FEBRUARY 12, 2006


Noting the presence of a quorum, Chair Beverly Daly called the February 12, 2007 Senate meeting to order at 2:40 p.m.


Chair Daly asked for a motion to approve the minutes for December 11, 2006 as submitted. Senator Michael ben-Avraham moved to approve the minutes as submitted. Senator William Taylor, Jr. seconded the motion. The motion passed and the minutes were approved by a unanimous vote.


Chair Daly noted that Mr. Owsley was not present. She noted he had a meeting conflict. He was attending a Council on Postsecondary Education (C.P.E.) meeting and was unsure whether he would be able to attend the Senate meeting today. She proceeded with the agenda.


Chair Daly noted that Mr. Ralston had not yet arrived and proceeded with the agenda.


Chair Daly reported on the following issues:

·  Cardinal Covenant Program – This program was approved at the recent Board of Trustees (BOT) meeting to provide additional scholarships for students who were at or below the poverty level so they can attend college at U of L. Incoming freshman who meet the entrance and admittance requirements will be allowed to take advantage of this new program. It is hoped that this program can help approximately 150 students at the cost of $250,000.

·  Executive Committee of the BOT Update – Chair Daly noted she had attended a recent meeting of BOT executive committee. During that meeting, a presentation from Greater Louisville Inc. was given regarding a call to brand the Louisville name. They want to answer the question, “What do people think of when they hear the name “Louisville”? A clear idea or process needs to be identified to market “Louisville” the city. It is felt that not even the Derby is the best way to market the city.

·  Research Education Initiative - Report from Carolyn Gatz from the Mayor’s Office – Graduation retention rates and other statistics were given.

·  University Strategic Planning Update – Bill Pierce gave a brief update regarding the beginning stages of this process. Chair Daly noted that Mr. Pierce would like to address the Staff Senate at the March meeting. Chair Daly asked by a show of hands for Senators to indicate whether they would or would not be interested in having Mr. Pierce attend the next Senate meeting.

A majority of members present indicated that they would like to have Mr. Pierce come to the March meeting and give an overview of the University Strategic Planning process. Chair Daly thanked Senators for their support and will advise Mr. Pierce that the Senate would like him to come to the March meeting. She noted that the University’s strategic plan will in one way or another touch all persons involved with the University.

·  University Wide Planning and Budget Meeting Update – Chair Daly noted that she attended a meeting of this committee last week and during that meeting a discussion regarding tuition rates commenced. She noted that tuition setting committee had reported at this meeting. Their recommendation was to set tuition no higher than 12%. The University-wide Planning and Budget committee did not want to go over 10% for undergraduate in-state tuition.

·  Staff Senate Executive and Finance and Economic Welfare Committee Budget Meeting – The Senate’s Executive and Finance and Economic Welfare Committees met with Susan Howarth, Director of Budgeting, VPFA office to discuss the current phase of the budget. Chair Daly noted that for the past two years the Staff Senate has been asked to provide input on tuition rate increases. Chair Daly noted that higher tuition rates could provide higher raises but at what cost.

Senator Debby Kalbfleisch noted that annual tuition increases have been the result of limited funding from the State for university needs. She stated that even thought the legislators were meeting in Frankfort this year, it was not a budget session so there was no way to get any additional operating budget funds. Noted was that the State has a surplus of funds, but Chair Daly said that U of L Administrators were hoping to get funding for four capital projects that did not get funding at last year’s session. Those items were the renovation of the Medical Dental Research (MDR) bldg.; HSC Research Center, Parking Garage at the HSC, and the Athletic Yum Facility on the Belknap campus. At this point none of the Kentucky University’s were wanting to reopen the budget.

Chair Daly stated that during the meeting with Susan Ingram, Ms. Ingram had remarked that the same dollar amount could be realized if the tuition rate increase stayed alittle less than 10%-12.5% by tweaking out of state tuition and for undergrad and graduate students.

Senator Melissa Long Shuter asked what was done last year regarding the tuition rate increase input. She was told that last year the Staff Senate opted not to comment on tuition rate increases because there was not information available when the Senate was asked for input. Chair Daly asked for a motion regarding tuition rate increases. No motion was made. Chair Daly stated that she would take the lack of action to mean that the Senate has no comment on tuition rates.

·  2007-2008 Salary Increase Recommendation - Chair Daly noted regarding salary increases, that the Senate has been asked to make a recommendation and that the recommendation had to be made today. She noted that being proposed is a 4% salary increase pool. She announced that the Senate’s Executive Committee made a recommendation to continue advocating that anything under 5% be across-the-board.

Chair Daly noted that in the fall 2006, during a dinner with Dr. Ramsey, she felt that he had a better understanding of where the Senate was coming from regarding performance evaluations and merit based increases.

Chair Daly noted that Faculty, per the Redbook, were obligated to receive pay increases based on merit only. But that there was nothing in writing like that for staff salary increases.

Senator Nancy Knadler said that any type of salary increase should include cost of living. Chair Daly noted that Susan Ingram stated that the cost of living would be around 2.5% in the coming year.

Senator Bill Taylor noted a concern that anything under 5% would be gobbled up with parking and insurance payment increases.

Senator Nora Allen noted that healthcare would continue to increase. She was told that there was no data available on Health insurance costs for 2008 yet.

Noting the arrival of John Ralston, Chair Daly asked him to comment on Health Insurance. Mr. Ralston noted that costs would go up and that was a promise. He said that Humana did not fair well with their negotiations for reimbursement from Norton’s and that because of that and the national trend, rates would surely increase.

He did note however that as a self-insured entity, U of L did fair better as there were not as many larger claims filed for the past year.

Senator Melissa Shuter made the following motion, “pay raises be tied to cost of living index across-the-board and that any additional monies be applied to merit based increases”. Senator Alice Radmacher seconded the motion. A show of hands was requested and the vote was recorded as follows: 34 for; 6 against, and no abstentions. The motion passed by a majority vote. Chair Daly noted that she would forward a copy of the note she sends to the President to the listserv.

·  Staff Senate Sponsored Program-S.H.A.R.E. – Chair Daly gave an overview of the SHARE program. She noted that the program has recorded a deficit in the amount of $7,000. Chair Daly noted that the program needed Staff Senate support so that the good it has done in the past can continue in the future. She said that the SHARE committee could not do it themselves so they would need the help of the full Senate.

Chair Daly stated that currently ~$337 is received each month due to payroll deductions. She also announced that as of January, no more help for staff members would be available until the program can get back in the black.

Chair Daly asked Senator Donna Bottorff, SHARE Chair, to address the Senate. Donna reiterated that the deficit was not because of misappropriation of funds, it was because more people were helped than what the program had available in their budget.

Donna noted that a brochure had been developed to market the program and ask for donations. She noted that a copy of the brochure was in the back of the room and encouraged Senators to donate to the program. If the Senate agrees to help the SHARE program generate funds, then two fundraisers have been tentatively planned in hopes that you would. Flyers announcing these events were distributed to Senators. Two SHARE ALITTLE SOUP DAYS have been planned. One will be held on the HSC, and one on the Belknap campus.

Senator Carol Davis asked if there had been any consideration to ask the Administration for matching funds. Chair Daly said that she would be willing to do this in the future once a few fundraisers were initiated and clear data could be obtained. She said she thought the Staff Senate should do what they can to get as far out of the hole that they could and then she would consider another path.

Senator Donna Bottorff noted that her department, while small, had generated a good sum for annual United Way campaign events.

Someone asked if past recipients could be solicited for help. It was agreed they could. Brent also noted that it would provide the program with a marketing tool for the program and an opportunity to market the payroll deduction process.

Vice Chair Fryrear noted that he would donate a crockpot of soup for both campus events and asked other Senators to join him. Senators were advised that a sign-up sheet had been generated in hopes of the Senate’s support. Flyers were also distributed for review of Senators and will be available during the events.

Senator Debby Kalbfleisch said she would check with Chartwells and see if they would be willing to donate to the program events.

Senators asked that a copy of the flyers and brochure be forwarded via the listserv. They were assured this would be done.

Chair Daly asked for a show of hands, if they would be willing to help out. A majority of Senators present raised their hands.

Senator Katrina Butcher made a motion to support the Staff Senate’s SHARE program and their efforts to increase funding. Senator Michael ben-Avraham seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote.


Chair Daly noted that Mr. Ralston was present and asked that he give his report. Mr. Ralston reported on the following issues:

·  Salary Market Pricing – First draft of report due this week. By the end of February, it will be presented to Larry Owsley, VPBA. He said that jobs are being matched per information on the surveys and that once that is completed then a gap analysis can be done regarding any salary discrepancies. As in the past survey, the highest priority will be given to those employees who are below the minimum market value and then will others will be identified sequentially after the below minimum employees.

·  Health Care Insurance RFP (Request for Proposal)

Mr. Ralston reported that the RFP for the 2008 Health Care Insurance was out and due back by the end of March. He said that the Benefits Administration office would review the applicants and make a recommendation to the U of L Administrators by the end of March. He said that this RFP was only to identify an administrator for the program and would not include rates at this time.

Senator Nancy Knadler asked how HR knows who to send the RFPs to. Mr. Ralston said that there is a list of vendors that work in the local area and that others from out of town can be considered.

·  Long Term Care Elective Insurance – Mr. Ralston noted that University employees would be able to elect to pay into long term care insurance. He stated that more information will be sent out in early March 2007 with the open enrollment being sometime during the end of March 2007, first part of April 2007. At this time the effective date for long term care insurance will be May 1, 2007.

Noting no further questions, Mr. Ralston ended his report.


Chair Daly noted that Dr. Staat was not in attendance today. She said that she would ask him to submit a report via e-mail.



C&N Chair, Libby Davis reported on the following committee business:

·  Call for Nomination Results– There were two responses received from the recent call for nominations advertising nine open Senate seats. It was determined that the call for nominations would be resent with hopes of generating more interest. Senate Parliamentarian was asked if the full Senate could approve the two applicants that were received and he said yes they could. Therefore, on behalf of the Senate a motion to accept applications from Jennifer Taylor – CEHD and Bethany Hobson – Medicine was made by Senator Libby Davis. Senator Michael ben-Avraham seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote. New Senator Jennifer Taylor was in attendance was introduced and welcomed by Senators present.