Rise & Shine Program
Dear Parents and Guardians:
As a school community, we realize the importance of the students being alert and focused for a long day of school. Having a time to start the day with movement, making sure that the brain is alert and ready are important parts of a successful school day.
On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings, Broad Street School will be offering the Rise & Shine Program. The entire school will be invited to come to school early and participate in brain awakening physical activities. The fall session of the program will be held from November 1st until December 15th and will begin each day at 7:45 am. This before- school program will not interfere with the child’s regular school day. Please note that buses will not arrive in time for the program, so if you wish for your child to attend you must drop them off at the back doors starting at 7:35 AM, but not before 7:35 AM. Due to the large amount of student interest, we can only accept the first 70 entry forms received, to participate in the program. Forms received after the first 70 will be placed on a waiting list, and will be contacted when space is available.
If you are interested in your student attending this program please sign the permission slip below and return it to Mr. Wehrle or Miss. Eckert. Also if you are interested in helping with the Rise and Shine program, please let Mr. Wehrle know as well. Thank you in advance for a continued interest in your student’s education. By working together as a team, we strive to ensure that your child performs to his/ her maximum potential.
Mr. Wehrle & Miss. Eckert
____ I am interested in my child attending the Rise and Shine Program
Student Name: ______
Grade Level: ______Homeroom Teacher: ______
Parent Signature ______
Email address______
(To receive updates about the program)
What isthe Rise and Shine Program?
It's a before school program designed to waken students and align their minds ready for learning. Physical activity is a great way to start your day and research has showed that physical activity awakens the brain and helps align it ready to learn. As a school we will be using the BOKS program, a before school program designed to increase physical activity and get students ready to learn. At the Rise and Shine program, students will be given opportunities to play various games and activities to get themselves ready for the day.
What is BOKS?
BOKS is a morning physical activity program that has kids begin their day with a dose of fun – 30 minutes of running, playing, and exercise, all before the first school bell rings. Featuring a wide variety of dynamic games and activities, the BOKS curriculum is popular with elementary age kids of all ability levels.
When is the Rise and Shine Program?
The Rise and Shine program will be offered on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings starting at 7:35. STUDENTS WILL ENTER THROUGH THE BACK DOOR, BY THE BUS PLATFORM. A TEACHER WILL BE THERE UNTIL 7:45, then NO ONE will be at the door to open it, and it will remained locked as per school policy. The program will be divided into two sessions, with the fall session starting on November 1st, and going until December 15th.
How do my children attend the Rise and Shine program?
Interested students, must fill out a program interest form, and have it signed by their parent or guardian. Once they are registered, all you have to do is drop the student off at the back doors by 7:45 AM on the program days.
My child eats breakfast at school; will they be able to eat?
Yes, the program does not interfere with breakfast, and it will still be served in the child's homeroom.
If they ride a bus will there be a bus for the program?
Sadly no, there will not be a bus to pick up the students to get them to school in time for the program. Parents must drop their children off to the back doors of the school.
Why can't I drop my child off to the front doors?
To keep accurate records of who is in the building and for security, all participants must enter through the back door, before 7:45 AM.
I love the program, how do I sign my child up?
Great, either have the child pick up a form from Mr. Wehrle, or email Mr. Wehrle for a form to sign your child up. Please provide an email address, so you can be on the Rise and Shine email Group, and be notified of all information about the Rise and Shine program.
Why is there a limit this year?
Due to the high popularity of the program the staff needed to make a limit to keep the numbers to safe amount for movement activities in the gymnasium.