The Official Publication of Ballantrae, a golf and yachting community
Vol. 15 No 9 www.ballantraegyc.com September, 2015
September, 2015 - 3 - Ballantrae Golf & Yacht Club
September, 2015 - 3 - Ballantrae Golf & Yacht Club
September, 2015 - 3 - Ballantrae Golf & Yacht Club
From the Board Corner…………………………….Pg 1
From the Manager’s Desk…...... Pg 1-2
Anglers’ Club……………………………………....Pg 2
Bird Corner…………………………………………Pg 2-3
Saftey Tips………………………………………….Pg 3
Transitions …………………….…………………...Pg 4
Important Dates …………………………………....Pg 4
Please contact Editor at
From The Board Corner
When JB and I moved into Ballantrae two years ago we felt so blessed to be able to live in such a beautiful, well maintained community with so many social activities. Then we started to get involved; me on the Board and JB on irrigation plus numerous social activities. That is when we became even more delighted in Ballantrae. The people in Ballantrae take this community to a level beyond friendship. It’s like one big family.
The best home we ever had because of the people who live here.
I can tell you with experience of managing over two dozen communities in South Florida, none were more complicated than Ballantrae. Besides having to interface with Penn Florida the HOA has to satisfy the needs of several government entities and over 450 homeowners. Our new property manager, Valerie Hope, has taken on the varied tasks presented to her with exuberance and expertise. She has proven to be solution oriented and a delight to all whom I know have worked with her. We have thrown a lot on her shoulders and she had taken each task with an eager attitude.
This being said, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Valerie and the countless number of volunteers who contribute so much to our beautiful community. While most of us are retired, it says a lot for a community where so many homeowners contribute so much of their time to make this the grand place and family in which we live.
At the next annual meeting the end of January, my term is up for re-election. I won’t be continuing on the Board as I have other endeavors to explore. Three other Board members are also up for re-election. I sincerely hope you will consider volunteering as a Board member. It will give you even more insight as to the needs of Ballantrae and the many volunteers that make it your home.
Jan Richardson
From The Managers Desk
Quarterly statements will be sent out very soon and in those statements will be a notification that the LOCKBOX ADDRESS FOR PAYMENTS IS CHANGING. Please take note to change the address to which you payment is mailed or transmitted. The new address is:
Ballantrae Community Association
C/O FirstService Residential
PO Box 28110
Miami, FL 33102-8110
If you pay by check, please note the new mailing address. That address will appear in the window of the enclosed return envelope when you use the payment coupon with your check. If you pay from your computer using Quicken, or Bill Pay from your bank, then please make sure to change the address of the electronic payee. If you’ve set up an auto pay on any of these platforms, again you will l need to change the address of the electronic payee to the address above and also be sure to include the account number from your statement.
Please take time to ensure that the mailing address is changed. As always, should you have any questions, please let us know and we are more than happy to assist.
Valerie Hope, LCAM
Reminder- Lending Library
Please be reminded, our wonderful library is at residents disposal during weekday hours of 8-6pm. It is worth mentioning however, that it is a “lending” library. Please make efforts to bring back your latest “read” after you have finished it.
Anglers’ Club
The first week in August, Captain Hal Fowler, Bruce Harris, and John Pulley with guests Bob Nelson and Troy Pulley left Ballantrae one morning at 6 AMfor the Bahamas to drop some more lobster condos. The weather was nice most of the day and they put over two hundred miles on the boat. Coming home, Captain Hal spent over two hours and several miles to avoid a large storm. The group arrived back at Ballantrae 8:45 that evening in the dark of night.
Fall is coming (believe it or not!); Fishing both here and in the Keys will pick up, as will the social event calendar. Soon, a group of Anglers Club members will travel to North Carolina to pick up Hal's new Hatteras boat and return it to Ballantrae. If you are not now a member of the Anglers’ Club now, we invite you to join our social and fishing events. Homeowners in Ballantrae are always welcome to join the Club. Membership dues are just $50 per family (limit two people) per year. To sign on, or for more information, go to our website and look at our monthly newsletters at http://www.ballantraeanglers.com/ or call Hal Fowler at 772-337-4370, or any of the officers noted on the last page of our newsletters.
Pete Worch
Bird Corner
For the entire month of August, Lynn and I have had the privilege of watching two Mourning Doves build a nest in the window above our front door. I was able to do an entire photographic journal from eggs to fledgling Doves, which took about a month…. What fun!
Picture me climbing a stepladder and snapping photos of the babies in various stages of growth. Not one of my better skills… precariously balancing on a near top step while trying to get that
“just right photo”…
Mission accomplished, and you can see all of the Dove sequence photos at this link of the www.BallantraeBirdwatchers.com website. CLICK HERE (Try holding Control key and clicking)
(if the link does not work, go to the website and click on “fun Stuff”) the page is there.
Other birdwatching in Ballantrae this month has produced photos of Osprey, Limpkins, Herons of all kinds, Egrets, a really nice Belted Kingfisher and a lone Roseate Spoonbill. Many smaller birds such as Northern Shrikes, Cardinals, Blue Jays, Crows, Starlings, Red-bellied Woodpeckers and a few others are also around to be seen. Take some time and look around… Ballantrae is a nature paradise!
If you have not used our Ballantrae website, it is designed for you, the Ballantrae resident.
This site allows residents to view the many birds in Ballantrae, see the Birds of the Month, contribute their photos and comments and in general use this site to enjoy the treasures of Ballantrae…our beautiful birds. There will be a blog for Ballantrae birders and other “fun” stuff… when the site is complete, but for now, I hope everyone enjoys what we have done so far. If you need some identification or advice, call me anytime…
772 349 9235
Ron Klowden
Pedestrian Safety
As the Days Become Shorter Safety Concerns Increase
Students have headed back to school – it’s a good time to review pedestrian safety. The days are getting shorter and the mornings are darker as children make their way to school or the school bus stop. Parents, the best thing you can do for your child is remind them – again – of the safety tips below. Also, take the time to get something reflective for their backpacks or shoes. You want drivers to see them when the sun is just coming up over the horizon.
Teach children to make eye contact with drivers before crossing the street.
Unintentional pedestrian injuries are the fifth leading cause ofinjury-relateddeath in the United States for children ages 5 to 19. Teenagers are now at greatest risk. Teens have a death rate twice that of younger children and account for half of all child pedestrian deaths.
· Teach kids at an early age to look left, right and left again before crossing the street. Then remind them to continue scanning while crossing by keeping their heads up and looking around until safely across.
· Teach kids to put phones, headphones and devices down when crossing the street. It is particularly important to reinforce this message withteenagers.
· It’s always best to walk on sidewalks or paths and cross at street corners, using traffic signals and crosswalks. If there are no sidewalks, walk facing traffic as far to the left as possible.
· Children under 10 need to cross the street with an adult. Every child is different, but developmentally, most kids are unable to judge the speed and distance ofoncoming cars until age 10.
· Be a good role model. Set a good example by putting your phone, headphones and devices down when walking around cars.
- See more at: http://www.safekids.org/walkingsafelytips
The St. Lucie Transportation Planning Organization has free reflective items and other traffic safety materials. They can be contacted a 772-462-1593.
Each month we give space for our residents’ announcements. Submit information about births,
marriages, special birthdays and anniversaries to
the Editor at . In the event of a death, please contact George Greenstein at .
New Residents
Please Welcome…
Mauro Zenarolla & Sheila Morris as owners to 1543 Ballantrae Court from Virginia Beach, VA
James & Judith Messner as owners to 1653 SE Ballantrae Blvd N from Hutchinson Island
September, 2015 - 3 - Ballantrae Golf & Yacht Club