Plan For Success

Dawn Reeths-Knobbe, BFA Intro to Art 1-2 IB Prep

Visual Arts Department Course Code: 0530050

Room S-27 Credit: 1

Voice Mail: 602-764-6590 Prerequisites: IB Program

Course Description

This course is designed to give students an appreciation of and experience in the visual arts through photography. Students will explore various tools and techniques related to the photographic process.

Materials and Supplies

The required course fee pays for all necessary materials. The fee is $60.00 for the 2014-2015 school year. The due date for the fee is Friday, September 5, 2014. The fee provides a journal, photo supplies (film, paper and chemistry) and all consumable art supplies that the student will use in class over the course of the school year. Occasionally students will be required to bring common household items to class to supplement their projects.


“Absent” is defined as nonattendance in an assigned class or activity for more than one-half of the period. (PUHSD Governing Board Policy J-1561 JHR)

Due to the nature of this course, the majority of work is completed in class. Therefore daily attendance is directly related to student success.


“Tardy” is defined as not being in the assigned class or activity when the tardy bell has finished ringing. (PUHSD Governing Board Policy J-1561 JHR)

Classroom Tardy Procedure:

•  When a student is tardy, he/she must sign-in in the tardy book.

•  The student will silently go to his/her seat.

Grading Scale

100 – 90%: A: Superior

89 – 80%: B: Above Average

79 – 70%: C: Average

69 – 60%: D: Below Average

59 – 0% F: Failing

Coursework Grading Scale

60% Projects: Projects with Self-Assessment and Art Criticism Responses

40% Journals:

Semester Grading Scale

90% Coursework

10% Final Exam

Additional Grading Information

·  All student accommodations and modifications will be followed per students’ IEP and 504 Plans.

·  To stay up to date on students’ grades, you may access StudentVUE/ParentVUE at the following address:

·  My website may be accessed to obtain assignments missed due to absences or to reinforce students’ understanding of individual lessons at the following address:

Make-up Policy

Projects: All projects along with self-assessments will be evaluated for full credit only if they are complete and turned in on time or before the grace period that will be posted on the white board. After the posted grace period, projects may not be submitted for grading and the student will earn a 0% on that project.

Class Work: All class work will be evaluated for full credit only when turned in on time. Make-up work resulting from an excused absence will be accepted for full credit if the work is submitted within 5 days.

Title I Program:

Academic tutoring and test preparation is available to all students. Additional support for passing classes and graduating on time is the intent of these services. Support through Title I funding is available in the areas of: math, reading and English. If interested, please contact the Principal, Mr. Juan Aldo Nunez, or Assistant Principal for Instruction, Mr. Melville E. McKay, for additional information at 602–764-6511 and 602-764-6539 respectively.

Classroom Policies:

All district and school policies will be followed. The following additional policies are for the art classroom:

·  Students will follow instructions the first time they are given.

·  Students will correctly use only the equipment and materials they have permission to use.

·  Students will come to class prepared with the required supplies and will be ready to learn.

·  Students will not ask to use the restroom during instructional time. Restroom use is for emergencies only and at the teacher’s discretion.

Electronic Devices

Electronic devices, including but not limited to cell phones, IPods, and MP3 players are not allowed in the classroom. These devices along with headphones must be turned off and stored away prior to entering the classroom. The following school procedures will be followed:

1st offense – warning to put away

2nd offense – the device will be confiscated until the end of the school day, followed with a phone call home.

3rd offense – the device will be confiscated and turned over to security. A parent or guardian will be required to pick up the device from the Dean’s office.

Additional Information

·  Tutoring is available every day (except Wednesdays) during MAP period

·  All North High School students are expected to bring and use their student planner every day to record assignments, to be signed out for tutoring during MAP, and for using the hall pass. This includes days with a shortened class schedule.

Intro to Art 1 IB Prep – Photo

Student / Parent / Guardian Signature

The Plan for Success explains the emphasis and outcomes for the course, the grading policy, the attendance policy, the tardy policy, opportunities to receive additional help during MAP (tutoring), the daily-required materials, and the classroom policies.

The plan for success explains that the course fee of $60.00 is due on Friday, September 5, 2014. Payment is made to the bookstore. Students will receive two receipts, one for the teacher and one for their records.

I have read and understand the Plan for Success.

Student name (printed)______ID#______

Student signature ______Date ______

Parent/Guardian Acknowledgment: By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understood the Plan for Success. I will support my child in his/her pursuit of success and contact the teacher if I have any concerns or questions. I will assist/support the teacher in helping my student to behave appropriately and responsibly while in the Photo classroom and darkroom. I will also assure that the course fee of $60.00 is paid by Friday, September 5, 2014, unless I have made other arrangements with the teacher,

Primary language spoken by parent/guardian: ______

The best time to call you

at home ______home number ______

at work ______work number ______

E-mail address ______

Please help me get to know your child by sharing your thoughts to the following prompt: What is something you wish I already knew about your child as a student, as an artist, and as a person? ______


Parent/Guardian name (printed) ______Date ______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______

*Please detach and return this signature page to your teacher.