ELA Department List 2015-2016
DeLand High School
Lisa Nehrig
Teacher’s Name(Last Name, First Name) / Grade Level/ Courses Teaching / Planning Period / Room # / Tutoring times
Bishop, Michele / 10th H/12th R/CCR / NONE / 17-20 / Before/after school or during second lunch by appointment
Carter, Ashley / 9th grade H/R / 3rd / 17-206 / Every morning before school by appointment and after school until 3:30
Carter, Ben / 12th IB/11th R / 3rd / 17-101 / Before school by appointment
Lysholm, Brian / 10th grade Pre-IB/Creative Writing / 3rd / 17-202
LaBerta, Leia / 10th R/11th H / 3rd / 17-201 / Monday and Wednesday by appointment
Jenkins, Tonyia / 11th H/R and 12th R / NONE / 17-203 / Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 2:45-3:15
Hill, Tara / 9th H/R / 3rd / 17-204 /
- Tutoring by appointment only (Daily during 2nd lunch, Mondays and Thursdays from 3-4)
Nehrig, Lisa / 11th IB/AP Language, R / 3rd / 17-208 / Before school, afterschool or during 2nd lunch by appointment
Sniffen, April / Newspaper, / 3rd / 8-201 / M-F: Second lunch by appointment
M/T/F: After school until 3:30
W: After school until 3:00
***Not available after school on Thursdays or during school mandated meeting days.
Schaffer, Rebecca / Yearbook, 10th R/H / 3rd / 8-200 / Monday - Friday, 3-4 pm, by appointment only
Finkle, Andrea / 9th grade R and ESOL/12th H / 3rd / 8-208 / I would be available M-W-F mornings from 6:45 to 7:15. I could also be available Thurs. afternoons from 3-4.
Harbaugh, Viola / 10th R and ESOL/H / 3rd and 4th / 8-205 / Before school, starting at 6:45 am; lunch and after school, upon request.
Lometti, Ellen / 12th R/H / 3rd / 17-104 / Before school and after school by appointment.
Milev, Jessica / 10th R/H / 3rd / 17-108 / By appointment before school, during 3rd period, during 2nd lunch, or after school
McConkey, Ryan / 9th R/H / 3rd / 17-103 / Tuesdays and Thursday from 3-4, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 3-4 (upon request), and any day during lunch (upon request).
Sanders, Jackie / 11th R/H / 3rd / 17-106 / Available upon request, by appointment.
Francis, Bette / 9th grade Pre-IB, AP Lit / 17-1 / 17-107 / by appointment before or after school.
Feistel, Tony / Mondays after school and by appointment.
Wednesdays 1:45-2:45 when available
During consultation periods: 2, 4,and 7