Title III Plan Template for Year 4
2012San Leandro Unified School District
Educational Services: Division of Curriculum and Instruction
District/LEA Name___San Leandro Unified School District______Date ___December 16, 2011
District/LEA SMART Goal: English Learners will demonstrate continuous progress towards language proficiency in English, or remain at the English proficient level, increasing from 49.2% to 56% (the 2011-12 target identified in AMAO 1).
Description: By August, 2012, the percentage of English Learners who gain at least one proficiency level annually on the CELDT will increase from 49.2% to 56% in order to meet the state’s expectations for meeting AMAO 1. By August 2013, the percentage of English Learners who gain at least one proficiency level annually on the CELDT will increase from 56% to 57.5% in order to meet the state’s expectations for meeting AMAO 1.
Strategy 1:
Title: Full and consistent implementation of standards-based ELD instruction to all English Learners in ELD classes/during ELD time.
Description: ELD instruction based on the ELD standards will begin on the first day of school in every classroom. Developed pacing guides will provide a road map for instruction. Students in ELD will be organized into English proficiency level groups. Teachers will employ high leverage speaking, listening, reading and writing strategies that prepare students for the CELDT. Site administrators will monitor and evaluate the implementation of ELD for English Learners by visiting classrooms to observe ELD instruction and document implementation of a daily block of ELD for a minimum of 30 minutes. Data collected from classroom visits will be used to provide feedback to teachers and determine specific professional development needs.
ACTION STEP 2A1: / Start Date
mm/dd/yyyy / End Date
mm/dd/yyyy / Person Responsible / Target
Audience / Estimated Costs / Funding Sources
Title: K-5 ELD Pacing Guide / 02/02/2012 / 06/14/2012 / Elena Ball / Elementary Teachers / $12,000 / Title II
Description: Work collaboratively with teachers to develop and fully implement K-5 ELD standards driven pacing guides, connecting Avenues to the R/LA text, (HMR) that include formative/summative assessment schedules.
Funding ( Y N)a
Tag: (T3_Y4, T3_Y2)
TASK: / Start Date / End Date / Person Responsible / Status
Title: Outreach to Teachers / 12/9/11 / 01/27/12 / Elena Ball / £not begun
£in progress £completed
Description: Notify teachers of opportunity to serve on pacing guide task force, determine 6 meeting dates from Jan-June, 2012
Title: Pacing Guide Research
Description: Review Pacing Guides from other districts to determine model that works best for SLUSD / 12/1/11 / 01/27/12 / Elena Ball / £not begun
£in progress £completed
Title: Ongoing Collaborative Planning
Description: Review Pacing Guides from other districts to determine model that works best for SLUSD / 12/20/11 / 06/14/12 / Elena Ball;
Andrew Gordon / £not begun
£in progress £completed
ACTION STEP 2A2: / Start Date
mm/dd/yyyy / End Date
mm/dd/yyyy / Person Responsible / Target
Audience / Estimated Costs / Funding Sources
Title: Student Placement in ELD / 02/15/2012 / 03/15/2012 / Andrew
Gordon / K-12 Admin and Teachers / n/a / n/a
Description: Re-evaluate student placement levels in ELD when CELDT results arrive. Create reporting form to report student groupings in the Fall and in February (pre and post CELDT)
Funding ( Y N)a
Tag: (T3_Y4, T3_Y2)
TASK: / Start Date / End Date / Person Responsible / Status
Title: Revise Reporting Form and Complete PD
Description: Revise draft of CELDT reporting form and share with site principals. Principals will share with respective staffs / 01/31/2012 / 02/28/2012 / Andrew
Gordon / £not begun
£in progress £completed
Title: Principals Submit ELD Groups
Description: Principals submit ELD groups and schedules to Ed. Services / 10/01/2011 / 12/31/2011 / Andrew
Gordon / £not begun
£in progress £completed
ACTION STEP 2A3 / Start Date
mm/dd/yyyy / End Date
mm/dd/yyyy / Person Responsible / Target
Audience / Estimated Costs / Funding Sources
Title: ELD Learning Walks / 10/01/11 / Ongoing / Andrew
Gordon / Site Admin. / n/a / n/a
Description: In collaboration with teachers, develop a standardized protocol for an ELD Learning Walk in order to gauge the effectiveness of instruction. Provide feedback to staff and identify focus areas for training and support.
Funding ( Y N)a
Tag: (T3_Y4, T3_Y2)
TASK: / Start Date / End Date / Person Responsible / Status
Title: EL Learning Walk Protocol Training
Description: Share learning walk protocol with site administrators at principals’ meeting / 09/27/2011 / 09/27/2011 / Andrew
Gordon / £not begun
£in progress £completed
Title: Conduct Monthly EL Learning Walk
Description: Engage in classroom visits at elementary level during ELD time with site principals / 10/01/2011 / ongoing / Andrew Gordon;
Site Admin. / £not begun
£in progress £completed
ACTION STEP: 2A4 / Start Date
mm/dd/yyyy / End Date
mm/dd/yyyy / Person Responsible / Target
Audience / Estimated Costs / Funding Sources
Title: Linguistically Appropriate ELD Goals for Students with Disabilities / 10/31/2011 / 06/14/2012 / Elena Ball;
David Poeschl / Special Ed. Staff / n/a / n/a
Description: Establish a protocol for developing linguistically appropriate goals for English Learner students with disabilities
Funding ( Y N)a
Tag: (T3_Y4, T3_Y2)
TASK: / Start Date / End Date / Person Responsible / Status
Title: EL Goal Bank
Description: Establish bank of EL goals in SEIS system / 08/31/2011 / 09/30/2011 / Special Services / £not begun
£in progress £completed
Title: Collaborative Planning
Description: Ed. Services and Special Services meet to plan training for special ed. staff / 10/01/2011 / 06/14/2012 / Elena Ball;
Special Services / £not begun
£in progress £completed
Title: Monthly Meetings
Description: Monthly meetings held with special ed. staff. Ongoing training/guidance provided to staff on development of linguistically appropriate goals / 10/31/2011 / ongoing / Elena Ball
Special Services / £not begun
£in progress £completed
ACTION STEP: 2A5 / Start Date
mm/dd/yyyy / End Date
mm/dd/yyyy / Person Responsible / Target
Audience / Estimated Costs / Funding Sources
Title: Guidelines for ELD / 01/30/2012 / 04/01/12 / Andrew Gordon / District and Site Administrators / n/a / n/a
Description: District office staff, site principals and EL coaches will collaboratively develop research-based guidelines for what should be taught during ELD instruction and how ELD should be taught.
Funding ( Y N)a
Tag: (T3_Y4, T3_Y2)
TASK: / Start Date / End Date / Person Responsible / Status
Title: ELD Research
Description: Review research and compile checklist of guidelines for ELD instruction. / 10/31/2011 / 02/01/2012 / Elena Ball
Special Services / £not begun
£in progress £completed
Title: Professional Development for Principals
Description: Reflect on what good ELD looks like and collaboratively develop checklist of expectations and “look-fors” in ELD / 02/28/2012 / 06/14/2012 / Andrew Gordon;
Site Admin. / £not begun
£in progress £completed
ACTION STEP: 2A6 / Start Date
mm/dd/yyyy / End Date
mm/dd/yyyy / Person Responsible / Target
Audience / Estimated Costs / Funding Sources
Title: ELD Formative Assessments / 09/01/2012 / 12/22/2012 / Elena Ball;
Daniel Chaja;
Mercy Jesswani; / K-5 Teachers / $3,000 / Title III, LEP
Description: Using the Avenues text, we will work on developing formative assessments for ELD and teachers will collaboratively use the results to inform instruction.
Funding ( Y N)a
Tag: (T3_Y4, T3_Y2)
TASK: / Start Date / End Date / Person Responsible / Status
Title: ELD Research
Description: Review Formative Assessments from other districts and from Avenues text to determine exams that works best for SLUSD / 5/01/2012 / 06/14/2012 / Elena Ball
Mercy Jesswani / £not begun
£in progress £completed
Title: Ongoing Collaborative Planning
Description: Schedule and conduct planning meetings to discuss logistics of developing formative assessments / 02/01/12 / ongoing / Elena Ball;
Mercy Jesswani;
Andrew Gordon;
Mike Walbridge
Daniel Chaja / £not begun
£in progress £completed
Title: Develop Assessment Calendar
Description: Using pacing calendar as a guide, establish dates for formative assessments / 08/01/2012 / 10/01/2012 / Elena Ball;
Mercy Jesswani;
Andrew Gordon;
Mike Walbridge
Daniel Chaja / £not begun
£in progress £completed
Title: Formative Assessment Training
Description: Conduct training for teachers on administration of formative assessments and using results to inform instruction / 10/01/2012 / 12/01/2012 / Elena Ball;
Mercy Jesswani; / £not begun
£in progress £completed
District/LEA Name___San Leandro Unified School District______Date ___December 16, 2011
District/LEA SMART Goal: English Learners who have been in language instruction education programs less than 5 years will attain language proficiency in English, increasing from 18.9% to 20.1% (the 2011-12 target identified in AMAO 2). English Learners who have been in language instruction education programs 5 years or more will attain language proficiency in English, increasing from 35% to 45.1% (the 2011-12 target identified in AMAO 2).
Description: By August, 2012, the percentage of English Learners (less than 5 years) who attain English proficiency as measured by the CELDT will increase from 18.9% to 20.1% in order to meet the state’s expectations for meeting AMAO 2. By August 2013, the percentage of English Learners (less than 5 years) who attain English proficiency as measured by the CELDT will increase from 20.1% to 21.4% in order to meet the state’s expectations for meeting AMAO 2.
By August 2012, the percentage of English Learners (5 years or more) who attain English proficiency as measured by the CELDT will increase from 35% to 45.1% in order to meet the state’s expectations for meeting AMAO 2. By August 2013, the percentage of English Learners (5 years or more) who attain English proficiency as measured by the CELDT will increase from 45.1% to 47.0% in order to meet the state’s expectations for meeting AMAO 2.
Strategy 1:
Title: Provide intervention to students at intermediate level to support the English Learner’s ability to become English Proficient on CELDT.
Description: Review of CELDT data will enable SLUSD to generate lists of EL students scoring Intermediate on CELDT. Site administrators will work with teachers to develop strategies and intervention opportunities to accelerate student learning and attain English proficiency. Principals will continue to monitor and evaluate the implementation of ELD for English Learners by visiting classrooms to observe ELD instruction and document implementation of a daily block of ELD for a minimum of 30 minutes.
ACTION STEP: 2B1 / Start Date
mm/dd/yyyy / End Date
mm/dd/yyyy / Person Responsible / Target
Audience / Estimated Costs / Funding Sources
Title: Intervention Support / 09/01/2011 / 06/14/2012 / Mike Walbridge / Teachers / $3,000 / Title III, LEP
Description: Continue to provide strategic and intensive intervention opportunities at each school focused on students who are stuck at intermediate level with EL focused materials (e.g. Inside, Language!, Reality Central)
Funding ( Y N)
Tag: (T3_Y4, T3_Y2)
TASK: / Start Date / End Date / Person Responsible / Status
Title: Establish groups for Reading Academy at elementary and companion classes at secondary
Description: Students requiring intervention are assigned Reading Academy and companion classes / 09/01/2011 / 09/30/2011 / Site Admin;
Teachers / £not begun
£in progress £completed
Title: Teacher Collaborations
Description: Site-based professional development provides opportunity for teachers to collaborate on lessons and plan strategies that help students reach English proficiency / 09/01/2011 / Ongoing / Site Admin;
Mike Walbridge; Andrew Gordon / £not begun
£in progress £completed
Title: Identify Observation “Look-Fors”
Description: District office staff will collaborate with site principals to identify key “look -fors” as they visit intervention classes. / 02/15/2012 / Ongoing / Andrew Gordon;
Mike Walbridge / £not begun
£in progress £completed
Title: Administrative Classroom Visits
Description: Site administration will visit ELD classrooms weekly, collect data on instructional practices and provide feedback to staff / 10/01/2011 / Ongoing / Site Admin; / £not begun
£in progress £completed
Strategy 2:
Title: Provide intensive, focused CELDT preparation for all students.
Description: To maximize success for ELs, teachers will conduct test chats with EL students to review past results on CELDT and set performance goals on the upcoming CELDT. Teachers will review CELDT data and engage in process to identify nemesis standards on CELDT; teachers will create mini-lessons to better prepare students for CELDT. Teachers will also utilize high leverage strategies in listening, speaking, reading and writing that will help students attain English proficiency.
ACTION STEP: 2B2 / Start Date
mm/dd/yyyy / End Date
mm/dd/yyyy / Person Responsible / Target
Audience / Estimated Costs / Funding Sources
Title: Nemesis Standards / 03/26/2012 / 04/30/2012 / Andrew Gordon;
Site Principals / Teachers / n/a / n/a
Description: Grade levels/departments analyze CELDT data after it is released. Teachers identify “nemesis standards” and develop mini-lessons that promote greater student understanding of CELDT content
Funding ( Y N)
Tag: (T3_Y4, T3_Y2)
TASK: / Start Date / End Date / Person Responsible / Status
Title: Distribute Site CELDT Data
Description: CELDT Results are distributed to principals for review. Principals will prepare copies of data for staff / 02/28/2012 / 02/28/2012 / Andrew Gordon;
Elena Ball / £not begun
£in progress £completed
Title: Create CELDT Analysis Protocol
Description: A protocol will be created to facilitate principal and teacher analysis of CELDT data / 01/09/2012 / 01/15/2012 / Andrew Gordon / £not begun
£in progress £completed
Title: Principal Review of CELDT Data Protocol
Description: Coordinator of EL Services conducts professional development with principals on CELDT Reflection protocol / 03/01/2012 / 03/01/2012 / Andrew Gordon / £not begun
£in progress £completed
Title: Staff Review of CELDT Data
Description: Teachers at school sites will have opportunity to review CELDT data and identify nemesis standards / 03/26/2012 / 03/26/2012 / Principals;
Teachers / £not begun
£in progress £completed
Title: Nemesis Standard Lesson Planning
Description: After identifying CELDT nemesis standards, teachers create weekly mini-lessons to increase student understanding of CELDT content. / 4/01/2012 / 10/21/2012 / Teachers / £not begun
£in progress £completed