The Sound System at Wesley

Dear Friends, we need to address the gremlins in the sound system at Wesley and try and find a way forward that is sustainable. We have a Property Meeting on Monday 27th November where we will be looking at options. In the meantime, your feedback would be very useful. There will be a sheet available in the concourse at coffee after the service on Sunday and if you could record your difficulties in hearing that would be useful. Many blessings Rev Julia

Southend Foodbank

This week the foodbank have run out or are running very low on: Long life fruit juice and fruit squash, long life milk, long life or tinned sponge puddings, meat meals, and if you can give a little extra, toilet rolls please. Thank you.

Donations to Wesley

For weekly envelopes contact Heather Swain, . For bank standing orders contact Tina Gowers, . Thank you so much for all you are able to give

Wesley Methodist Church Elm Road, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, SS9 1SJ
Facebook: Leigh Wesley Methodist Church
Twitter: @leighwesleyMC
Minister: Rev. Julia Monaghan. Phone: 01702 483827
Children and Youth Worker: Jonathan Logan. Phone: 07852 905742

Older People’s Worker: Julie Peek. Phone: 01702 479804



Notices: Trudi Pipe at

Wesley Methodist Church
Elm Road, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex
Minister: Rev. Julia Monaghan
Notices for the week commencing Sunday 19th November 2017

We extend a very warm welcome to all who are worshipping with us today. Coffee and tea are served in the concourse after Sunday morning services – please do stay if you can.

Please use this notice sheet as a reminder as you pray for the life and work of this church.

A prayer before we worship:
God, my creator and my unseen Guide,
you have led me to this holy place.
Let a spark of its beauty and your love
settle in my heart and live with me when I leave.

Sun 19th
32nd in Ordinary Time / 9am
11am / Communion
Preacher: Pastor Steve Mayo
Porch: Annette Jarvis
Hymns: STF88 STF20 STF741 STF238
Readings: Matthew14: 22 -33
Flowers: Given by Annette Jarvis in loving
memory of her friend Margaret
Mon 20th / 10am
8pm / Coffee Morning
Wesley Art Group
Memory Church: Worship for those and
without dementia
Wesley Theatre Group
Tue 21st / 10am
12.30pm / Coffee Morning
Age Concern Community Club
Cricketer’s lunch
Wed 22nd / 9am
6 pm / Midweek Communion – Wesley
Coffee Morning
Parent and Toddler
Talking Poetry – TS Elliot
St John Ambulance
Thu 23rd / 10am
6pm / Coffee Morning
Fusion Kids and Youth
Fri 24th / 10am
5.30- 7.45pm / Coffee Morning
Table tennis 60+
Leigh lights and Christmas Tree Festival
Sat 25th / 10am
11.30am / Coffee Morning
Time for Healing
Sun 26thh
33rd in ordinary time / 9am
11am / Communion
Morning Worship
Preacher: Miss Eileen Simmons
Porch: Margaret Cotgrove

My Feral Heart

At last my son-in-laws film is coming out on DVD on 27th November. It is available to pre order on Amazon for £12.00. It has won 14 awards so if you did not see it at the cinema this is your opportunity to see it for yourself and if you did you can watch it again. Thank you June Childs

Doreen Wheeler

The funeral of Doreen Wheeler is to be held of Monday 4th December 2pm at Wesley followed by a service at the crematorium at 3pm. We give thanks for Doreen's life, she was recently living near her family in Oxfordshire.

Gordon Ladd

Gordon Ladd's funeral is to be held at the crematorium on Wednesday 29th November @ 12.20pm followed by a thanks giving service 1.30pm at Wesley. Janet and all the family look forward to seeing Wesley friends.

Ruby Lee

Like the buses helpful things come along together in twos. In this month's Clarion I put a notice about Ruby- lee's sponsored Wonder Wheels. However Steve Hockett has kindly agreed to do a sponsored run for the same purpose. Thanks Steve. You are invited to sponsor Steveto help Sarah Dawson to continue Ruby-lee'sphysiotherapy sessions, which are helping her progress. Sarah agreed that it would be better just to ask for sponsorship for one event. Sponsor forms are in the concourse - Eileen Simmons

Time for Healing

The next Time for Healing Prayer Group will be held on November 25th between 11.30am - 12.30pm. Meetings are typically attended by six to ten people with the majority often being from outside our usual church membership. The format usually includes prayers of thanksgiving and intercession, together with a short meditation on the theme of healing and occasional testimony. This is followed by the opportunity for private prayer with one or more of the group leaders. It is open to anyone, so please come and join us if you can, and give, receive, or just take much needed time out. Future meetings are planned for the following dates: Saturday 9th December , Saturday 20th January. We hope to see you there.

Affinity Meal and Auction

The meal and auction was greatly enjoyed by all those who attended on Thursday night and it was a wonderful fund raiser for the church.A BIG thank you to Rupert and Anna for theircommitmentandorganisation."

Advent Reflections for the Leigh Section with Reverend Julia

2pm Tuesday 5th December 2017 @ Highlands Methodist Church.

We come once again to marvel on 'Emmanuel,' God is with us.