IMS Graduate Faculty Appointment/Re-Appointment Application Form

Please complete this application form and submit with supporting documentation (see page 3). Add additional rows as necessary.

Contact Information

Title / Given Name / Surname

Degrees Obtained

Degree / Institution / Start Date – End Date

Current Academic Appointments

Rank / Department / Start Date / End Date

Current Hospital/Research Institute Appointments

Position / Department / Start Date

Current Graduate Appointments (if applicable)

Rank / Department / Start Date

Collaborative Program Affiliations (if applicable)

Rank / Department / Start Date

Supervisory Experience(the last 5 years only)

Student Name / Department/Institution / Degree (MSc/PhD) / Start date – End date / Your role (primary supervisor, committee member, etc.)

Publications(Last 5 Years)

Refereed Articles / Books / Book Chapters / Total
Already published
In press/Accepted
List five most significant publications in the last 5 years as principal or senior author. Please indicate the impact factor for each publication. / Impact Factor

Current Grants and Research Funding

Funding Source / Total Amount / Your role (Principal investigator, co-applicant, etc.) / Funding period (from mm/yy to mm/yy)

Research Environment

Describe the research environment and resources available to IMS students

Student Funding Strategy

Describe your strategy for providing student funding/research stipend (see IMS Funding Policy: to IMS students under your direct supervision

IMS Graduate Teaching (last 5 years only) for re-appointment application only

Describe your teaching activities in IMS (e.g., as IMS course direct, lecturer, facilitator of MSC 1010/1011 modules)

IMS Activities (last 5 years only) for re-appointment application only

Describe your participation in IMS activities (e.g., Chair SGS senate PhD exam, PhD transfer/qualifying exam, MSc exam, serve on IMS committees, as a speaker/judge for IMS Scientific Day/IMS Summer Undergraduate Research Days

A complete application for IMS graduate appointment includes:

1.  IMS Graduate Application Form. Please do not PDF the form, it must be submitted in Microsoft Word format.

2.  A letter from the applicant

3.  A full CV (CIHR Common CV format is preferred)

4.  A letter of support from the chair of the applicant’s primary academic department

5.  A letter of support from the chair of the applicant’s primary graduate unit (if applicable)

6.  Other supporting information (e.g. letter of support from the hospital research institute director for funding strategies) (Optional).

Letters should be addressed to:

Dr. Mingyao Liu, Associate Director

Institute of Medical Science

Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto

1 King’s College Circle, Room 2374

Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A8

Completed applications should be submitted via email Kaki Narh Blackwood at