Hamilton House Mabledon Place London WC1H 9BD
Telephone 020 7388 6191 Fax 020 7387 8458

General Secretary Christine Blower
Deputy General Secretary Kevin Courtney
March 2015

Dear Applicant


Part-time post – 4 days (28 hours) JD REF:WO03

Thank you for your interest in the above temporary maternity coverposition with the National Union of Teachers based at our NUT Cymru Office in Cardiff. The following documents are enclosed for your information:

Application Form

Job Description and Person Specification


NUT Information Sheet

Details for submission of application

Summary of Conditions of Service and salary

Information on the Union's Equal Opportunities Employment Policy Statement

If you wish to apply for this position, please note that the closing date for completed application forms is midday on Thursday 16 April 2015.

Please note that due to the high response rates we receive, we are only able to write to those applicants who are placed on the shortlist for interview. We also regret we are also unable to provide feedback to applicants who are not shortlisted for interview.

If you have any general enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the Personnel Section on 020 7380 4747, in the first instance.

Yours sincerely


PO Personnel

Business Services Department



Part-time post – 4 days per week (28 hours)





The Union employs over one hundred employees in eight regions and in Wales and these offices are serviced by central office departments located at NUT Headquarters, Hamilton House. The regional offices and the Wales Office have responsibility for supporting our local associations and divisions in their organising work and taking the Union's services into schools and providing advice, guidance and support to members both on an individual and collective basis.

The Wales Office is one of the Union's nine offices which fulfil the functions outlined above. It serves an area which is co-terminus with a national boundary, in which there are two national languages and for the education of which the National Assembly for Wales is responsible. Each one of these special circumstances adds an extra dimension to the work of the Wales Office. The national status of the office reflects the National Assembly’s responsibility for education in Wales. The work of the Union in Walesis increasingly bilingual in accordance with the presence of two national languages.

The Wales Secretary is assisted by a team of Wales Officers based in the Wales Office, who undertake member's casework including up to representation at tribunal, participating in negotiations with local employers, undertaking recruitment activities and campaigns, providing training for local Union representatives and promoting the Union locally. Additionally, each Regional Office in England and the NUT Cymru Office in Wales has a Solicitor providing legal assistance to members and to the Union generally in the region/Wales. This includes the representation of individual members in the Courts and Tribunals and involves technical work in legal processes. Further assistance on all aspects of professional services is offered at regional level.

Oversight and co-ordination of the Wales/regional structure and the dissemination of key policy areas, information, advice and support is provided by the Assistant General Secretary, Organising and Membership at Headquarters.

The Senior Solicitor is responsible for the Union’s litigation unit which handles personal injury-related claims and related claims, and has oversight of litigation and legal aspects of the Union's work. The Assistant General Secretary, Advice, Policy and Campaigns is responsible for policy development and casework support on matters relating to teachers’ working conditions, employment rights and health and safety. The Assistant General Secretary - Organising and Membership has overall responsibility for the development and implementation of policies and strategies relating to membership recruitment and retention and will advise Wales/Regional Secretaries on all aspects of membership recruitment and retention. Headquarters' Assistant Secretaries provide information, advice and support on policy areas for dissemination to members by the most appropriate means, for support to the Wales/regional structure and in response to requests from Wales/regional Secretaries in respect of individual matters and cases.

The Wales Secretary has overall responsibility for the work and efficiency of the Wales Office. The Principal Officer undertakes day-to-day administrative direction of the Wales Office and is assisted by two professional/administrative assistant grades. In addition, the clerical/administrative assistants are responsible for providing assistance of an organisational, administrative, secretarial and clerical nature relevant to their particular areas of work. The Wales Office also has a Policy Officer and an Organising, Communications, Campaigns and Political Officer.

Broad responsibilities are allocated to particular staff within the Wales Office but staff will be requested to undertake such other duties appropriate to their grade which may be allocated by the Wales Secretary and which are relevant to the work of the Wales Office.

Staff have responsibility for keeping under review procedures and systems relating to their area of work within their office, including the use of new technological developments where advantageous.

So that the work of the Union in Wales can be effective and responsive to the needs of members in Wales, the Wales Office needs to reflect in its staffing their special concerns.


1.To provide advice and support to caseworker colleagues on legal issues affecting teachers in Wales.

2.To undertake the representation, including advocacy, of individual membersof the Union in the internal disciplinary, grievance and other procedures where representation is required, in cases requiring specialist knowledge or expertise including the Education Workforce Council (EWC), tribunals and courts.

  1. To be responsible for the conduct of claims and litigation, in the name of NUT Solicitors, within Wales.

4. Subject to the direction of the Senior Solicitor and the Wales Secretary, to

analyse and advise upon education and other relevant legislation of the National Assembly for Wales.

5.To contribute to the training of staff and members of the Union on legal issues.




Essential Criteria

(a)The ability to undertake and manage a considerable case load with minimal supervision.

(b)Verbal and written skills to communicate legal issues clearly to non-legally qualified colleagues working as part of a small professional team.

(c)The ability to manage and motivate administrative and clerical staff in the regional office team across the range of the WalesSolicitor’s responsibilities.

(d)The ability to relate to people with different backgrounds and needs both inside and outside the Union.

(f)Understanding of and respect for the needs and characteristics of a democratic membership organisation.

(g)Demonstrable ability to undertake analysis of legislation and proposed legislation particularly affecting teachers in Wales and to give advice upon these issues.

(h)Demonstrable ability to prepare written material for inclusion in Union documents and publications on legal issues particularly affecting teachers in Wales.


Essential Criteria

a)Qualified solicitor with a minimum of two years' post-qualification experience.

Desirable Criteria



a)Experience in handling own caseload.

b)Experience of advocacy.

c)Experience in handling employment law cases.

Desirable Criteria

a)Experience in handling personal injury claims or other legal casework of relevance to teachers.


Essential Criteria

a)Understanding of and commitment to the NUT’s objectives to promote equality and oppose unfair treatment.

b)Commitment to or sympathy with the aims of the trade union movement.

c)A willingness to receive training appropriate to the role.


26 March 2002

DRAFT June 2011

Rev Aug 2011

Reviewed March 2015



Swydd rhan amser - 4 diwrnod yr wythnos (28 awr)





Cyfloga’r Undeb dros gant o gyflogai mewn wyth rhanbarth ac yng Nghymru a gweinyddir y swyddfeydd hyn gan adrannau swyddfa ganolog a leolwyd ym mhencadlys yr NUT yn Nhŷ Hamilton. Mae gan y swyddfeydd rhanbarthol a Swyddfa Cymru’r cyfrifoldeb dros gefnogi ein cymdeithasau lleol i drefnu gwaith a mynd â gwasanaethau’r Undeb i’r ysgolion a darparu cyngor, arweiniad a chefnogaeth i aelodau yn unigol ac yn dorfol.

Swyddfa Cymru yw un o’r naw o swyddfeydd sy’n cyflawni’r swyddogaethau a nodwyd uchod. Gweinydda ardal ddaearyddol sy’n cyfateb i’r terfynau cenedlaethol, ble ceir dwy iaith genedlaethol ac ar addysg sy’n gyfrifoldeb ar Gynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru. Mae’r amgylchiadau arbennig hyn yn ychwanegu dimensiwn i waith swyddfa Cymru. Mae statws cenedlaethol y swyddfa yn adlewyrchu cyfrifoldeb y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol dros addysg yng Nghymru. Mae gwaith yr Undeb yn gynyddol dwyieithog er mwyn adlewyrchu presenoldeb dwy iaith genedlaethol.

Cynorthwyir Ysgrifennydd Cymru gan dîm o Swyddogion Cymru a leolwyd yn Swyddfa Cymru, ac maent yn gweithio ar waith achos gan gynnwys cynrychiolaeth mewn tribiwnlys, yn cyfranogi mewn trafodaethau gyda chyflogwyr lleol, cymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau ac ymgyrchoedd recriwtio, darparu hyfforddiant ar gyfer cynrychiolwyr lleol yr Undeb a hyrwyddo’r Undeb yn lleol. Yn ychwanegol, mae gan bob Swyddfa Rhanbarthol yn Lloegr a Swyddfa NUT Cymru gyfreithiwr sy’n darparu cymorth cyfreithiol i aelodau unigol yn y llysoedd ac mewn tribiwnlysoedd ac mae’n cynnwys gwaith technegol mewn prosesau cyfreithiol. Cynigir cymorth pellach ar bob agwedd o wasanaethau proffesiynol ar lefel rhanbarthol.

Mae cyfrifoldeb arolygu a chyd-drefnu strwythur Cymru/rhanbarthol a rhaeadru meysydd polisi allweddol, gwybodaeth, cyngor a chefnogaeth gan yr Ysgrifennydd Cyffredinol Cynorthwyol, Trefnu ac Aelodaeth yn y pencadlys.

Mae’r Uwch Gyfreithiwr yn gyfrifol am uned ymgyfreitha’r Undeb sy’n ymdrin â cheisiadau’n ymwneud â niwed personol a cheisiadau sy’n gysylltiedig â hynny, mae ganddo drosolwg dros agweddau ymgyfreitha a chyfreithiol gwaith yr Undeb. Mae’r Ysgrifennydd Cyffredinol Cynorthwyol, Cyngor, Polisi ac Ymgyrchoedd yn gyfrifol am ddatblygu polisi a chefnogaeth gwaith achos ar faterion sy’n berthnasol i amodau gwaith athrawon, hawliau cyflogaeth ac iechyd a diogelwch. Yr Ysgrifennydd Cyffredinol Cynorthwyol - Trefnu ac Aelodaeth sydd â’r cyfrifoldeb cyffredinol dros ddatblygiad a gweithredu polisïau a strategaethau sy’n berthnasol i recriwtio a chadw aelodau ac fe fydd yn cynghori Ysgrifenyddion Cymru/rhanbarthol ar bob agwedd o recriwtio a chadw aelodau. Mae Ysgrifenyddion cynorthwyol y Pencadlys yn darparu gwybodaeth, cyngor a chefnogaeth ar feysydd polisi ar gyfer eu rhaeadru i aelodau yn y dull mwyaf addas, ac yn cefnogi strwythur Cymru/rhanbarthol ac yn ymateb i geisiadau gan Ysgrifenyddion Cymru/rhanbarthol mewn perthynas â materion ac achosion unigol.

Ysgrifennydd Cymru sydd â’r cyfrifoldeb cyffredinol am waith ac effeithiolrwydd Swyddfa Cymru. Y Prif Swyddog sy’n ymgymryd â gwaith gweinyddol dydd i ddydd Swyddfa Cymru gyda chymorth gan ddwy radd broffesiynol/gweinyddol cynorthwyol. Yn ychwanegol, mae’r cynorthwywyr clerigol/gweinyddol yn gyfrifol am ddarparu cymorth o natur drefniadol, gweinyddol, ysgrifenyddol a chlerigol i’w meysydd gwaith penodol. Mae gan Swyddfa Cymru hefyd Swyddog Polisi, a Swyddog Trefnu, Cyfathrebu, Ymgyrchoedd a Gwleidyddol.

Dyrennir cyfrifoldebau eang i staff penodol o fewn Swyddfa Cymru ond gofynnir i staff i ymgymryd â dyletswyddau eraill sy’n addas ar gyfer eu gradd a allai cael eu dyrannu gan Ysgrifennydd Cymru ac sy’n berthnasol i waith Swyddfa Cymru.

Mae gan staff gyfrifoldeb dros adolygu gweithdrefnau a systemau sy’n berthnasol i’w meysydd gwaith o fewn eu swyddfeydd, gan gynnwys y defnydd o ddatblygiadau technolegol ble’n fanteisiol.

Fel bod gwaith yr Undeb yng Nghymru yn effeithiol ac yn medru ymateb i anghenion aelodau yng Nghymru, mae angen i Swyddfa Cymru adlewyrchu eu pryderon arbennig yn ei staffio.


  1. I ddarparu cyngor a chefnogaeth i gydweithwyr gwaith achos ar faterion cyfreithiol sy’n effeithio ar athrawon yng Nghymru.
  1. I ymgymryd â chynrychiolaeth, gan gynnwys bod yn eiriolwr, aelodau unigol yr Undeb mewn gweithdrefnau disgyblaethol, cwyn a gweithdrefnau mewnol eraill pan fo angen cynrychiolaeth, mewn achosion sydd angen gwybodaeth neu arbenigedd penodol gan gynnwys y Cyngor Addysgu Cyffredinol Cymru, tribiwnlysoedd a’r llysoedd.
  1. I fod yn gyfrifol am arweiniad ceisiadau ac ymgyfreitha, yn enw cyfreithwyr yr NUT, o fewn Cymru.
  1. Yn ddibynnol ar gyfarwyddiadau’r Uwch Gyfreithiwr ac Ysgrifennydd Cymru, i ddadansoddi a chynghori ar ddeddfwriaeth addysg a deddfwriaeth berthnasol Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru.
  1. I gyfrannu wrth hyfforddi staff ac aelodau’r Undeb ar faterion cyfreithiol.




Meini Prawf Hanfodol

(a)Y gallu i ymgymryd â rheoli baich achosion sylweddol heb lawer o oruchwyliaeth .

(b)Sgiliau llafar ac ysgrifenedig er mwyn cyfathrebu materion cyfreithiol yn eglur i gydweithwyr heb gymwysterau cyfreithiol sy’n gweithio fel rhan o dîm bychan proffesiynol.

(c)Y gallu i reoli ac ysbrydoli staff gweinyddol a chlerigol yn y tîm swyddfa ranbarthol ar draws amrediad cyfrifoldebau Cyfreithiwr Cymru.

(d)Y gallu i ymdeimlo â phobl o gefndiroedd gwahanol ac anghenion o fewn a thu hwnt i’r Undeb.

(e)Dealltwriaeth o ac ymrwymiad i Ddatganiad Polisi Cyfleoedd Cyfartal yr Undeb.

(f)Dealltwriaeth o a pharch at anghenion a nodweddion mudiad aelodaeth ddemocrataidd.

(g)Arddangos y gallu i ymgymryd â dadansoddiad o ddeddfwriaeth a deddfwriaeth arfaethedig sy’n effeithio athrawon yng Nghymru yn benodol a rhoi cyngor ar y materion hyn.

(h)Arddangos y gallu i baratoi deunydd ysgrifenedig i’w cynnwys yn nogfennau a chyhoeddiadau’r Undeb a'r materion cyfreithiol sy’n effeithio ar athrawon yng Nghymru’n benodol.


Meini Prawf Hanfodol

a)Cyfreithiwr cymwys gyda lleiafswm o ddwy flynedd o brofiad ôl cymhwyster.

Meini Prawf Dymunol



d)Profiad o ymdrin â baich achosion ei hun.

e)Profiad o eiriolaeth.

f)Profiad o ymdrin ag achosion cyfraith cyflogaeth.

Meini Prawf Dymunol

b)Profiad o ymdrin â cheisiadau niwed personol a gwaith achos arall sy’n berthnasol i athrawon.


Meini Prawf Hanfodol

d)Dealltwriaeth ac ymrwymiad i Ddatganiad Polisi Cyflogaeth Cyfleoedd Cyfartal yr Undeb

e)Ymrwymiad i neu gydymdeimlad ag amcanion y mudiad undebau llafur.


26 Mawrth 2002

DRAFFT Mehefin 2011

Adol Awst 2011

Adol Mawrth 2015


Completing the Application Form:

The whole of your application form and any additional information will be photocopied for the short-listing panel. Your form should therefore be typed or clearly written in black ink. Whilst additional sheets or supplementary information may accompany your application form, please note that CVs alone will not be considered.

The short-listing/appointments panel will assess applications against the criteria set out in the person specification for the post you have applied for. When completing the application form please ensure that you address these areas in your application, particularly the essential criteria, giving examples to demonstrate how you meet the criteria.

If you have downloaded a copy of the form from our website, you can complete this as a Word document, and email it back by the closing date specified for the job you wish to apply for to . Please ensure you complete the accompanying form confirming whether or not you have any unspent criminal convictions or cautions.

If you have received an application form in the post, please complete the form in black ink or type, and post or scan/email it back to the NUT Personnel Section, Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9BD by the closing date for the job you wish to apply for.Please ensure you add the job title and JD number (the job reference number).

Please note that we will not process or keep on file completed application forms or CVs which do not relate to a specific job advertisement.

We regret we are unable to write to those not successful at the shortlisting stage due to the volume of applications we receive. We are also unable to provide feedback to those who are not shortlisted for interview.

References and Health Clearance:

All offers of employment with the National Union of Teachers are made subject to receipt of satisfactory employment references, health clearance and evidence of right to work in the UK (as required by legislation).

References: Although it is not our normal practice, please note that references maybe taken up prior to interview. If for any reason you do not wish us to contact a referee prior to interview or a job offer, please indicate this clearly on the appropriate section of the application form.

Health Clearance: If you are offered a post with the NUT, you will be asked to complete an on-line, pre-placement BUPA health questionnaire. An offer of employment will only be confirmed once BUPA Occupational Health has completed their assessment and we have received confirmation from them of health clearance in respect of the role offered to you. Please note that the Health Questionnaires are totally confidential to BUPA Wellness Occupational Health Department.

Evidence of Right to Work in the UK: (as required by relevant legislation):All applicants offered a position with the NUT, will be asked to provide appropriate documentation to show that they have the right to work in the UK before commencing employment. We will copy and hold such evidence on the employee’s personnel file during the period of employment.

All employees are also required to complete a declaration form regarding Criminal Convictions – details are contained within the Application Form.

Interview expenses:

Candidates invited for interview will be able to claim reasonable travel expenses on the following basis: 2nd class return travel expenses from the candidate's home to the place of interview (rail/bus/coach). Please note that other expenses are not normally met. If you believe that you will incur some other expense in attending the interview, you should identify this and seek approval from the Personnel Section in advance of the interview.

Note car travel incurred in attending interviews:Please note, applicants choosing to use their own car to attend an interview for personal convenience may only claim the cheaper method of travel between the rail fare that would have applied to the journey (2nd class/concessionary rates) and the Union’s car mileage allowance, notwithstanding the actual means of travel.

Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form

We hope very much that you will complete and return the Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form, which will be detached from your application on receipt in the office. We would wish to assure you that the form will be used purely for monitoring purposes.