Notice of Community Meeting

Kempton Streetscape Discussions

Memorial Hall Kempton - Wednesday 3rd May 6.30 to 7.30pm

Southern Midlands Council and Green Ponds Progress Association are seeking community input and support to reinvigorate the Kempton streetscape. This meeting will enable the process of change to commence.

In 1997 a Kempton Streetscape concept plan was developed and it is available for viewing at the Kempton council offices and it is also available on the Council web site at While this document is available it does not limit what could be achieved and therefore your contributions are requested either at the meeting directly or if you are unavailable then please lodge your suggestions using the form on the back of this notice.

The meeting will be the first step in the streetscape revitalisation process. It is envisaged that these steps will be followed:

1.  Initial suggestion gathering meeting (3 May) and formation of a community working group

2.  Working group convenes (4 May) to filter and prioritise suggestions

3.  Working Group agrees priority suggestions for immediate action and a work, finance and project plan initiated for Financial Year 17/18 (by 31 May)

4.  Additional suggestions programed accordingly for subsequent Financial Year budgets

5.  Community information/feedback provided (31 May)

6.  Working Group continues to monitor and execute the plan

The Kempton streetscape and facilities do require improvement and update and this will be a perfect opportunity to identify what needs to and can be achieved

Your contribution and suggestions are welcomed


  1. Welcome and Purpose
  2. Background on 1997 Streetscape concept
  3. Open forum

3.1  What are the limits/restrictions that exist

3.2  What does Kempton need

3.3  Collection of suggestions

  1. Working Group

4.1  Role and tasks

4.2  Composition

4.3  Appointments

  1. Summary

For additional information please contact

Andrew Benson 0429 852 730 or Tony Jewson 0438 317 391

Kempton Streetscape – Suggestions






Other comments:

I am able to volunteer to assist in the occasional “streetscape” activity (tick)

Name: ______

Email: ______

Phone: ______