Stanton College Preparatory School

SAC Meeting Minutes September 20, 2017

Attendance: Members present as noted on the sign-in sheet for Stanton College Preparatory School (hereinafter referred as Stanton) School Advisory Council (SAC) and sign-in sheet for the community, stakeholders, including parents.

Call to Order: A meeting of the Stanton College Preparatory School Advisory Council was held in the Media Center at the school on September 20, 2017. Janet Allen, 2017-18 SAC Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. Mary Ann Cano, 2017-18 SAC Secretary, recorded the minutes for the meeting.

Welcome: Janet Allen welcomed SAC members to the meeting. Ms. Allen noted that quorum has not been reached, possibly due to the recent weather events (Hurricane Irma).

Minutes from Previous Meeting: Minutes for the August 16, 2017 meeting will be reviewed and voted on at our next SAC meeting, scheduled on Wednesday, October 18, 2017.

Report from PTSA: Report from PTSA was provided by Karen Fore (via email) and read to the group by Janet Allen:

  • October 9, 2017: School picture retakes
  • October 11, 2017: PSAT/Seniors meeting/Early dismissal
  • Everyone is encouraged to follow the following two Facebook pages, as they provide a wealth of information:
  • Stanton College Prep Parents
  • Stanton College Prep PTSA

SIF Report: Our SIF Representative, Purnima Ganju, was not able to attend today's SAC meeting. TheSIF Report is tabled for our next SAC meeting, scheduled on Wednesday, October 18, 2017.

Principal’s Report: Ms. Majova was unable to attend today's SAC meeting due to a scheduling conflict. In Ms. Majova's absence, Mr. Hemphill and Mr. Kerr provided the Principal's Report.

Post-Hurricane Irma

Mr. Kerr provided an update post-Hurricane Irma:

  • Following Hurricane Irma, Stanton sponsored a mini-campus clean-up event. Support for this event was greatly appreciated.
  • The middle canopy structure has been addressed and is now secure.
  • Six air conditioning units have been repaired as of today.
  • Several trees were damaged by the hurricane (broken and down limbs). The trees have since been cut/trimmed.
  • There were no broken windows.

Duval County Student Code of Conduct

Mr. Hemphill and Mr. Kerrpresented an overview of the Duval CountyStudent Code of Conduct. These guidelines outline the four infraction levels and provide a comprehensive discipline plan. SAC encourages its members to review the Duval County Student Code of Conduct in detail and spread the word to other parents and students.

  • Class Level I: Minor Offenses
  • The majority of Class I referrals are morning tardiness. Stanton offers five "free" tardies per quarter.
  • Class Level II: Intermediate Offenses
  • The majority of Class II referrals at Stanton include integrity referrals and safety considerations.
  • Class Level III: Major Infractions
  • Class III referrals include possession and consumption of alcohol as well as bullying/cyberbullying.
  • Class Level IV: Zero Tolerance
  • Class IV infractions are severe and not tolerated. A first occurrence of a Class IV infraction includes a referral to the hearing office, placement in another school and possible expulsion.
  • Class IV referrals include alcohol or drug possession with the intent to distribute.


  • Stanton experiences very few occurrences of Level III and IV offenses.
  • Each school's administration has limited discretion in discipline, known as restorative justice. Consequences can include campus clean-up, cafeteria duty and detention.
  • The Duval County Student Code of Conduct also applies to school transportation as well as school sponsored activities, such as football games and dances.

School Make-up Days and Free Meals

  • Due to Hurricane Irma, Duval County Schools were closed a total of six days. Recently, the state education commissioner granted a two-day hurricane reprieve for all Florida schools. School make-up days will be reviewed and approved by the Duval County School Board. An update will be provided at the next SAC meeting scheduled on Wednesday, October 18, 2017.
  • Duval County Schools announced that free lunches will be provided to all students from September 18th to October 20th. No registration or paperwork is required. Schools will also continue to offer free breakfast to all students throughout the school year.

Old Business:

  • Janet Allen met with a contractor to survey the raised pavers in the courtyard. Per the contractor, there is no long term solution to the pavers as the trees will continue to grow and raise the pavers.
  • As an alternative, we can consider repurposing the pavers to another area on an upcoming clean-up day. The contractor quoted $2k to re-grate the area next to the language arts building.
  • The courtyard could be transformed into a natural area, similar to how the courtyard looked pre-paved.
  • Timeline for this project is one week over the course of next summer. We will need a funding source for this initiative. Amy Fu will follow-up on funding.
  • Janet Allen will request that Stanton be put back on the listto be considered for next year’s Green Apple Day of Service.
  • Water fountain installations are still in process. Ms. Majova will follow-up with the county.

New Business:

  • Janet Allen reviewed the proposed 2017-18 SAC meeting calendar. The proposal is for SAC to meet on the third Wednesday of every month, with December being optional. Janet recommended cutting the December meeting as done in previous years. The March 2018 meeting date falls during Spring Break, so a decision needs to be made whether to meet on March 14th or 29th. Janet will follow-up with Ms. Majova and report back to SAC. Final 2017-18 meeting dates will be posted on Stanton’s website.
  • SAC is encouraged to review the SAC documents listed on the agenda (see below). The county requests for these documents to be reviewed every two years. We may refer to these documents in a future SAC meeting.
  • SAC Training and Handbook:
  • Stanton SAC page:
  • Bylaws:
  • School Improvement Plan (SIP): (Note: SAC has requested to obtain the previous SIP for reference)
  • There is no faculty report for today’s meeting.
  • National Honor Society (NHS) induction meeting dates have been pushed back. Dates are to be determined. NHS events are also communicated directly via the app, Remind. Mr. Kerr will follow-up with the NHS sponsor on dates.

Next Meeting:

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Meeting adjournment:

Chair Janet Allen adjourned the meeting at 4:30 pm.

Submitted by:

Mary Ann Cano, SAC Secretary

September 27, 2017