The New Prague Gymnastics Club (“NPGC”) believes that gymnastics is more than just a sport. It offers children the best environment for physical, as well as mental growth. At NPGC, a child will have fun discovering the exciting sport of gymnastics while learning important life skills, such as: self-motivation, goal setting, a positive work ethic, overcoming fears, and being a supportive teammate. Throughout this process, it is our goal to help develop every gymnast into a balanced and self-sufficient young adult.

As a gymnast participating in the NPGC Team (“Team”), I understand and accept the following responsibilities:

  1. I understand I am an Ambassador of the Team, both in and out of the gym.
  2. I understand that I am a teammate to all members of the Team.
  3. I will respect the rights and beliefs of others and will treat others with courtesy and consideration.
  4. I will be fully responsible for my own actions and the consequences of my actions.
  5. I will respect the property of others.
  6. I will respect and obey the rules of my school, gymnastics program, and community.
  7. I will show respect to those who are responsible for enforcing the rules of my school, gymnastics program, and community.

Accusations that a gymnast participated in inappropriate conduct during the season will be investigated by NPGC coach(es) and/or members of the NPGC Board. Determinations that a violation occurred are binding and sanctions will be enforced.

Gymnasts who participate in inappropriate conduct during the season may be required to sit out of practice, and/or meets, and may potentially be removed from the Team.

First violation will result in verbal and written warning and parental notification.

Second violation will result in suspension from the Team for one week. This includes participation in all practices and meets that occur during the seven days following the determination of a violation. If a gymnast misses practices and/or a meet as a result of violating the Code of Conduct, there will be no refunds fortuition, meet fees, etc. In addition, during the seven day suspension, the gymnast and the gymnast’s family must meet with the NPGC coaches and representatives of the NPGC Board to create a written action plan documenting the actions the gymnast will take to prevent further violations.

Third violation will result in removal from the Team without refunds for tuition, fees, etc.

By completing and signing down below, I understand that I must adhere to all of the NPGC rules and NPGC Code of Conduct.

Print Name (Gymnast):______

Gymnasts’ Signature: ______

Parent’s Signature: ______

Date: ______