VTHRA Scholarship Program
SHRM VT CONFERENCE Registration Scholarship

Thank you for your interest in the VTHRA Scholarship Program. Please read this application carefully and follow all instructions. This is a rolling application process, with four (up to full cost of registration) being awarded for this year.


This program is for HR professionals who are not able to obtain funding from their employers to attend the SHRM VT State Conference. Applicants who are working in HR and are Professional members of VTHRA, in good standing at time of application, are eligible. Applicants must be a member of both VTHRA and SHRM at the time of application.

Scholarship funds may be used towards conference registration (does not include travel or hotel expenses). This scholarship is a one-time award of up to cost of conference registration. Individuals who have received previous VTHRA Conference scholarships are not eligible.


Individual recipients will be selected based upon the criteria below. Because these applications have a rolling time period, timing is very important. Please note that in cases of a tie, the postmark date of the application will be considered. Also, it is possible that we may still receive applications after awarding all of the scholarships. In this case, the application will not be considered, but applicants are always welcome to reapply for a future opportunity. Awards will be decided by a Sponsorship Committee consisting of no more than 50% board members, and 50% VHRA members.

Individual applications will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

40% Essay describing why you want to attend and how it will enhance your HR career or organization.

20% Volunteer activity in the Human Resources field.

40% Financial need.

Applications will not be returned and all decisions are final.

Applications may be submitted from August 1 – August 31st, but once the two scholarships have been distributed, no additional scholarship will be awarded. The SHRM VT Conference is September each year. All applicants will be notified of their standing within 10 days after the VTHRA Board of Directors meeting that follows receipt of the application.

Note: Applications must include all required documentation or applicants will not be considered for an award.

Required Documentation

1.  Brief essay discussing in your own words why you are seeking to attend said conference and how it will enhance your HR career or organization. Also explain your financial need for this scholarship. Maximum two typed pages.

2.  List of past SHRM/VTHRA and/or related human resources volunteer activities if applicable.

3.  Post Conference: Brief update on what you learned, highlights, and/or testimonial of your experience for the VTHRA newsletter and our social media and web-oriented venues.

Application Checklist

This application becomes complete and valid only when you have returned all of the following materials to VHRA before August 31st:

·  Signed application

·  Required documentation

How to Apply

Return this signed application to VTHRA with all supporting documentation by August 31st. Completed applications should be emailed to or mailed to:

Engelberth Construction, Inc.

VHRA Scholarship Program

ATTN: Gina Catanzarita

463 Mountain View Drive

Colchester, VT 05446

Applicant Name:

(Include any current certifications after your name: SHRM-SCP, SHRM-CP,SPHR, PHR, GPHR)

Home Telephone:______Business Phone:



Home/Business Address (Street or PO Box):

City, State and Zip:

¨  I’m currently a 2016 member of the Vermont Human Resource Association in good standing.

¨  I’m currently belong to SHRM and my member number is: ______

Signature: In submitting this application, I certify that the information provided is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I agree to provide proof of information provided with this application, if requested. Falsification of information may result in termination of any scholarship awarded including an obligation to repay all funds disbursed. This application becomes the property of VHRA.

Applicant’s signature:______Date:

I hereby give permission to VHRA to use my photo and post conference news article to use in their newsletter, and social media venues.

Applicant’s signature:______Date:

The Vermont Human Resource Association does not discriminate against individuals on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, disability, age, veteran status, ancestry, national origin or citizenship in the administration of its grant and scholarship programs.