Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund
Music and Dance Scholarship Scheme 2004-2005
Guidance Notes to the Scholarship Scheme
1. The objective of the scholarship scheme is to enable exceptionally talented candidates to pursue an integrated programme of post-diploma studies, post-graduate studies or professional training in music or dance outside Hong Kong at a world-renowned institution.
2. The scope of the scholarship is not confined to “performer training programmes”, i.e. instrumental music or dance studies. Non-performing (e.g. composition and choreography) studies directly or largely related to music or dance may be considered for the purpose of scholarship award.
3. Applicants for the scholarship must fulfill the following criteria:
(a) Residency requirement in Hong Kong
Applicants must be permanent Hong Kong residents who have resided in Hong Kong for seven continuous years immediately preceding 31 January 2004 (to be supported by relevant documents). Study outside Hong Kong of not more than 2 years within the 7-year period is accepted to count as period of residency in Hong Kong;
(b) Age limit
Applicants must be aged from 18 to 32 years (inclusive) as at 31 January 2004; and
(c) Qualification
Applicants must be holders of a relevant degree or post-form 7 tertiary qualification in either music or dance specifically (such as advanced certificate and advanced diploma). Applicants who are studying in the final year and expected to obtain the required qualification at the end of the school year may apply. At the time that the Board selects their applications for the award of scholarships, the selected applicants should possess the required qualification.
Intended Courses and Institutions
Intended Courses
4. Applicants are allowed to apply for different types of courses but separate applications should be filed for different types of courses. For instance, an applicant who intends to pursue a course in choreography and a course in performing dance should file two separate applications, which will be auditioned separately. Applicants are required to submit details about their choices of intended courses (e.g. curriculum and course content) together with their applications.
Intended Institutions
5. Applicants are allowed to put down in each application up to five choices of would-renowned institutions. In the event of an applicant including among his/her five choices of institutions any institution which is not considered by the Fund as well-renowned, the Board may, at its absolute discretion, require the applicant to substitute his/her choice of intended institution with world-renowned institution by a date specified by the Board.
Admission to the courses and institutions
6. It is the applicants’ responsibility to secure admission to the intended course in their applications. Before applying to the Music and Dance Fund, applicants must have decided on a course of study at a specific institution, from which they should have obtained, where possible, a conditional offer. At the time of audition, applicants must be able to provide the Secretariat with documentary evidence supporting that their applications to at least one of the five choices of the intended institutions have been acknowledged; failing which their applications will not be considered any further. At the time when the Fund offers scholarships to the selected applicants, they should have secured admission to either one of the five choices of institutions unconditionally; failing which the scholarships will be withdrawn.
Audition and Interview
7. All qualified applicants will be required to attend the auditions/interviews in April / May 2004 in person.
Music Audition
8. Applicants applying for performer training courses will be required to play three music pieces of their own choice, lasting for ten minutes in total and preferably of contrasting styles and varying periods. They can be either complete work or excerpts.
9. Applicants applying for music composition courses will be required to provide three pieces of their music work in the form of scores and other supporting materials such as audio/video recordings.
10. Applicants applying for non-performing music studies will be required to provide two pieces of their written work in the form of study reports, essays or dissertations. These applicants are advised that the inclusion of audio/video recordings relevant to their own work will be helpful to the Fund’s assessment of their applications.
Dance Audition
11. With the exception of applicants applying for non-performing studies, applicants will be required to perform two dances of their own choice, preferably of contrasting characters and different periods within a total duration of seven minutes.
12. Applicants applying for non-performing studies will be required to provide two pieces of their written work in the form of study reports, essays or dissertations. These applicants are advised that the inclusion of audio/video recordings relevant to their own work will be helpful to the Fund's assessment of their applications.
Duration and Value
13. Each scholarship is tenable up to a maximum of two years subject to the selected candidates’ satisfactory progress at regular intervals. Applicants intending to apply for a scholarship lasting for more than one year are required to list the tuition fee (excluding various kinds of fees) for the course not only for the first year but also for the second year separately.
14. A full award of scholarship will provide the following: (a) tuition fee; (b) a return flight to the intended country of study; and (c) subsistence allowance and technical allowance. Tuition fee is meant to meet the tuition fee and part of other study-related fees required by the intended institution to complete the intended course for the year(s) under application. The return flight is meant to support the travel from Hong Kong to the country of study as well as the return travel to Hong Kong after completion of study. Subsistence allowance is meant to meet the cost of living expenses outside Hong Kong such as accommodation, travelling expenses and health insurance premiums, etc. As regards technical allowance, it is meant to cater for study-related expenses such as reference books, scores, costumes, etc. While tuition fee and air fare may be paid direct to schools or travel agents, subsistence allowance and technical allowance are paid to the scholarship holders.
15. The Fund may, at its own discretion, decide to grant a full / partial award of scholarship, for a duration different from that submitted by the applicant with conditions which the Fund deems appropriate.
16. A selected candidate for the scholarship will be required to sign an undertaking with the Fund and to arrange for an indemnifier to sign a deed of indemnity. Upon completion of his/her studies/training, he/she is expected to return to Hong Kong to pursue his/her career and contribute to the Hong Kong community.
Application Procedure
17. Applications, attaching all the required documents and materials, should be submitted to the Secretariat of the Fund by 31 January 2004 on the prescribed forms. Application forms are obtainable in person or by mail with a self-addressed and stamped (HK$2.2) envelope (17cm X 25cm) from:
Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund Secretariat
Home Affairs Bureau
41/F, Revenue Tower
5 Gloucester Road
Wanchai, Hong Kong
18. Application forms can also be accessed and downloaded from the following web sites:
Music Scholarship
"http://www.info.gov.hk/hab/doc/music.doc" for both English and Chinese versions of application form
"http://www.info.gov.hk/hab/doc/notes.doc." for both English and Chinese versions of Guidance Notes to the Scholarship Scheme
Dance Scholarship
"http://www.info.gov.hk/hab/doc/dance .doc" for both English and Chinese versions of application form
"http://www.info.gov.hk/hab/doc/notes.doc." for both English and Chinese versions of Guidance Notes to the Scholarship Scheme
19. Applicants will be informed of the result of their applications in writing in late May 2004 at the earliest.
20. For further information, please call the Secretariat during office hours at 2594 5628 (Ms WONG) or 2594 5621 (Mr LEUNG).
Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund Secretariat
November 2003
1. 本獎學金計劃旨在讓才華出眾的申請人能夠前赴海外,在世界知名院校修讀綜合性音樂或舞蹈進修課程、深造課程或接受音樂或舞蹈方面的專業訓練。
2. 本獎學金的範圍並不限於「表演者訓練課程」(即修習器樂或舞蹈);申請人可就與音樂或舞蹈有直接或主要關係的非表演性質(如作曲、編舞)研習課程提出申請。
3. 申請人須符合下列條件:
(a) 居港年期
(b) 年齡限制
(c) 學歷
4. 申請人可報讀不同種類課程,但須就不同種類課程分別遞交申請。例如申請人如有意修讀編舞課程及表演舞蹈課程,便須分別遞交兩份申請,而該兩份申請需經分別甄選。申請人在遞交申請時,需一併呈交有意報讀課程的詳細資料(例如課程大綱及內容)。
5. 申請人可在每份申請內填寫五所有意報讀的世界知名院校。如信託基金認為申請人所選擇的院校不屬世界知名院校,信託基金委員會可以有絕對酌情權要求申請人在指定日期前另選其他世界知名院校。
6. 申請人有責任先取得所報讀課程取錄。申請人向音樂及舞蹈信託基金提出申請前,必須已經決定在某一所院校修讀某一課程,及最好已獲初步取錄。當申請人出席甄選時,必需能夠向秘書處提供證明文件,以證實在他們有意報讀的五所院校中,至少有一所已接受他們的申請;否則他們的申請將不獲進一步考慮。當基金向獲選申請人提供獎學金時,他們應該已經獲得五所報讀院校中任何一所無條件取錄;否則獎學金將被撤回。
7. 所有合資格的申請人,必須親身出席在二零零四年四月/五月舉行的甄選及面試。
8. 報讀「表演者訓練課程」的申請人,須演奏三首自選樂曲,時限共十分鐘,最好能選擇不同風格及不同時期的作品。申請人可以演奏整首作品或選奏其中片段。
9. 報讀作曲課程的申請人,須向基金提交三首原創作品的曲譜及其他附帶物品,例如錄音帶/錄影帶。
10. 報讀非表演性質音樂研習課程的申請人,須向基金提交兩份書面作品,作品形式可以是學習報告、文章或論文。如申請人能提供與其作品有關的錄音帶/錄影帶,將有助基金評審有關申請。
11. 除報讀非表演性質舞蹈研習課程人士外,申請人須表演兩個自選舞蹈作品,時限共七分鐘,最好能選擇不同性質及不同時期的作品。
12. 報讀非表演性質舞蹈研習課程的申請人,須向基金提交兩份書面作品,作品形式可以是學習報告、文章或論文。如申請人能提供與其作品有關的錄音帶/錄影帶,將有助基金評審有關申請。
13. 每項獎學金為期不超逾兩年,視乎獲選候選人是否定期有滿意進度而定。有意申請為期超過一年獎學金的人士,須在申請時將扣除各類雜費後的首年學費及次年學費分別列出。
14. 全數獎學金將提供以下項目:(a)學費;(b)來回深造國家的機票;及(c)生活津貼及修藝津貼。學費是用以支付有意報讀院校所要求的學費及其他與學習有關的部分費用,以便在所申請的年期內,完成有意報讀的課程。來回機票是用以資助由香港前往深造國家,以及完成課程後返港的行程。生活津貼是用以應付在海外的生活開支,例如住宿、交通費及健康保險費用等。至於修藝津貼,是用作解決與學習有關的開支,例如購買參考書、曲譜、戲服等。學費及飛機票費用會由基金直接付予學校或旅行代理商,而生活津貼及修藝津貼則會付予獎學金得主。
15. 基金可酌情決定頒發全數或部分獎學金,而且頒發年期可能與申請人所申請的年期不同,並可附加其認為合適的任何條件。
16. 每名獎學金獲選候選人將須簽署一份承諾書及安排一名彌償人簽署一份彌償契約。基金鼓勵接受獎學金的申請人學成後回港發展事業,並為香港社會作出貢獻。
17. 申請人須把填妥的申請表,連同所需的文件及物品,在二零零四年一月三十一日或之前送交信託基金秘書處。申請人可親臨或致函下列地址索取申請表:
來函索取申請表者,請隨附貼有二元二角郵票的回郵信封(17厘米x 25厘米)。
18. 申請表格的中英文本亦可在下列網址下載:
"http://www.info.gov.hk/hab/doc/music.doc" (申請表格的中英文本)
"http://www.info.gov.hk/hab/doc/notes.doc" (獎學金計劃指引的中英文本)
"http://www.info.gov.hk/hab/doc/dance.doc" (申請表格的中英文本)
"http://www.info.gov.hk/hab/doc/notes.doc" (獎學金計劃指引的中英文本)
19 申請結果最快於二零零四年五月底以書面形式通知申請人。
20. 如欲查詢進一步資料,請於辦公時間內致電秘書處黃女士(電話:2594 5628) 或梁先生(電話:2594 5621)。