Superseded by later version

ESA Work Programme Information Session

Guidance, Queries and Help

  1. If you are unable to find an answer to a particular question regarding policy within this guide you must raise the question with your local Change Manager. If it cannot be answered locally, it will be referred to the Work Programme Team by Change Implementation teams on a pro forma for resolution.
  2. Please do not use the ‘E-mail page owner’ and ‘Page information’ links at the bottom of each page of guidance to raise policy queries. These should only be used to report broken hyperlinks.

Overview of the Work Programme Information Session

  1. The purpose of the Work Programme (WP) Information Session is to increase the take-up of places on the Work Programme (WP) amongst Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)voluntary groups.
  2. ESA (Flow (IR)) WRAG claimants with a 6 month or less prognosis, will be referred to the WP in their New Joiners’ Work-Focused Interview (NJWFI).
  3. Other ESA claimants e.g. (with 6 Months + Prognosis, Full Time Carers, Support Group etc) will have the option to access support which is most suitable for them either through the ESA Jobcentre Plus Offer or the WP.The referral to a WP Information Session will help claimants decide which support is most suitable for them.
  4. The expectation is that the majority of referrals to the WP Information Session will be voluntary. However, where an Adviser considers it appropriate in the claimant’s circumstances they can mandateclaimants to the WP Information Session using the Work Related Activity (WRA) instructions.

Please note: That even though some claimants can be mandated to the WP Information Session none of these claimants can be mandated to take up a place on the WP at this time.

  1. Random allocation will be used by Jobcentre Plus to ensure all providers within each CPA will receive an equal share of claimants to attend a WP Information Session.Once the claimant has been allocated to a provider the claimant remains allocated to that provider for any future WP referrals.
  2. It is an aspiration thatthe WP Information Session process can be completed from end to end within 21 calendar days. However, this can be varied by local arrangements.
  3. It is also anticipated the provider will deliver the WP Information Session within 15 calendar days of the referral, even if this has to be rebooked, however this too may be varied by local arrangements.
  4. Once the claimant has attended their WP Information Session, they will be required to attend a follow up flexible Intervention. This is so that the necessary activities can be completed to move the claimant onto the next step in their journey.

Undertaking theESA referral to the Work Programme Information Session

  1. Advisers will:
  • explain the next steps to ESA claimants who are eligible to attend a WP Information Session in their NJWFI/Flexible Intervention
  • randomly allocate ESA claimants to a WPInformation Session using current LMS functionality and WP opportunity types to attend a WP Information Session
  • mandate claimants to a WP information Session if appropriate and if can be arranged locally with the WPP by using the WRA instructions.
  • book a follow up Flexible Interventionas soon as possible from 16 calendar days from the referral to the WP Information Session

Confirm Eligibility

  1. Check the WP Information Session eligibility table to ensure that claimants areeligible to be referred.
  2. Claimants who are not eligible for the WP Information Session will be supported by the ESAJobcentre Plus Offer.

Participant / Can be Mandated to Info Session? / Participation once on the WP
ESA (IR) WRAG with 12 Month + Prognosis. / Yes – subject to WRA. / Mandatory
ESA (c) WRAG / Yes – subject to WRA. / Mandatory
ESA (IR) WRAG (with Youngest Child Under 5 OR Full-Time Carer) with 3 or 6 Month Prognosis / No – not subject to WRA. But can be encouraged to attend. / Voluntary
ESA (IR) Ex-IB WRAG (with Youngest Child Under 5 OR Full-Time Carer) with 3 or 6 Month Prognosis / No – not subject to WRA. But can be encouraged to attend. / Voluntary
ESA (IR) WRAG (with Youngest Child Under 5 OR Full-Time Carer) with 12 Month + / No – not subject to WRA. But can be encouraged to attend. / Voluntary
ESA (c) WRAG (with Youngest Child Under 5 OR Full-Time Carer) / No – not subject to WRA. But can be encouraged to attend. / Voluntary
ESA (IR) Support Group / No – not subject to WRA. But can be encouraged to attend. / Voluntary
ESA (IR) Ex-IB Support Group / No – not subject to WRA. But can be encouraged to attend. / Voluntary
ESA (c) Support Group / No – not subject to WRA. But can be encouraged to attend. / Voluntary
ESA (c) Ex-IB Support Group / No – not subject to WRA. But can be encouraged to attend. / Voluntary
ESA Credit Only / No – not subject to WRA. But can be encouraged to attend. / Voluntary

Claimants Who Should Not be Sent to a Work Programme Information Session

  1. All claimants who would be exempt from the WP must not be referred to a WP Information Session.
  2. For claimants who are eligible for the WP the decision not to refer to a WP Information Session should be the exception rather than the rule and only be considered for:
  • claimants who may flow off benefit within the next few months
  • claimantswho may be more suitable forWork Choice or Residential Training for Adults with Disabilities
  1. Claimants who are not referred for a WP Information Session will be supported by the ESA Jobcentre Plus Offer, if not referred to Work Choice or Residential Training for Adults with Disabilities.
  2. If ESA claimants are not being referred to the WP Information Session continue with the NJWFI/Flexible Intervention.

Sensitive Cases

Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements Cases (MAPPA) and Special Customer Records (SCR)

  • Claimants who have been granted Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangement (MAPPA) status or Special Customer Records (SCR) follow existing Sensitive CasesWP guidance for referral.

No Fixed Abode / Person without Accommodation

  1. Following existing guidance for claimants with no fixed abode or person without accommodation.

Booking a Work Programme – ESA Referral Interview

  1. When a claimant has an interview, the details of the interview and the actions taken within the interview must be recorded on LMS. If these details are not recorded, statistical information will not be provided and the results will not be counted.
  2. ESA claimants where participation would be mandatory on the WP if they decide to join after the WP Information Session,the current interview must be ended and an immediate Work Programme Referral (WPR) is booked and opened in LMS.
  3. ESA voluntary claimants, where participation would not be mandatory, do not end the current interview.
  4. ESA claimants where participation is mandatory, mustbe referred to WP Information Sessions using the ‘’Work Programme - ESA Referral interview’.
  5. To book/create a Work Programme referral interview, select the appropriate Work Programme ‘Appt Type’ by following the normal interview booking procedure within either:
  6. LMS User Guide, Chapter H Part 2, Creating Interview Records for Immediate and Past Interviews,
  7. LMS User Guide, Chapter H Part 2, Creating Interview Records for Future Interviews.
  8. Note: Ensure that the correctESAOpportunity Type is used to referthe claimant to the WP Information Session. For more information, refer toESA WP Opportunity Types

Key messages about the Work Programme Information Session

  1. It should be explained to claimants that:
  • they are being referred to the WP Information Session to talk with the WPP about the personalised support they can offer
  • it is delivered for Jobcentre Plus by organisations which we call ‘providers’ who aim to offer tailored personalised support
  • once they have attended the WP Information Session, they must attend a follow-up Flexible Intervention to discuss the support they have chosen
  • they are randomly allocated to the WPP for a WP Information Session by the system and not determined by Jobcentre Plus
  • if you do not have the details of when and where the WP Information Session will be, tell the claimant how they will be informed of this detail.
  • expenses will not be covered by Jobcentre Plus but may be covered by the provider e.g. childcare and replacement care costs, travel expenses etc

Review/Update Action Plan and undertakeLabour Market System Activity for Referral

  1. As information from Labour Market System (LMS)is transferred to the provider Advisers must ensure that the following are updated:



Action Plan

  1. If the claimant has not had an Action Plan created before, Advisers will need to complete the following tabs.
  • Action Item
  • Aims
  • EHist
  • PCirc
  • Input ‘N/A’ into each of these tabs; in the “Assigned To’ select ‘PA’ and in the ‘Target Date’ input today’s date.
  1. For all WP Information Session referrals:
  • ensure any accepted “restrictions” are detailed e.g. ESA lone parent / carer availability to undertake the WP Information Session
  • if anESA WRAGvulnerable customer , write “safeguard” on the “info” tab and note the information in Labour Market System (LMS) conversations
  • remove any sensitive or personal information from the “Free Text Fields”
  • on the ‘Info’ tab’ (the free-text field) of their Action Plan, it must beannotated with the following statement:

“WP Information Session-Voluntary”or

claimants who are mandated “WP Information Session-Mandatory”

  • To do this, select ‘ActPln’ on the LMS Client Record and select the ‘Info’ tab to enter this information. If LMSissues a prompt, complete the additional free-text fields when attempting to save, add ‘N/A’

Note:Failure to write “WP Information Session” on the Action Plan could result in WPP attaching the claimant.

  • confirm with the claimant that the Action Plan is accurate
  1. It is important to ensure the ESA claimant is referred under the correct Work Programme Opportunity Type and in line with Random Allocation and Market Share. For more information on how to do this, refer to “How do I ensure Market Share is applied when selecting a Work Programme Opportunity”?

Mandatory Referral to the ESA Work Programme Information Session

  1. If mandatory attendance arrangements can be made locally with the WPP, claimants can be mandated to attend a WP Information Session using WRA instructions.

Referral to theESAWork Programme Information Session


  1. For all WP Information referrals:
  • update IT systems with any appropriate claimant changes, e.g. qualifications
  • check if the claimant has an incident marker on their record
  • The following must be recorded in LMS conversations:

ESA WRAG Lone parents with the youngest child under 5 and not yet at school

ESA WRAG Lone parents with a child under 13

ESAclaimants’, who are full time carers,

ESA Work Programme Opportunity Types

  1. ESAWP Opportunity Types, available within the ‘Opp Type’ field of LMS and prefixed with ‘WP’, should be used for referral ofESA Claimant Groups to the WP Information Session. These can be found in the”WP Opportunity Types table for referral to the WP Information Session”.

Please Note: Claimants entitled to at least 1 pence of Income Related (IR) ESA as determined in the ESA Guidance for Jobcentres, 05 Jobcentre Plus Offer, 02 considering & booking the NJWFI & Voluntary Customers, Step 8: Action for ESA Flow customersmust be referred to the appropriate (IR) opportunity type.

Please Note;Must select the correct opportunity. This will ensure the WPP receives the correct payment for the referral in line with the claimant’s Claimant Group. These payments will be processed using the Provider Referrals & Payments (PRaP) system.

This will ensure the WPP receives the correct payment for the referral in line with the claimant’s Claimant Group if the claimant chooses to move to the Work Programme.

Please Note:There is a resource cost to the Department for rectifying every incorrect referral.

  1. Having saved the referral, click on ‘view fu’ button then on ‘amend fu’ add ‘WP Information Session’ into the remarks field.

WP Opportunity Types table for Referral to the WP Information Session

Work Programme Opportunity Type& (Claimant Group) / Referral to the Work Programme is; / Once referred to the Work Programme the claimant’s participation is;
WP ESA Credit Only
(ESA Credit Only claimants) / Voluntary from the outcome of the claimants WCA. / Voluntary
WP ESA (c) Support Group
(ESA contributory based (c) Support Group claimants) / Voluntary from the outcome of the claimants WCA. / Voluntary
WP ESA (c) Support Group ExIB
(ESA contributory based (c) Support Group claimants who have previously received Incapacity Benefit) / Voluntary from the outcome of the claimants WCA. / Voluntary
WP ESA (c) WRAG Mandatory
(ESA contributory based (c) WRAG claimants) / Voluntary from the outcome of the claimants WCA. / Mandatory
WP ESA (c) WRAG Voluntary
(ESA contributory based (c) WRAG claimants who are a Lone Parent with a child under the age of 5 OR are Full-Time Carers) / Voluntary from the outcome of the claimants WCA. / Voluntary
WP ESA (IR) Support Group.
(ESA Income Related (IR) WRAG claimants who are a Lone Parent with a child under the age of 5 OR are Full-Time Carers) / Voluntary from the outcome of the claimants WCA. / Voluntary
WP ESA (IR) Support Group ExIB
(ESA Income Related (IR) WRAG claimants who have previously received Incapacity Benefit) / Voluntary from the outcome of the claimants WCA. / Voluntary
WP ESA (IR) WRAG 3/6Mth Stock
(ESA WRAG claimants who prior to the launch of the Work Programme had claimed Income Related (IR) ESA and have been given a prognosis of either 3 or 6 months) / Voluntary from the outcome of the claimants WCA. / Mandatory
WP ESA (IR) WRAG 3/6 Mth Voluntary
(ESA Income Related (IR) WRAG claimants who are a Lone Parent with a child under the age of 5 OR are Full-Time Carers, and as a result of their WCA have been given a prognosis of either 3 or 6 months) / Voluntary from the outcome of the claimants WCA. / Voluntary
WP ESA (IR) WRAG 3/6 Mth Voluntary ExIB
(ESA Income Related (IR) WRAG claimants who have previously received Incapacity Benefit, are a Lone Parent with a child under the age of 5 OR are Full-Time Carers, and as a result of their WCA have been given a prognosis of either 3 or 6 months) / Voluntary from the outcome of the claimants WCA. / Voluntary
WP ESA (IR) WRAG 12Mth Mandatory
(ESA Income Related (IR) WRAG claimants who as a result of their WCA have been given a prognosis of 12 months+) / Voluntary from the outcome of the claimants WCA. / Mandatory
WP ESA (IR) WRAG 12Mth Voluntary
(ESA Income Related (IR) WRAG claimants who are a Lone Parent and have a youngest child under the age of 5 OR are Full-Time Carers, who as a result of their WCA have been given a prognosis of 12 months+) / Voluntary from the outcome of the claimants WCA. / Voluntary

How do I search for a Work Programme Opportunity Type?

  1. For more information, refer to “How do I search for a Work Programme Opportunity”?

Having saved the referral, click on ‘view fu’ button then on ‘amend fu’ add ‘WP Information Session’ into the remarks field.

How do I ensure Market Share is applied when selecting a Work Programme Opportunity Type?

  1. For more information, refer to How do I ensure Market Share is applied when selecting a Work Programme Opportunity?

LMS Referral Data sent to Work Programme Providers

  1. For more information on what data is sent to WPP as part of the referral, refer toLMS Referral Data sent to Work Programme Providers

Letters/Leaflets to be issued at the Work Programme Information Session referral

  1. If the claimant is voluntary, give the provider’s name and inform them that the WPP will be in touch to arrange the WP Information Session.
  2. Issue the appropriate WP leaflet to the claimantWP1M (mandatory referral)or WP1V (voluntary referral).
  3. Give claimants a nominated contact and telephone number for someone in the Jobcentre if they have any issues. Insert the details in the box on the WP1 leaflets.
  4. All claimants must be given the material produced by the provider which will explain the provider’s minimum service offer.

Closing the referral to theESAWork Programme Information Session

  1. A final check must be made to ensure that the referral process has been correctly followed, that the claimant is eligible and suitable for the WP Information Session and that the correct opportunity type has been selected.
  2. If, after all the checks and having saved the Work Programme Referral (WPR) the adviser has made, or thinks they have made, an incorrect referral follow the instructions in the Inappropriate ESA Referral to a WP Information Session.
  3. Do not attempt to correct without referring to the instructions in the Inappropriate ESA Referral to a WP Information Session.

Booking the Flexible Intervention

  1. At the WP Information Session referral book a follow up meeting to see what decision the claimant has been made and whether they want to opt for the ESA Jobcentre Plus Offer or the WP.
  2. The aspiration is that the follow up meeting will take place as soon as possible after 15 days from referral; however Advisers will have to consider local arrangements and the availability in the LMS/ABS diary. An invitation letter should also be issued to the claimant.

Note: There is an aspiration to reach a timescale of 17 calendar days between referral and follow up meeting, but timings may be agreed locally.