Club Procedures

Programs Committee



To insure that the programs for the regular noon Club meetings are interesting, informative and emphasize the four avenues of Rotary service.


Club Service


The Program Committee requires 24 members in order to have a chair and co-chair for each month. Members should be able to recruit good speakers; however, the Club has many speakers who volunteer to speak to the Club. Members also must be willing to select speakers from this volunteer list whose topics are compatible with the Club’s focus and say no to those whose topics are not. If 24 members do not sign up for this committee, the Chair should recruit additional members.


The mission of the Program Committee is to prepare Club members for greater service by informing them about developments, needs and issues that affect our community and our world. This is done by:

Striving for excellence in every program,

Making sure that each program topic is timely, interesting and informative so that members are motivated to attend and to bring guests.

Maintaining a balance between business and community issues, the arts, social services and Rotary related programs.


At the beginning of each Club year, the Chair of this committee will assign a month from October through September of the next year to two members of the committee, who will act as that month’s chair and co-chair in charge of planning the programs for that month. It works best to schedule monthly chairs or co-chairs through the month of September of the next Club year because of the July 1st committee changeover.

In July, the Chair should provide a list of the monthly chairs and co-chairs to the Club Secretary, as well as the names of any committee members he/she has recruited.

The Program Committee Chair is a key position in the Club and requires a considerable amount of time and attention. Once the Chair has made the monthly assignments, he/she must provide good oversight to insure that the programs:

  1. Are planned well in advance of the month to be presented,
  2. Adhere to the Rotary Four-Way Test and other standards set by the Club.
  3. Are submitted to the Board of Directors for approval 6 weeks in advance of the presentation of the programs.
  4. See attached sample letter from Committee Chair to members of the Committee.

The Chair must also communicate directions from the Board of Directors and program ideas from the membership to the Monthly Chairs and Co-Chairs. Throughout the Club year, the Chair should coach the Monthly Chairs and Co-Chairs as needed to maintain the Clubs high standards for its programs.


The monthly chairs and co-chairs are responsible for planning the programs for each regular meeting during their assigned month. The monthly Chairs and Co-Chairs must be advised of the mandatory programs that fall in their month, which they must plan around. The mandatory programs include:

April or May -- Cleo Fox program; time depends on schedule

May-- Student-led meeting with Rotary Speech Contest winners,

May or June-- Inbound Exchange Student’s report

June -- Educators in Excellence; after school is out

August-- Golf outing

Date varies-- Rotary District Governor; usually in the fall

-- Rebound Exchange student report; usually August

-- President’s Report on Rotary International Convention

Programs that are traditional to the Club but must be scheduled by the Monthly Chair/Co-chair include:

  • Mayor’s state of the city, usually early January; call the Mayor’s office no later than the November prior to schedule this program.
  • FWCS state of the schools, presented by the Superintendent usually on the last Monday in January
  • Rotary Foundation report presented by members of that committee, usually in November, Rotary Foundation Month
  • Rotary Youth Exchange departing “inbound” student and returning “outbound” student programs
  • Excellence in Education Awards in June
  • District Governor visit, usually in August
  • Rotary Speech Contest winners typically in May

The Club does not meet on the following holidays:

  • Memorial Day
  • Fourth of July, if this holiday falls on a day just before or after Monday. This is at the discretion of the incoming President.
  • Labor Day
  • Usually last Monday of the year, maybe the next to last Monday depending how close to a Monday Christmas and New Years fall; Board’s decision.

Monthly Procedures

  1. Contact the Program Committee Chair for a list of volunteer speakers and program suggestions made by members.
  2. The Chair and Co-Chair should meet several months prior to their assigned month to discuss program ideas and distribute the workload. Usually the each will take half of the Mondays for which to plan a program. Others may be recruited to assist.
  3. Contact speakers and make preliminary arrangements.
  4. Finalize the list of programs to be presented to the Board of Directors for approval 6 weeks in advance. Program information to be presented to the Board must include the following for each weekly program (see attached sample). Twenty-five copies will be needed.
  5. Date of the program
  6. Speaker’s name, title/position, employer or group affiliation related to topic of his/her speech
  7. Title of speech or a specific topic at a minimum, preferably a paragraph description for the Board and PR committee information
  8. Name of the person who will introduce the speaker.
  9. From time-to-time, the Board or President will make changes to the program schedule, i.e. special Rotary program needed, too many similar programs during a month.
  10. Do not make final commitments to the speakers prior to the Board’s approval or the President’s OK if necessary to commit before the next Board meeting.
  11. Present programs to the Board of Directors for approval. This is usually done by the General Chair, who is a member of the Board.
  12. If possible, present February programs in November, because there usually is no December board meeting.
  13. Keep The Spin Editor, President, Secretary, and PR Committee Chair informed of programs and program changes. The PR Committee needs to inform news media 3 weeks in advance to get coverage
  14. Notify speakers in writing (see sample letter attached) and follow up with the speaker and introducer a week or two in advance of the program to insure that they will be at the meeting (and on time) and if special arrangements have been made for the screen, microphones etc.
  15. The Club does not provide visual equipment to speakers, they must bring their own.
  16. Sometimes members of the Club will volunteer to bring their equipment for a program.
  17. Politely say “no” to would-be speakers who do not meet our mission objectives.
  18. Make sure speakers are aware of our standards for decorum, language and non-solicitation (no fund raising).
  19. Notify the Holiday Inn or other meeting venue if a projection table or other arrangements need to be provided. (Cindy Keller has been the main contact.)
  20. Write thank you notes to speakers as is appropriate.


July-- The Chair assigns monthly chairs for the months of

October through September of the next year.

Ongoing -- The Chair follows up with the monthly chair at least one

month in advance to insure the assigned month will be


October-- Transition to committee for the new club year.


  • In a contested race, candidates from both major parties for a given office will be invited to speak. If only one of the candidates accepts, we will honor the invitation and inform club members that the other candidate was invited but did not accept, giving the reason if appropriate. Every effort will be made to accommodate candidates’ schedules so we don’t exclude a candidate.
  • We will not invite candidates in a primary race to speak, i.e. we will invite candidates from different political parties, not the same party.
  • 3rd party candidates will be included in the above as appropriate for a particular election and office, e.g. including but not restricted to when the 3rd party may have a significant impact on the outcome of the election or when the 3rd party position may be of significant interest to club members.
  • For non-partisan races (judges, school board) the same rules will apply.
  • Anyone who has declared their candidacy for public office will not be invited to speak to the club on any non-election related issue until after the election.


JulyReturning RYE student report

AugustReturning outbound GSE report

SeptemberGolf Outing

SeptemberCleo Fox Program (last Monday of the month)

FallRotary District Governor

FallPresident’s Report on Rotary International Convention


NovemberRotary Foundation Month

DecemberHoliday Program (last meeting of the month)

JanuaryMayor’s State of the City Address (mid month)

FebruaryUpdate on Washington School


AprilRotary Speech Contest winners (1st or 2nd Monday)

World Affairs Conference Report

MayNote primary election results; begin to plan/schedule candidate presentations

JuneExcellence in Education Awards (mid month)

Returning RYE Student Report (anytime)


None at this time.

To:Rotary Program Committee From: John Peirce, 2002/2003 program chair

Re:Program goals and guidelines

Thank you for agreeing to be part of this year’s Program Committee. The quality of our meetings is driven by the quality of the programs we offer to enlighten and entertain our members. Your contributions and efforts are highly valued.

Programs are to be timely, interesting and informative without being overly controversial. We strive for excellence at each meeting and for a good balance over the course of a year.

The people who seek us out to speak are sometimes self-serving and not the best choice. I urge you to stay informed about current events and issues that shape our community and be creative about identifying potential programs.

We seek a balance between business and community issues, the arts, social services, and Rotary programs. The Board of Directors has the ultimate say over the programs and may on rare occasions find it necessary to ask us to rearrange dates to meet certain club needs. We will make every effort to identify those in advance, but ask you to be flexible in cases where that is not possible.

For this reason, please fax your proposed program speakers, topics and introducers to me 6 weeks in advance of your program month, so that I can present it to the board.

Please note: The Holiday Inn does not have any projection or VCR equipment. A pull-down screen is available. If your speaker wants to use this or has other special needs, please inform Cindy Keller at the Holiday Inn, Tel. 422-5511.

The attached letter to speakers has additional information you will need to pass on to the speaker. I strongly recommend that you confirm everything in writing so there are no misunderstandings. Speakers are our guests and receive a complimentary meal. Please arrange for someone to meet them and help them get their meal and seating.

I will pass on interesting topics that I receive and welcome your ideas and questions. Thank you for your efforts to make Rotary programs something we can all be proud of. If you have any questions, please contact me.


John J. Peirce

Work Tel. 424-1564 Ext. 321,

Fax 424-0635,

Home Tel. 492-7800


Suggested confirmation letter. Modify to suite the occasion.

May 4, 2011

Dear :

Thank you for agreeing to be our guest speaker at the Downtown Rotary Club on Monday, (DATE). Our Rotary Club membership consists of business and professional leaders from the Fort Wayne area. Approximately 150 members will attend the meeting.

Our meetings are conducted at the Downtown Holiday Inn, 300 East Washington Boulevard, in the Grand Hall on the second floor. Our meetings begin with a buffet lunch at 12 noon (our compliments of course). Please plan to arrive a few minutes before noon. I will plan to meet you at the door to the Grand Hall.

Your portion of the program will begin at approximately 12:50. (NAME) will introduce you at that time. I would appreciate receiving a bio-sketch for making the introduction, or I can call and get the information verbally. Our programs conclude promptly at 1:15 p.m. We adhere strictly to the end time.

There will be a podium at the head table with a stationary microphone for you to use. If you require anything else, please inform me so I can make the arrangements. The hotel does not have projection equipment or a VCR. There is a pull-down screen, if you need one, on the west wall.

Please note that ours is a diverse organization including men and women from a wide range of backgrounds, businesses, professions and not-for-profit organizations. We respectfully ask all speakers to use the highest professional standards when making presentations and to use our forum to inform, not to solicit donations.

If you have any questions, please call me at (TEL. NO.). Thank you. We look forward to your presentation.



2010 – 2011


*July 2010Bill Gabbard

5No meeting

12Speaker: Jason Boyers, Regional President, The Chef’s Academy

Topic: The Cooking Industry in America

Introduced by: Dee Hoffman

AV Needs: PowerPoint

19Speaker: Dee Hoffman

Topic: RI Convention Report

AV Needs: PowerPoint

26Speaker: Jeff Lewis, General Manager, Raytheon

Topic: What’s Going on at Raytheon Fort Wayne

Introduced by: Al Brothers

AV Needs: PowerPoint

*August 2010John Alexander

2Speaker: Wendy Davis, Allen County Prosecuting Attorney

Topic: White Collar and Violent Crime

Introduced by: Dee Hoffman

AV Needs: none

9Speaker: Tony Hudson

Topic: Blue Jacket – Filling the Gaps

Introduced by: Bob Hudson

AV Needs: power point

16Speaker: Jen Fisher et al

Topic: GSE trip to Mexico report

Introduced by: Noel Knox

AV Needs: power point

23Speaker: Tom Snyder, President, Ivy Tech

Topic: Accelerating Greatness: Changing Lives and Making Indiana Great

Introduced by: Jerrilee K. Mosier, Chancellor, IvyTech NE

AV Needs: power point

30Speaker: Patti Mustapha, returning RYE student

Topic: My Year in Mexico

Introduced by: Doug Hiatt / Brenda Betley

AV Needs: power point

*September 2010Roger Sipe

6Labor Day – no meeting

13Golf outing

20Speaker: Steve VanScoik

Topic: Rotary District Governor

Introducer: Dee Hoffman

AV Needs: None

27Speaker: Dan Ryan

Topic: Rotary Foundation

Introducer: Dick Conklin

AV Needs: Power point

*October 2010Dave Humphreys / Kim Wagner

4Speaker: Jo Young Switzer, PhD, President, Manchester College

Topic: Exciting Happenings at Manchester College

Introduced by: Louise Jackson

AV Needs: power point with projector

11Speaker: Tom Hayhurst, 3rd District Democratic Candidate for US House of Representatives

Introduced by: Kim Wagner

AV Needs: none

18Speaker: Marlin Stutzman, 3rdDistrict Republican Candidate for US House of Representatives

Introduced by: Dave Humphreys

AV Needs: none

25Speaker: Joe Dorko, CEO Lutheran Hospital

Topic: Leading by Example

Introduced: Kim Wagner

AV Needs: power point

*November 2010John Fenoglio / Marty Pastura

1Speaker: Ron Galaviz, Public Information Officer, Indiana State Police

Topic: Protecting Yourself from Identity Theft

Introduced by: John Alexander

AV Needs: PowerPoint (bringing his own equipment)

8Speaker: Sharon Versyp, Coach, Purdue Women’s Basketball

Topic: IHSAA “Role Model Students”

Introduced by: Dick Conklin

AV Needs: power point

15Speaker: Bob Chase & David Franke

Topic: The Fort Wayne Komets

Introduced by: Bruce Lehman

AV Needs: power point

22Speaker: Dan Robertson, VP & General Mgr, North American Van Lines

Topic: The relocation industry – Past, Present and Future

Introduced by: Bill Raftree

AV Needs: power point

29Speaker: Lisa Timmerman, Chicken Production Manager, Cooper Farms, Fort Recovery, Ohio

Topic: Modern Food Production

Introduced by: Marty Pastura

AV Needs: power point

*December 2010Beth Kennedy / Alan McMahan

6Speaker: Dave Bennett

Topic: The Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne

Introduced by: Alan McMahan

AV Needs: power point

13Speaker: Brad Skiles, Woolman Financial Group

Topic: Hoosier legend Hugh McCullock: from cashier to Treasury Secretary

Introduced by: Beth Kennedy

AV Needs: power point

20Speaker: Holiday program – the Rotary singers

27No meeting

January 2011 Valerie Magana / John Peirce



Introduced by:

AV Needs: PowerPoint

10 Speaker: Heather Schoegler & Katy Silliman

Topic: Vision 2020

Introduced by: John Peirce

AV Needs: power point

17Speaker: Jason Daenans

Topic: Trip to Ghana

Introduced by: Valerie Magana

AV Needs: power point

24Speaker: Mayor Tom Henry

Topic: State of the City of Fort Wayne

Introduced by: Valerie Magana

AV Needs: power point

31Speaker: Babra Dadirai Chakanyuka, Family Support Manager, CVC

Topic: Cultural Diversity in Fort Wayne

Introduced by: Valerie Magana

AV Needs: power point

February 2011Tom Wooding / Irene Walters

7Speaker: Beth Malloy, Deputy Mayor, City of Fort Wayne

Topic: ????

Introduced by: Irene Walters

AV Needs: power point

14Speaker: Charles Shepard

Topic: ????

Introduced by: ????

AV Needs: PowerPoint



Introduced by:

AV Needs: PowerPoint

28Speaker: Leonard Helfrich, Talent Initiative Director, Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership

Topic: The Talent Initiative

Introduced by: Irene Walters

AV Needs: PowerPoint

March 2011Tony McNair/ Brenda Betley

7Speaker: Dr. Schwartzrubber

Topic: ???

Introducer: Tony McNair

AV Needs: PowerPoint

14Speaker: Charles Shepard