Olmstead Implementation and Planning
Advisory Council Steering Committee
Meeting Minutes
SEPTEMBER 28, 2007
In attendance: Lowell Arye, Maureen Babula, Lee Berkey, Julie Caliwan, Virginia Carlson, Sue Gottesman, Eloise Hawkins, Jane Horowitz, Sam Jenkins, Eric Joice, Leslie Long, Ann Martinelli, Shawn McInerney, Patricia Merk, Alan Mucatel, Ari Ne’eman, Roger Puente, Kenneth Ritchey, Myrta Rosa, Kassandra Ross, Gary Rubin, Liz Shea, Richard Sheridan, Deborah Spitalnik
Ø A discussion of workgroups and priorities generated many ideas for consideration.
1. Subcommittee topics need to be reviewed and clarified. Some topics may need to be added, deleted or expanded upon to ensure that the workgroups are focusing on priority issues for Olmstead and not duplicating the efforts of other committees.
2. The workgroups may only need to obtain updates from DDD or DHS staff
who are members of internal and/or external committees that are addressing
topics related to the planning and implementation of Olmstead.
Ø General Comments
§ The list of individuals at Woodbridge and New Lisbon Developmental Centers who meet all 3 criteria for transition will be exhausted soon; will need a plan for educating families who oppose.
§ Ken Ritchey noted that there will be two meetings set up for stakeholders to review proposed new waiver by the end of this calendar year.
§ Subcommittees will require specific data and reports to review periodically.
§ Ken Ritchey noted that the Division has limited resources and should not over commit to creating and providing various sources of data. Co-Chairs should e-mail requests for data to Patricia Merk and Virginia Carlson.
§ Existing reports that will be useful resources include:
NPDC Closure Report-Leslie Long has a copy
The Plan to Eliminate Comm. Svs. Residential WL by 2008 -DDD has copies
Long Term Care Exploration Group-Lowell Arye has a copy
§ It was suggested that DDD develop a means for consumers and families to communicate with the Division directly- “Tell Advisory Council What You Think” –direct comments
Ø Next Steps:
1. The Co-Chairs and DDD lead staff persons of each of the 5 workgroups (5 separate meetings) will meet before 10/26/07 to:
a. review the current DDD list of internal and external committees
b. determine and prioritize the subcommittees that need to be established for their workgroups.
2. All Workgroup Co-Chairs and DDD lead staff will meet on Friday, October 26,
2007. A matrix and comprehensive work plan will be developed at this meeting.
Ø Upcoming Meeting Dates:
Friday, October 26, 2007 at 10:00 am, Carnegie Center Room 478
Friday, December 14, 2007 at 10:00 am, Carnegie Center Room 478
Minutes prepared by Kassandra Ross