Action Note

Meeting: / North Coast Locality Partnership
Date / Venue: / 1 March 2017 – Largs Academy
Present: / Councillor Alan Hill (Chair);
John Lamb, West Kilbride Community Council (Vice Chair);
Councillor Alex Gallagher;
Councillor Tom Marshall;
Councillor Grace McLean;
Craig Hatton, Senior Lead Officer (NAC);
Rhona Arthur, Lead Officer (NAC);
Douglas Blair, Largs Community Council;
Rita Holmes, Fairlie Community Council;
Philip Lonsdale, Cumbrae Community Council;
Kay Hall, Community Representative;
Louise McDaid, Health and Social Care Partnership;
Barbra Connor, Third Sector Interface;
Alex Marshall, Police Scotland;
Thomas Reaney, Senior Manager Streetscene (NAC);
Jim Miller, Senior Manager Planning (NAC);
Damien Griffith, Senior Partnership Analyst (NAC);
Bernadette Anderson, Performance/Grants Information Officer (NAC); and
Euan Gray, Committee Service Support Officer (NAC)
Apologies: / Councillor Robert Barr;
Councillor Catherine McMillan;
Councillor Elizabeth McLardy;
Jean Kerr, Community Representative
No. / Action / Responsible
1. / The action note from the last meeting was discussed with the following points raised:
·  Jean Kerr was recorded as being present despite not attending the meeting;
·  Councillor Marshall queried if Police Scotland would be providing a local update at this meeting. Rhona Arthur (a) advised that police reports would be available online and could be circulated via email, and (b) agreed to raise the issue with Audrey Sutton, Head of Service (Connected Communities). / Rhona Arthur
2. / The Partnership received a presentation from Thomas Reaney, Senior Manager (Streetscene), on the proposal to upgrade the skate park located at Mackerston, Largs.
An example of a redesign for the park was provided by Wheelscape Skate Parks. The estimated cost to install this design is £100,000.
The upgrade of the skate park would meet the criteria set out for projects which can be funded through the Largs Car Park Fund (CPF). The current balance of the CPF, less already allocated projects, is £142,531.
A round table discussion took place where members raised:
·  the need for an update as areas of the current park are dangerous;
·  the projected level of income generated by the CPF;
·  the importance of involving the parks users in the discussion of the redesign;
·  the benefits which the park brings; and
·  the possibility of other funding being made available.
The Partnership received a further presentation from two members of the Largs Skate Park Community which highlighted the popularity of the park, the benefits it brings and the desire for an upgrade.
The Partnership agreed to (a) note the proposed design and (b) that the project could be funded through the Largs CPF up to the cost of £100,000. Rhona Arthur agreed to look into additional funding options. / Thomas Reaney/ Rhona Arhur
3. / The Partnership received a presentation from Jim Miller, Senior Manager (Planning) providing an update on the progress of the Local Development Plan 2.
Members ask questions and were provided information on:
·  the importance of the public responding to the Main Issues Report consultation as this shapes what will appear in the Local Development Plan 2;
·  housing provision in areas which are at risk of flooding;
·  affordable housing provision;
·  town centre regeneration;
·  schemes to reduce the level of litter washed up on the North Coast beaches; and
·  concerns about the lack of public consultation on the environmental effects of planning applications.
Jim Miller agreed to:
·  make the Town Centre Health Checks available online;
·  circulate the Council’s definition of affordable housing;
·  investigate and provide further information on possible schemes which reward fishing ships for removing litter from the sea and rivers; and
·  provide an update to the next meeting on the delivery of a marine plan for the Clyde Costal Area. / Jim Miller
4. / At its meeting on 7 December 2016 the Partnership agreed that a workshop would be set up to discuss the priorities and to receive and update on the emerging data from the Scottish Government.
A workshop was held in DA Hall on 8 February 2017 with the support of the Community Empowerment and Participation Team where 14 members of the Partnership worked in groups to discuss Place Standard Outcomes, statistical data on the area and the Locality’s priorities.
It was proposed that the North Coast Locality’s action plan priorities are:
·  work and the local economy; and
·  housing and community
It was agreed that the concerns raised about transport and parking are taken forward by the Senior Lead Officer for the North Coast Locality Partnership, Craig Hatton.
The Partnership agreed to approve the proposed priorities and note that Craig Hatton will take forward concerns on transport and parking.
Addendum: For clarity please see the extract from the report approved by the Locality Partnership.
“3.1 It is proposed that the three priorities for the first North Coast Locality Partnership’s action plan are Work and the Local Economy - Financial inclusion, in particular the opportunity presented by the North Ayrshire Financial Inclusion Strategy access to credit unions and concerns about rural and island bank closures.
Housing and Community – In particular the action plan should
focus on working with the Health and Social Care Partnership to
reduce social isolation of older people and to develop support for
young people who suffer from stress and anxiety.”
5. / Bernadette Anderson provided an update on grant applications which have been received in respect of the Nurturing Excellence in Communities Fund, Largs Common Good and Millport Common Good.
The Partnership agreed to award the following:
Nurturing Excellence in the Community
·  Milport Festival Group £685
·  Cappa Dorcha Theatre Company £472
·  St. Mary’s PS Parent Council £2,000
·  West Kilbride Festival Committee £700
·  Largs Gaelic Choir £1,000
·  Largs Organic Gardens £1,000
·  Millport RBLS Pipe Band £1,000
·  Organic Growers of Fairlie £1,000
·  Largs Viking Festival £1,000
·  West Kilbride PS Parent Council £983
Councillor Gallagher declared an interest in the Largs Viking Festival and took no part in the decision to award funding to the group.
Millport Common Good
·  Cumbrae Community Development Project £5,500
Councillor Hill declared an interest in the Cumbrae Community Development Project and took no part in the decision to award funding to the group.
Largs Common Good
·  Largs Organic Growers £7,450
Following the approval of the above awards the remaining balance for disbursal is:
·  Nurturing Excellence in the Community £1,967
·  Millport Common Good £3,460
·  Largs Common Good £3,285
Councillor Hill declared an interest in the Cumbrae Community Development Project and took no part in the decision to award funding to the group. / Bernadette Anderson
6. / The Partnership received verbal update from Rhona Arthur on the work carried out by the Locality Youth Forum.
Douglas Blair stated that two of Largs Community Council’s members were currently pupils at Largs Academy and it would be useful if their work could link in to that of the Youth Forum. Rhona Arthur agreed to take this forward.
Louise McDaid provided a further verbal update on and the Health and Social Care Locality Plans.
A participatory budget event took place on 26 February 2017 to provide funding for groups working with those with mental health problems. From the 81 groups who originally applied, funding was provided to 43. A report by John Burns, Evaluation Officer, will be submitted to a future meeting to provide members with details of the event. / Rhona Arthur
John Burns/ Wendy Sharpe
7. / Craig Hatton provided a brief update on the 2017/18 North Ayrshire Council Budget which was agreed on 1 March 2017. It was stated that the Council had agreed a number of funding streams including:
·  a £3.16M capital fund for Locality Partnerships to invest in projects which improve the areas identified as local priorities;
·  a participatory budget fund of £100,000; and
·  the inclusion of Streetscene (Grounds Maintenance) budget of £946,000 for consideration in developing maintenance standards through Locality Partnerships.
Whilst the mechanism for the allocation and subsequent distribution of funds has still to be developed it was agreed that members of the Partnership would work with local communities to identify projects which could potentially be funded through the new capital fund. / All members
8. / It was agreed that the next meeting would take place in June 2017. Details of the date, time and venue will be circulated in due course. / Wendy Sharpe

Meeting ended at 8pm

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