Three Rivers and WatfordSchool Sports Partnership

U12 and U14 Hockey Rules

Match Rules


  • 7 a-side (one goalkeeper and six outfield players). Squads may consist of up to 10 playerswith 7 on the pitch at a time. Substitutions can be made at any time and are made on the centre line.
  • The duration of each match will be announced on the evening of the competition, depending on the number of entries made.
  • It is strongly recommended that shin protectors and mouth guards are worn by all outfield players at all times.
  • The goalkeeper equipment must include full helmet with throat guard, body protector, hand protectors, leg protectors, feet protectors and abdominal guard or box.
  • The match will start with a hit or push taken from the centre of the centre line. Each team must be in their own half of the pitch and the opposing players must be a minimum of 5metres from the ball until the centre pass is played. The taker can take a self-pass.
  • A goal is scored when the ball has been struck by, or deflected off, an attacking player or touches the stick or body of a defending player whilst the ball is in the shooting circle.
  • When a ball goes over the side-line, it is taken by an opponent player. It can be used as a self-pass or use a flick, push or scoop to teammate. Opposition have to be 5metres away.
  • When the ball goes over the back line from attacking player, the game is restarted with a hit to the defence. The ball can be hit, pushed or scooped or self-pass.
  • When the ball goes off the back line from a defending player, the game is restarted with a corner to the attacking team. The ball can be hit, pushed or scooped or self-pass. Taken on the side-line 3 metres from the corner, no player is allowed within 5 metres until ball is played.
  • A free hit is awarded if a player uses the wrong side of the stick or the ball hits the foot of a player. Free hits are taken where the offence occurred. The ball can be hit, pushed or scooped or self-pass.
  • A penalty corner is awarded if a defending player accidently commits an offence inside the circle or deliberately in their own half.
  • A penalty corner is taken on the back line on a marker that is 10 metres from each goal post. Either side it can be taken. The ball can only be hit or pushed (no self-pass). The taker must have one foot off pitch. Other attacking players to be outside the circle. The seven defending players (6 outfield,1 GK) must stand behind the back line at least 5 metres from the ball.
  • On a penalty corner, before any shot is made, the ball must first pass outside the circle edge. No goal is awarded if the judge feels it is dangerous to other players.
  • A penalty stroke is awarded for a deliberate offence in the scoring circle that’s prevents scoring a goal. An intentional foul by a defending player.
  • Penalty strokes are taken on the penalty stroke spot which is 5 metres from the goal line into the pitch.
  • Apart from the defending goalkeeper and penalty stroke taker, all other player’s must be beyond the centre-line. The goalkeeper must remain on the goal line until the ball is played. The taker must be positioned behind the ball.
  • Teams will score 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw and 0 for a loss.