Recruitment Services

Service Specifications

Document Revision History

Version / Date / Prepared by / Comments
1.1 / 22/10/2012 / L Dawson / Draft prepared for Statewide Recruitment Services transition to Hospital and Health Services 2012


Summary of Service Items / 4
Definitions and Acronyms / 5
Detail of Service Items:
1.  Workforce and Job Design / 6
2.  Options to Fill Vacancy / 6
3.  Advertising / 8
4.  Process applications / 11
5.  Selection / 13
6.  Appointment / 14
7.  Post - Appointment / 16

Summary of Service Items

Recruitment Services

Definitions and Acronyms

JEMS / Job Evaluation Management System
VADER / Recruitment database
CFO / Chief Finance Officer
CHRO / Chief Human Resource Officer
DPC / Department of Premier and Cabinet
FBT / Fringe Benefits Tax
HRS / Human Resource Services
RASP / RecruitASP
Springboard / Whole of Government job application management system – upgrade of RASP
RMO / Resident Medical Officer
HHS / Hospital and Health Service
EB / Enterprise Bargaining
W4U / WorkForUs
QH / Queensland Health
HP / Health Practitioner
QSS / Queensland Shared Services
ERP / Employees Requiring Placement
EMP / Establishment Management Program
CHAP / Criminal History Assessment Panel
CCYPCG / Commission for Children, Young People and Child Guardian
QCS / Queensland Correctional Services

Recruitment Services - Service Specifications

Service/Sub Service Element / Recruitment Services
Responsibilities / HHS Line Manager
Responsibilities / System Manager
1 Workforce and Job Design
1.1 Develop workforce models, structures and resources
Coordinate evaluations and maintain record of evaluations / ·  Receive and allocate JEMS evaluations from HHSs/Statewide Services to evaluators as required.
·  Coordinate notification of JEMS outcomes to applicants and line managers as required.
·  Maintain a repository of role descriptions in recruitment database (VADER) for all advertised vacancies for three years. / ·  Develop role descriptions to be forwarded to Recruitment Services or Work Value Team for JEMS.
·  Ensure process and documentation complies with all relevant HR Policies, Directives, Awards and Agreements. / Work Value Team
·  Maintain a repository of role descriptions.
·  Maintain a register of trained evaluators.
·  Coordinate evaluations across the state for EB upgrades and special requests.
2 Options to Fill Vacancy
·  Receive and process Request to fill a vacancy form, as requested by the line manager and in accordance with legislative and QH policy provisions (i.e. through transfer at level or surplus, direct appointment, expressions of interest, advertising or admin in-house relief). Refer to 3.5 Advertise vacancies.
·  Call for in-house relief electronic or hard copy applications through EOI process.
·  Provide in-house relief applicant list to line managers on request.
·  Search W4U clinical database as requested by Line Managers.
·  Manage information following meetings with HRS regarding surplus, ERP and transfer at level employees.
·  Match surplus employees identified in VADER to appropriate vacancies. / ·  Identify preferred option to fill on Request to fill a vacancy form, while ensuring the requested option is in line with relevant legislative and QH policy frameworks, and forward form to Recruitment Services for processing.
·  Complete and maintain position establishment.
·  Check for suitable Admin in-house relief applicants within two days.
·  Request W4U clinical database search from Recruitment Services where applicable.
·  Ensure employees formally registered as Queensland Health surplus/ERP employees are assessed under suitability guidelines to determine whether they are suitable for deployment or redeployment. / EMP Team
·  Identify vacancies approved for filling and liaise with Line Managers, the Public Service Commission and the Placement Team.
Placement Team
·  Match pre-registered and registered ERPs to vacancies and support Line Managers through the suitability assessment process.
Service/Sub Service Element / Recruitment Services
Responsibilities / HHS Line Manager
Responsibilities / System Manager
2 Options to Fill Vacancy - continued
·  Notify surplus employee, case manager and panel chair via standard emails, of potential match for vacancies when required and record all communication with surplus employee in VADER.
·  Provide information to clients about transactional processes relating to surplus employee matching as required.
·  Maintain a register of clinical surplus and employer initiated transfer at level employees.
·  Provide information about surplus employee processes to clients.
·  Maintain local transfer at level and admin in-house relief request lists as required to support requests for information from line managers.
·  Direct line manager enquiries regarding EMP and ERP processes to the appropriate team within the System Manager. / ·  Advise Recruitment Services of HHS internal employees for matching prior to advertising.
·  Ensure process and documentation complies with all relevant HR Policies, Directives, Awards and Agreements.
Service/Sub Service Element / Recruitment Services
Responsibilities / HHS Line Manager
Responsibilities / System Manager
3 Advertising
3.1 Market the public sector as an employer of choice
Devise specific vacancy advertising strategy / ·  Liaise directly with line managers as required to advise them of advertising options available. / Line Managers
·  Develop own advertising strategies.
·  Ensure process and documentation complies with all relevant HR Policies, Directives, Awards and Agreements. / .
Attract suitable applicants / ·  Forward all unsolicited applications directly to the relevant HHS/Statewide Service area contact. / ·  Devise high level tactical activities related to attracting suitable candidates for QH job vacancies.
·  Ensure process and documentation complies with all relevant HR Policies, Directives, Awards and Agreements. / Leadership, Capability and Placement
·  Provide information to potential candidates in universities as part of specific graduate recruitment programs for intern and medical.
·  Provide information to potential candidates as part of Resident Medical Officer recruitment program.
·  Attend schools and industry groups to hold seminars and provide information on traineeships.
Service/Sub Service Element / Statewide Recruitment Services
Responsibilities / HHS Line Manager
Responsibilities / System Manager
3 Advertising – continued
3.1 Market the public sector as an employer of choice – continued
Advertise vacancies / ·  After HHS specific approval requirements (including EMP) are met, process request to fill a vacancy form in accordance with relevant HR policies and processes.
·  Quality check role descriptions and advertisements including proofs.
·  Check transfer at level database for eligible applicants on request.
·  Provide support to line managers with respect to converting role descriptions into new QH template as required.
·  Update and advise line managers throughout advertising process.
·  Populate and load advertisements to Seek and Smart Jobs.
·  Facilitate circulation of EOI where more than one temporary or casual employee may be considered for the vacancy.
·  Produce and publish Health Services Bulletin.**
·  Prepare and produce system extracts for W4U job advertisements and send to Office of Information Management (OIM) for publication.
·  Facilitate and forward advertisements to Master Media Agency. / Line Managers/Delegates
·  Ensure establishment requirements are met prior to submitting Request to fill a vacancy form.
·  Complete Request to fill a vacancy form and Word version of role description and forward to Recruitment Services for processing after EMP approval requirements are met.
·  Ensure role description is updated to comply with mandated template issued by the System Manager.
·  Ensure process and documentation complies with all relevant HR Policies, Directives, Awards and Agreements.
HHS Governing Body for HP Positions
·  Review and approve advertising and filling for all HP positions and forward to the HP Evaluation Team when required. / HP Evaluation Team, Work Value Team
·  Approve the advertising of a HP4 and above positions after considering the position structurally in the HHS.
Prepare application kits / ·  Develop Generic information package for applicants that comply with QH Terms and Conditions of employment.
·  Provide specific detailed information about the vacant position/s eg. specific work details; workplace location/site.
·  Ensure process and documentation complies with all relevant HR Policies, Directives, Awards and Agreements. / ·  Create specific kits for Resident Medical Officer (RMO), Intern medical, and traineeships and Indigenous Allied Health cadetships.

**Publication may change with the implementation of Springboard

Service/Sub Service Element / Recruitment Services
Responsibilities / HHS Line Manager
Responsibilities / System Manager
3 Advertising – continued
3.1 Market the public sector as an employer of choice – continued
Provide application kits to candidates (eg. selection criteria and e-forms) / ·  Forward Information Package for Applicants and role description to candidates upon request.
·  Support applicants on how to apply for vacancies and eligibility to apply for vacancies.
·  Upload Information Package for Applicants and role description and any attachments to Work for Us, Smartjobs through RASP, and Seek. / ·  Provide Recruitment Services with the details of a contact person for the role. / ·  Support applicants on how to apply for vacancies and eligibility for graduate programs, medical campaigns, cadetships and traineeships.
Monitor workforce requirements / ·  Provide vacancy, advertising and appointment statistical information upon request through standardised reports from VADER and Springboard.
Master Media Agency invoicing:
·  Receive invoices/credit notes and record on VADER/Springboard.
·  Raise a General Purpose Voucher for invoices/credit notes and forward to Finance for processing and payment.
·  Receive, filter and redirect invoice statements to the appropriate Recruitment Services from Master Media Agency as required. / ·  Request standardised vacancy, advertising and appointment reports from Recruitment Services. / ·  Supply ad-hoc requests for information outside standard VADER/Springboard reports until Springboard is implemented Statewide.
Evaluate advertisement effectiveness / ·  Provide ad hoc reporting as required to DPC and/or QH relating to external and internal advertising statistics. / ·  Provide ad hoc reporting as required to DPC and/or QH relating to external and internal advertising statistics.
Service/Sub Service Element / Recruitment Services
Responsibilities / HHS Line Manager
Responsibilities / System Manager
4 Process Applications
4.1 Manage applicant pools
Manage applicant pool database / ·  Arrange electronic upload of all applications for QH vacancies.
·  Download applications into PDF format (bulk print) upon vacancy closure and perform error check.
·  Contact applicants asking them to provide a computer acceptable version of their application if errors are identified in the bulk print.
·  Forward applications, selection tools information and links to templates on QHEPS to panel chair and/or contact.
·  Liaise with panel chair and/or contact regarding late applications. / ·  Forward any job applications provided directly to them prior to closing date to Recruitment Services for inclusion in candidate lists. / ·  Provide input to revision, development and maintenance of databases to support specific recruitment processes including RMO and graduate employee groups.
·  Manage applicant pools for specific employee groups.
Administer database access / ·  Liaise with QSS for access, password resets and technical issues relating to RASP/Springboard. / ·  Authorise and provide access to VADER.
·  Provide administrative support for recruitment databases such as VADER and RASP/Springboard.
·  Escalate issues to QSS and Vendor. Monitor to ensure successful completion of remedial activities.
·  Manage the maintenance, enhancements and system upgrades for VADER, RASP and Springboard.
Service/Sub Service Element / Recruitment Services
Responsibilities / HHS Line Manager
Responsibilities / System Manager
4 Process Applications – continued
4.1 Manage applicant pools – continued
Update online information / ·  Update applicant contact details as appropriate.
·  Update RASP/Springboard application status eg. “Shortlisted” or “Sent to Panel” or “Employed” or “Unsuccessful” or “Withdrawn”
Update vacancy lists / ·  Maintain ongoing accurate data entry in VADER and Springboard and check data before final reporting commences.
4.2 Manage applications
Filter, shortlist and pre-select applicants / ·  Filter, shortlist and pre-select applicants for Queensland Health vacancies.
·  Ensure process and documentation complies with all relevant HR Policies, Directives, Awards and Agreements. / ·  Support special HR campaigns eg. RMO and Intern medical programs.
Provide feedback to applicants, including information on status, errors, shortlisting and feedback / ·  Update RASP with applicant status throughout recruitment process.
·  Liaise with candidates regarding the status of their submitted job application. / ·  Provide feedback to applicants on recruitment processes for Queensland Health vacancies.
·  Update e-Recruitment database with applicant status throughout recruitment process for RMO and Intern campaigns.
·  Ensure process and documentation complies with all relevant HR Policies, Directives, Awards and Agreements.
Service/Sub Service Element / Recruitment Services
Responsibilities / HHS Line Manager
Responsibilities / System Manager
5 Selection
5.1 Conduct selections and make appointments
Develop selection strategies, tools and techniques / ·  Provide transactional process information to line managers and panel chairs (eg. Information about selection forms and templates). / ·  Develop and implement selection processes deemed appropriate for each vacancy.
·  Ensure process and documentation complies with all relevant HR Policies, Directives, Awards and Agreements. / ·  Provide policy, process, forms and templates advice (eg.B1 Recruitment and Selection policy requirements for selection process).
Administer selection processes / ·  Provide advice and options regarding selection strategies.
·  Provide assistance with selection processes as required. / ·  Nominate and convene selection panels.
·  Schedule locations, panel members and applicants for the assessment process.
·  Shortlist and preselect applicants for Queensland Health vacancies – transfer-at-level, any whole of government registered surplus employees or higher duties lists as required.
·  Ensure process and documentation complies with all relevant HR Policies, Directives, Awards and Agreements.
Service/Sub Service Element / Recruitment Services
Responsibilities / HHS Line Manager
Responsibilities / System Manager
6 Appointment
6.1 Conduct selections and make appointments
Undertake and finalise selection processes / ·  Process appointment paperwork in accordance with relevant Policies and Directives:
·  Receive selection documentation.
·  Verify and validate appointment forms received are accurately completed.
·  Search SAP for name and date of birth if known to identify if new starter is a current existing employee of QH.
·  Conduct initial checks in SAP HRMIS and forward Supervisor Authorisation form or Employee Movement form to Payroll and Establishment Services within 24 hours of receipt.
·  Liaise with line manager regarding any incomplete or inaccurate documentation.
·  Maintain recruitment records in line with archival guidelines. / Panel Chair
·  Conduct assessment process eg. Interview or problem solving exercise, etc.
·  Finalise selection process by ensuring selection report is endorsed by the delegate.
·  Forward all appointment documentation relevant to selection process to Recruitment Services, as listed in Appointment Paperwork Checklist.
·  Ensure process and documentation complies with all relevant HR Policies, Directives, Awards and Agreements.
Pre-employment checks / ·  Refer to the Criminal History Check register to confirm if checks are completed and advise Line Managers appropriately.
·  Liaise with Line Managers regarding the process for criminal history checks. / Panel Chair
·  Obtain Criminal History confirmation and pre employment check (where applicable).
·  Ensure process and documentation complies with all relevant HR Policies, Directives, Awards and Agreements. / Criminal History Unit
·  Check criminal history documentation for accuracy and completeness.
·  Send general criminal history checks and aged care checks to Qld Police Service for processing. Blue card checks to CCYPCG and Queensland Corrective Services checks to QCS Ethical Standards Unit.
·  Notify Panel Chair of result of checks.
·  Support the operation of CHAP
·  Undertake compliance audits.
Service/Sub Service Element / Recruitment Services
Responsibilities / HHS Line Manager
Responsibilities / System Manager
6 Appointment – continued
6.1 Conduct selections and make appointments – continued
Appointment / unsuccessful letters / ·  Create appointment letters and unsuccessful letters following receipt of completed and approved appointment documentation for all appointments (permanent, casual, temporary, direct appointment, transfer at level, EOI, Admin In-House relief > 6 months).
·  Liaise with line managers regarding incomplete or inaccurate documentation.
·  Conduct delegate checks in accordance with QH policy as required.
·  Send all letters concurrently, with new starter kits to new appointee/s.
·  Publish advice of appointments in the Health Services Bulletin and/or Government Gazette** as required.
·  Email electronic copy of signed appointment letter to line manager and/or other nominated manager as required.
·  Run outstanding Acceptance of Offer report from VADER weekly and email line manager if acceptance of offer is not received within seven days.
·  Forward all relevant appointment paperwork to payroll for processing.
·  Retain all additional paperwork received in an allocated recruitment folder until appropriate processes have been finalised with line manager.
·  Escalate any appointments that do not comply with QH policy to HHS People and Culture/HR. / Line Manager
·  Ensure appointment documentation is accurate and complete.
·  Ensure process and documentation complies with all relevant HR Policies, Directives, Awards and Agreements.
·  Ensure local approval and validation processes are followed.
·  Confirm new appointee’s start date.
·  Follow up acceptance of offer with new appointee when contacted by Recruitment Services.
·  For transfer at level and Admin In-House relief – proceed in line with HR Policy if no surplus employee is identified.
·  Negotiate contracts.
·  Develop and manage in consultation with Payroll and Establishment Services and Executive Contracts and Policy Team, all executive contracts of employment, HR policy relating to executive employment, and the terms and conditions of employment for executive employees. / Executive Contracts and Policy Team
·  Development and management of all executive contracts of employment., including: Senior Executive Service (SES), Senior Officers (SO), Health Executive Service (HES), Contracted Employees and District Senior Officers (DSO).
·  Development of HR Policy relating to executive employment.
·  Development of terms and conditions of employment for executive employees.

**Publication/s may change with the implementation of Springboard