Take Your Sons & Daughters to Work Day
Thursday 27th April 2017
Parents Guidance Notes
Although it is understood that many parents will already have an idea of what their son / daughter will do on the day – the following information will be useful in helping you structure the day, enabling your son / daughter the opportunity to reap the maximum benefit from the day.
The structure of the day will be different, depending not only on which site you work at, but also the kind of work you do at that site. Your son /daughter should be encouraged to do some exploring of their own on the day (risk and safety permitting of course) and you can help by encouraging them to look at the BAE Systems education website, prior to their visit:
It is important that you spend some time with them to discuss both the Preparation sheet and Student's Pack, which accompany this document.
This document highlights important information about the day and what arrangements you should make on and prior to the event.
Some BAE Systems sites may have in place specific arrangements / structure to the day and where this is appropriate, the details will have been included in the Confirmation E mail that was sent to you.
Prior to the event - Please ensure that you and your son / daughter have taken the time to read through all the details in the packs, (including Site specific requirements) and fully understand the information.
Take Your Sons & Daughters to Work Day
Thursday 27th April 2017
Preparation Sheet
To help your son / daughter get the most out of their visit to your work place please spend some time discussing the following areas with them.
General Overview
Offer an overview about what BAE Systems does as an organisation and more specifically, what happens at your site. We often assume that our children know what happens at our place of work, but too often they don’t really have a good grasp of the situation.
Specific Overview
Talk about what you do and what a typical day would look like for you. Put your job into the broader context of the whole site/organisation.
Aims and Objectives for the Day
There is value in spending a little time talking about the purpose of the day. You may have your own agenda or your son / daughter may be more eager to learn about career opportunities at BAE Systems. Whatever these reasons are, it is useful to keep them at the forefront of your minds from the outset – a clear idea of what can be achieved on the day is more likely to be fulfilled than a vague “Oh it sounded like a good idea.”
What they will be doing
Ensure that your son / daughter is given opportunity to maximise the learning they can get from the day by outlining what you’ve arranged for them to do. Be clear about what is expected of them throughout the day and also give them the chance to question further/find out more if they are uncertain about any aspect of the day.
They are far more likely to enjoy the day and be more confident about going into a new situation, if they feel prepared, reassured and confident about exactly what they will be doing. It may be useful if you devise a little timetable for the day that they can keep for reassurance.
Student's Pack
Included in this document is a Student's Pack, which your son / daughter can use on the day. Please take the time to talk them through it as it provides them with the opportunity to understand what BAE Systems does and what type of jobs people carry out within the organisation
What you’ll be doing
Be clear about whether or not your son / daughter will be with you throughout the entire day.
If there are site specific activities or if you have made arrangements for them to speak to a colleague ensure that your son / daughter knows who is responsible for them and when.
Take Your Sons & Daughters to Work Day
Thursday 27th April 2017
Important Information
Security Arrangements
Your security department will be informed that your son / daughter will be visiting the site on Thursday 27th April 2017
A Visitor Badge will be available for you at Security and this must be collected the day before the event. (Unless otherwise stated in the Site-specific information)
It is important that you bring this pass on the day otherwise you will have to stop and sign in, and / or your son / daughter may be refused entry /access onto the Site.
Health & Safety
You cannot stress enough the health and safety considerations that will have a bearing on what your son / daughter will be doing throughout the day. Included in your son / daughters’ Student's Pack is the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and also some Health & Safety Procedures. Please ensure that they have taken the time to read these, as outlined below, and understand them fully.
1. Safety glasses must be worn in any area designated as an eye protection zone and during any cutting operations.
2. Scarves, hooded shirts, rings, bracelets, earrings or necklaces must not be worn by students on engineering work placements.
3. Students working in a manual engineering environment wear strong shoes not trainers.
4. Students working in a manual engineering environment must have their hair tied back safely.
5. Great care must be taken when walking in and about the site, look and listen for electric trucks, forklift trucks and overhead cranes or hoists.
6. You must use designated walkways at all times unless you have to enter a department as part of your programme.
7. All accidents including minor cuts must be reported to your parent, who will report it to their supervisor.
8. Running within the site is prohibited.
9. You must inform your supervisor should you wish to leave the section or department.
If you are in any doubt about anything relating to Health and Safety, just ASK.
Also remember when arranging the day there may be specific areas or tasks that are unsafe for your son / daughter to visit or undertake
Insurance Details
A copy of BAE Systems Employers Liability Insurance Certificate is included in this pack
If you do require any further information in respect of Insurance details please contact BAE Systems HR on 01772 677277.
Take Your Sons & Daughters to Work Day
Thursday 27th April 2017
Important Information
Photographs / Film Footage
There may be opportunity during the day for Photographs and Film Footage of the Site activities to be taken by authorised personnel on Site.
You will have indicated on your on line application, if you do / do not give consent for your son / daughter to be included in possible photographs.
Sites have been advised of any students where consent has not been given / or where no indication has been provided.
It is the Sites’ responsibility to ensure that this request is adhered to.
You may wish to advise / remind Site on arrival, if you have not given your consent
Certificate of Attendance
At the end of the day, please complete the Certificate of Attendance for your son / daughter to retain with their Records of Achievement.
Protocols/Information to help your son / daughter
1. Please be advised that the wearing of school uniform is compulsory for all students during the event. (Sensible full shoes. No trainers, strappy shoes or high heels)
Students who do not adhere to this requirement may be refused entry / access onto Site.
2. Discussing the times of arrival and departure, lunch and other breaks will help structure the day for your son / daughter
3. Tablets, mobile phones and smart phones are not to be brought onto site.
4. Prohibited items, Cameras/ Recording devices / MP3 Players are not allowed on Site. Any prohibited equipment brought onto site, by students may be retained by Security for collection on departure from Site.
5. Prior and after the event, encourage your son / daughter to visit the BAE Systems Website
Finally, please ensure that staff in your department are aware that we are supporting this National Event.
As well as giving these students their first ‘taste’ of the world of work, it gives us a good opportunity to inspire them about our industry.