicle Options

Vehicle Checks

Vehicle Collection

Returning Vehicles


Driving Log




Enterprise.………………………………………………………… 25

Leeds Commercial.…………………………………………….. 28

Salford Van Hire.………………………………………………… 30

International Trips.………………………………………………. 32




Union Vehicle.…………………………………………… ……... 33

How to book the vehicle


Signing out/Returning


Useful Information

Accessible Vehicles.…………………………………………… 35

Public Transport.………………………………………………… 35

FAQs………………………………………..……………………... 36


Authorised Drivers Form……………………………………….. 39

Private Vehicle Use Form……………………………………… 41

Transport Booking Form……………………………………….. 42

Trip Safety Form…………………………………………………. 43

Motor Claim Form………………………………………………. 45

Motor Insurance Certificate………………………………….. 49

Hire Company Locations………………………………...... 50

All forms can be found online (www.luu.org.uk/admin/clubsandsocieties/resources/), via email request () or outside the Student Activities Reception.

*Information was correct at time of printing: Autumn 2015

The purpose of this booklet is to give you an introduction to the transport options provided by Student Activities. There are a lot of opportunities available to Clubs and Societies, as well as Departments, at Leeds University Union (LUU), both self-drive and driven vehicles.

Please read the document carefully. It will discuss processes, such as booking transport and registering as a driver, as well as the hire companies we have contracts with, including vehicle options and costs.

Hopefully this document will answer many questions that you have but if you require more information, please email or speak to the Student Activities Admin Team.


Whilst using hire companies, whether self drive or driven, we expect good behaviour by all on board, both drivers and passengers alike. You represent not only your group but also LUU and the University each time you go out in transport, whether this is for competition, social, group development or other activity. There are standards of behaviour you must uphold, as to not bring yourselves, LUU or the University into disrepute. You should consult your groups Code of Good Practice, Conduct of Good Conduct (for Sports groups) and the LUU Social Guidelines, which are present on your group’s webpage.

There is to be no smoking or drinking on board any vehicle hired, as it is illegal. The hire companies can face losing their licence and it can affect our motor insurance.

If at any point there is damage to a vehicle, whether internal or external, the cost of repair or cleaning will be charge to your group. Should you wish to charge the individuals in your group this fee that is at your own discretion.

Should we receive a complaint about conduct or behaviour whilst on board or driving hire vehicles, we will follow the LUU Disciplinary process, which may result in your group incurring a warning, fine or ban from vehicle hire.


The Union has agreements with three self drive hire companies and one driven hire company, that allow students as young as 18 years old to hire cars, as well as receiving discounted prices. You aren’t obliged to utilise these agreements, but there are many benefits to your group, as we also handle payment processes, as well as transport arrangements.

How to book transport

To book transport you need to complete LUU Transport Booking Form. This itemises what transport you require so we can make the necessary arrangements and also begin the financial processes. The form needs to be completed fully, one vehicle per form, so we can itemise this on your group’s account.

You need to ensure that when you book the transport there are sufficient funds in your groups account to cover the complete cost of your hire. This can be split over accounts, including your grant account, providing it meets the criteria for which you can spend the funds on.

Each booking is issued a ‘T’ reference code, which is itemised on your group’s account where the funds are transferred into a temporary holding account until the transport is used and the invoice received. This allows you to continue using your account as normal, reducing the risk of your account becoming overdrawn once the invoice is received.

Funds are reimbursed in full when an invoice is received and paid or if the transport should be cancelled.

We ask that all transport booking requests are submitted a minimum of three weeks in advance of your trip- the earlier the better. The hire companies we utilise hire to all of West Yorkshire, so we don’t know availability until we enquire, so the more notice you provide us with, the more likely it is we will be able to honour your booking.

Please be advised that we might not be able to book the transport you require, so we will assist with looking at other options, i.e. different sized vehicle, but you might have to consider and arrange alternative transportation if we are unable to meet your request.

Certain sections of the form won’t be relevant to your group or booking, but to explain them further:

·  Moving for teas: This is for Sports groups who hire a driven vehicle and have refreshments at a different location to their fixture. We ask for the address to inform the coach company.

·  Willing to share transport: For some groups they will share transport for Wednesday BUCS fixtures or for a weekend hire. Those wishing to share we ask them to highlight this on the Transport Booking Form and we can look at options to save funds and share resources

·  Additional Information: This is a section for additional information relating to your hire. This could be a delivery address for your vehicle to be taken to if you hire from Enterprise or a secondary location for pick up

The Transport form can be found on page 42.

Once your transport is booked, providing there aren’t any problems, you will receive an email confirming your vehicle hire details, including hire company, dates/times and vehicle(s), so please read this information carefully and if there are any problems, please notify the Student Activities Team as soon as possible. For driven vehicles you will receive your driver’s name and number the day before your hire.

Please refrain from contacting the hire companies directly as you will just be sent straight back to the Union to arrange the booking. We can check availability for you and make arrangements for the booking and finances.

Terms and Conditions

You must have sufficient funds in your groups account to cover the cost of the complete hire. The form must also be authorised by the President, Secretary or Treasurer of your group, in line with the requirements for Cash Office signatories, as funds will be leaving your groups account.

The top three committee members can nominate another committee member to book transport, i.e Transport Secretary or Team Captain, by notifying the Student Activities Team.

All hires must be for official Clubs and Societies usage as the Union’s insurance does not cover personal hires.


Planning is crucial so research your journey and where possible print off a map of your trip; don’t rely just on a sat nav or your mobile phone, as you might not have signal. Factor in the length of time you will be travelling, considering traffic, comfort breaks and loading/unloading; it is important to do this before you book so the correct information is submitted to the hire company.

Think about your members comfort, have you considered additional boot space for personal items or requested a coach with a toilet onboard for long journeys? There are lots of options available to your group, so look at what the hire companies can offer you from page 25 onwards.

Amending hire

If you wish to amend your transport hire, whether this is extending or reducing the length of your hire, or changing a vehicle size, please notify the Student Activities Team. If you want to hire additional vehicles you will need to complete another Transport Booking form. Please be advised that extension of hires or additional vehicles may not be possible; it will be dependent on availability from the hire company.

Cancelling transport

Should you wish cancel your transport, please let the Student Activities Team know as soon as possible. Certain hire companies have a cancellation fee if vehicles are cancelled at short notice. We recommend where possible to provide at least 48 hours should you wish to cancel transport. Cancellation fees vary from hire companies, but it is usually the full hire of your vehicle, so it is crucial to notify us as soon as possible.


Funds will be transferred from your groups account into a holding account before your transport is used. This allows your group to use your account without the worry of going overdrawn. Once the invoice comes in, usually 2 weeks after your hire, the funds will be credited to your account and then officially leave to pay the invoice.

Should transport be cancelled the funds will be refunded in full.


Check the weather forecast before you depart. Have you brought suitable equipment or notified your members? The weather can impact your hire and may result in you changing locations, times or cancelling, so keep up to date with the weather.

For BUCS fixtures the Sports Coordinator (BUCS) will update you if any fixtures are cancelled due to weather, or other variables, so ensure you have notified the Student Activities Admin Team if a vehicle needs cancelled.

Additional Paperwork

Please ensure you have completed a Risk Assessment for your activity and submitted this to your Development Coordinator, as well as a Trip Safety Form (found on page 43). We request the information of those attending the trip, where you’re heading, a brief itinerary and which committee members will be our point of contact for the trip.

This should be done three weeks before you go and any updated information submitted no later than the day before you depart.

How to get a quote

Should you wish to obtain a quote for your vehicle hire, either complete a Transport Booking Form and clearly state a quote is required or email the following information to :

·  Group Name

·  Dates/Time of hire

·  Vehicle(s)

·  Destination (if require a driven vehicle)

It is useful to organise your finances, so getting a quote for your will help with budgeting. You will find the different hire companies and costs starting on page 25. Additional costs might be incurred, including fuel costs for hire vehicles or driver costs due to length of day, so consider different variables.

If you need assistance, speak to the Student Activities Team.

Useful Information

Please be advised that for self-drive vehicle hires you are liable for any penalties incurred during the hire period, including but not limited to Bus Lane, Parking or Speeding Fines, as well as other costs such as Congestion or Toll charges.

Research your journey and consider, where possible, either avoiding these additional costs or researching payment options.

Factor in what you are transporting. Is your vehicle over weight? Make sure you don’t pack too much into your vehicle. There are Public Weighbridges in the UK; Kirkstall Road is the closest one. More information can be found here: www.gov.uk/find-weighbridge. If you have concerns, ask the hire company the limit of your vehicle.

More information can be found here on terminology: www.gov.uk/vehicle-weights-explained and weight limits here: www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/211948/simplified-guide-to-lorry-types-and-weights.pdf

External Companies

You aren’t beholden to use the hire companies that LUU have contracts with, but if you wish to use external companies you will have to hire on their insurance (the Union’s can’t be utilised) and have to coordinate the booking and finances for this hire.

Motor Insurance

We are fortunate that the Union has its own Motor insurance which allows students as young as 18 years old to hire 5 Seat Cars and Vans, and by sitting an additional test be able to drive MPVs and Minibuses (providing eligibility criteria is met).


The Union cover the cost of the motor insurance but the damage excess for all vehicle hires is £1000, which is a cost that must be covered by your group. We can only insure vehicles hired through the Union for the hire companies we have contracts with (self drive hire companies found on page 25-31) that are for registered LUU group trips. We are unable to insure personal hires.

A copy of the Motor Insurance certificate can be found on page 49.


Ensure the vehicle is always secure during the hire, keeping it locked at all times. Do not leave items in the vehicle on show. You will only be given one set of keys for the vehicle, so keep them secure and if driving is shared, ensure you know who is responsible for them at each time.


Each hire company has their own breakdown cover and the details can be found on the hire agreement. Listed below are the companies and relevant numbers.

·  Leeds Commercial: 0345 8450525

·  Salford Van Hire: Office Hours 0113 244 1531 + Outside of Office Hours 0161 835 1373

·  Enterprise Rent-A-Car: 0800 316 0977

Should you breakdown or a warning light comes on, please contact the relevant breakdown recovery and notify the hire company and LUU. In the event of a tyre replacement, please contact the recovery team to make these arrangements for you. Do not try and change the tyre yourself.

Majority of hire companies offer a tow back to Leeds and Enterprise, depending on availability and location, can tow you to another branch for a replacement vehicle. Your options will be clearly outlined by the hire company and breakdown service.

If you should break down whilst travelling, where possible, pull off/to the side of the road and if safe to do so evacuate passengers on to the verge. Hazard lights should be applied and the breakdown and hire company notified. Should your vehicle block a road or cause a hazard, notify the Police to help with the situation and safely move your vehicle. Where possible utilise the orange phone boxes on motorways (where available) as they can provide your exact location of your breakdown and are useful when mobile signal is a problem.