12th November 2013

At the monthly meeting of Cyngor Tref Aberaeron held this day, present the following members namely:-

Cllr David Jones- Mayor

County Cllr Elizabeth Evans- Deputy Mayor

Cllr Owenna James

Cllr Neris Lloyd

Cllr Meirion Jones

Cllr Mair Harrison

Cllr Phillip Gatehouse

Cllr Micky Welham

Mr John D. Gwynne-Hughes- Clerk

PCSO Mike Thomas

PC Sharon Thomas


Apologies were received from CouncillorsPhillip Davies, Rhys Davies, Eleri Thomas and Tom Williams.

The Mayor wished to mention that Cllr Phillip Davies’s Father had died and the Mayor confirmed that the Clerk had already sent a card to Cllr Phill Davies. He also wished to minute and express his condolences to Cllr Phill Davies and his family on their loss.


It was resolved that the Minutes of the monthly meeting held on 8th October 2013 were taken as read. The Mayor signed the Minute Book.


Item 1693 – Cllr Neris Lloyd indicated that she had noted that even though yellow lines had been put down on Panteg Road, she had seen four cars parked on the double yellow lines.

Item 1711 (xi) - It was to be noted that the website referred to deals with broadband and not trains.

Item 1713 - County Cllr Elizabeth Evans confirmed that the bus routes for X40 and X50 had been saved by the Welsh Government until June 2014 and then would go out for tender however, she was unaware about what was going to happen to the internal routes. She was waiting to hear at present.

Item 1714 (5) – County Cllr Elizabeth Evans indicated that Ceredigion County Council officers had gone round the streets yesterday and were looking at the obstructions created by the ‘A’ frames.


There had been a few anti-social issues, particularly in respect of Bryn Môr (six complaints) and three complaints in Market Street. There had been one suspicious activity in respect of a lost wallet; a man taking photographs at the school but no action as he had taken pictures of buildings; one incident of a male wolf whistling a female; two forged £20 notes at Michael Jones; theft from Costcutters whereby a fixed penalty had been issued; a fire had been averted at the Celtic Chip Shop; there had been a few false alarms at the Comprehensive School caused by the alarm system; one alarm callout in respect of Penrodyn.

Members thanked the Officers for their Report.


The following invoices were approved for payment and a cheque was later signed:-

(i)Paul Hughes Footpath Second Cut£ 420.00

(ii)Dafydd Phillips – Benches at Square Field£ 135.00

(iii)Martin Williams Electrical – Repairs to Foston Lighting

and lighting around Square Field£ 9,992.40

(v)Ceredigion County Council – felling of 2 trees &

Replanting of 2 sycamores£ 1,200.00

(vi)Event Management Support – Hire of PA and radios for Fun Run£ 50.00

(vii)D T Evans – Audit Fee£ 150.00

(viii)Ceredigion County Council - supply hardwood post & brass

Plaque with inscription and install at Cadwgan Place£ 165.00

(ix)Cymdeithas Aberaeron Society – retained donation£ 500.00


(i)Application Number: A130689 Erection of 2 dwellings – Mr G Roberts –

Application Approved – Noted


(i)Application Number: A130730 & 731LB Mr D Simmons - Internal alterations and re-roof to existing first floor flats and change of use of part of premises to create one

ground floor flat with associated external alterations – Victoria Hotel, Victoria Street, Aberaeron – Members confirmed that there was no objection to the Application.

(ii)Application Number: A130787LB Mrs Lisa Raw-Rees - Replacements Windows,

The Old Mill, Water Street, Aberaeron –Members then confirmed that there was no objection to the application.


(i)Letter from Ceredigion County Council re Traffic Regulation Order Review – Cllr

Mair Harrison indicated that the speed limit at Bro Allt y Graig should be dropped to

20mph as it was currently 30mph and this was non-sensical. Cllr Elizabeth Evans

would raise this.

(ii)Letter from Cymdeithas Aberaeron Society requesting the £500 donation we are

holding for them – this had previously been approved under finance although Cllr

Mair Harrison stated we should always look at the Accounts of organisations before

agreeing to make any donation. It was pointed out that it had been agreed by members

previously that a donation be made in support of a Grant application which

Cymdeithas Aberaeron had applied for.

(iii)Email from Cymdeithas Aberaeron re History Exhibition they are organising – The

Mayor confirmed that the exhibition is about the First World War and Cymdeithas

wanted committee members. Cllr Phil Gatehouse confirmed that he would be

prepared to sit on this with the Mayor.

(v)Letter from Ceredigion County Council enclosing Contract and Toilet Site Service

Level Agreement in respect of South Beach – It was agreed to receive this since this

related to the holiday season which had just passed. It was agreed that the Clerk

would contact Paul Arnold to obtain the latest Service Agreement to see what the

likely costs were for the coming year given that we needed a meeting in order to

discuss the precept shortly.

(vi)Letter from One Voice Wales enclosing Agenda for meeting on 23rd October 2013 –

The Mayor confirmed that he had attended the meeting which had mainly been a

discussion about the bus service and the issue of broadband.

(vii)Agenda and Minutes from Aberaeron Harbour Users Consultative Committee for a

meeting on 17th October 2013 – County Cllr Elizabeth Evans confirmed that the

Harbour Master had been praised for his work this season. Cllr Mair Harrison raised

the issue of the parking area alongside the beach since there was insufficient room for

members of the public to go down to South Beach, particularly for disabled people as

the disabled parking spaces had been taken up by the boats. After discussion it was

agreed that the Clerk would write to Ceredigion County Council to clarify the spaces

to be left for vehicle parking and there should be sufficient room for cars to turn.

(viii)Letter from Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru requesting donation for the 2014

Eisteddfod – deferred to the budget meeting

(ix)Letter from Ceredigion County Council re road closure from 4pm 12th November to

12am 13th November – It was resolved to received this.

(x)Letter from Talking Books Wales requesting donation – deferred to the budget


(xi)Notice of Ceredigion Age Cymru AGM 14th November 2013 – County Cllr Elizabeth

Evans confirmed that she would be attending.

(xii)Letter from Lona Brierley in response to an article in Cambrian News – It was agreed

by members to go into committee in respect of this item. The result being that the

Mayor would write to Mrs Brierley.

(xiii)Letter from Urdd Gobaith Cymru requesting donation – this was deferred to the

budget meeting

(xiv)Letter from Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod requesting donation – this

was deferred to the budget meeting

(xv)Letter from Ceredigion County Council enclosing their response to the ‘Consultation

on Discretionary Powers for Local Authorities to Increase Council Tax on Second

Homes’ and requesting our comments – The Clerk read out the questions and the

responses from Ceredigion County Council and the responses given were accepted by

the majority of members.

(xvi)Invitation to the Official Opening of Aberaeron Library 4th December 2013 – The

Mayor, Cllr Owenna James and Cllr Neris Lloyd would attend the official opening of

the Library.

(xvii) Agenda and enclosures for Development Control Committee Meeting on

13thNovember 2013 – there was nothing to report in the Development Control

Committee meeting minutes.

Additional Correspondence Received

(i)Letter from Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Commissioner dated 8th November in respect of an online survey at - it was agreed to receive this.

(ii)Email from Melanie Heath regarding her contact details as Conservation Officer for

Cardigan Bay at Ceredigion County Council – noted.


The Clerk confirmed that the Mayor and himself had not had a meeting and this needed to be arranged.



The Clerk confirmed that the electrician, Martin Williams, was completing the works around the Square Field at present. The Clerk also read out a note in respect of the costs of replacing bulbs around the Harbour area. It was agreed that 100 bulbs should be purchased.

County Cllr Elizabeth Evans also confirmed Mr Eric Jones had kindly agreed to donate a

tree from the Property. Arrangements were to be made to collect this tree.

It was further agreed that the lights around the Harbour and Square Field should be switched

off on 6th January 2014.


County Cllr Elizabeth Evans confirmed that the state of the pavements at Albert Street and Water Street needed to be resolved and adopted by Ceredigion County Council. She was working on that.

A new bin had been installed in Pwll Cam, funded by the Welsh Government.

There is still an issue with fly tipping in Peniel Lane.

The Tourist Information Centre would be refurbished and Cymdeithas Aberaeron would

have a presence there and also at County Hall.


1.The Mayor confirmed that the steps by the river next to the Youth Club would be repaired. The Mayor also thanked Councillors for attending the Remembrance Service on Sunday. He reported that the organisation of the Community Christmas was proceeding well.

2.Cllr Owenna James indicated that there were more holes appearing in the wooden bridge across the river. County Cllr Elizabeth Evans confirmed that she had kept on asking the relevant departments but they only had a limited budget.

The Mayor declared the meeting closed at 8.45pm.