History Final Study Guide
2013-2014 School Year
Mr. Stone
7th Grade American History
This exam is worth a total of 200 points. The multiple choice, word bank, and short answer sections are worth 2 points per question for a total of 60 points and 30% of the total exam grade. The term identifications and short responses are worth 10 points a term for a total of 70 points and 35% of your total exam grade. The political cartoon analysis is worth 20 points and 10% of your exam grade. Finally, the essay is worth 50 points and composes 25% of your exam grade.
Although the exam covers the material covered in class since the midterm, drawing back on previously covered material only strengthens your arguments. You will not be penalized, however, for choosing to not reference material covered before the midterm.
Sections One through Three: Multiple Choice, Word Bank, and Short Answer
Missouri Compromise
Jay’s Treaty
John Marshall

Battle of the Thames
Marbury vs. Madison
Factory System
James Monroe
Seminole Indians
Cherokee Nation
Emily Dickinson
Daniel Webster
Andrew Jackson
San Jacinto
James Polk
Horace Mann
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Henry David Thoreau
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Stephen Douglas
John Breckinridge
John Bell
Abraham Lincoln
Brooks and Sumner
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Winfield Scott

First Bull Run
David Farragut
Total War
Part Two: Term Identification 2-3 sentences (Answer four; five options on test)
Henry Clay
Appomattox Court House
John Calhoun
First Battle of Bull Run
Louisiana Purchase
Popular Sovereignty

Section Two: Short Response 2-3 sentences (Answer 3; 4 options on test)
1. Why was the presidency of George Washington especially important?
2. How did America fulfill their manifest destiny to spread from ocean to ocean?
3. Why was Henry Clay the “Great Compromiser/”
4. How did the Emancipation Proclamation make slavery a moral issue in the war?
5. How was Gettysburg the turning point of the war?
6. How would you characterize Grant’s terms of surrender at Appomattox?
Part Three: Political Cartoon Analysis 4-6 sentences (Answer one; one on test). Use context, meaning, significance format.

This is the way the North receives it. / THE PRESIDENTS INAUGURAL.
And / This is the way the South receives it.

Illustration 1
"The President's Inaugural," New York Illustrated News, March 23, 1861.

The Election of 1860

Part Four: Essay (Be sure your essay is in chronological order). Answer one; one on test.
1. Explain the main reasons which led to the Civil War. Be sure to discuss thoroughly at least three of the following events: The Missouri Compromise, the Tariff of Abominations, the Compromise of 1850, the Fugitive Slave Law, Bleeding Kansas: John Brown and Charles Sumner, the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860.
2. How did the Civil War finally come to an end? Be sure to discuss thoroughly at least three of the following: the Anaconda Plan, Southern Defensive Warfare, Antietam and Gettysburg, Sherman’s March to the Sea, Grant’s chase of Lee in Virginia.