City Council Regular Meeting

Monday, July 11, 2016 7:00 P.M.

Wanamingo City Council Chambers – 401 Main Street

Wanamingo, MN

CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Holmes.

PRESENT: Council: Ryan Holmes, Larry VanDeWalker, Jeremiah Flotterud, Todd Kyllo, and Stuart Ohr

City Administrator: Michael Boulton & Deputy City Clerk: Karen Masters


ALSO PRESENT: Alicia Hunt-Welch – Zumbrota News Record, Amy Repinski - Three Rivers Community Action, LaKeish Arndt - Three Rivers Community Action, and Monty Schaefer.

ADOPT AGENDA: VanDeWalker motioned to adopt the agenda, seconded by Kyllo. Passed 5-0-0.

CONSENT AGENDA: Flotterud motioned, seconded by Ohr to consent. Administrator Boulton informed the Council the SEMMCHRA has four projects under construction, one project where contracts are being executed, and one other in the process of inspection for the MN DEED Housing Rehab Grant. These have been, are, and will be reflected in the building permits. Passed 5-0-0.


A) Monty Schaefer reported on:

1) Alley pot holes filled in with millings

2) Conducted mowing and trimming all around Wanamingo prior to the 4th of July Celebration

3) Hung 4th of July banners and sign

4) Mowed Nature Trail

5) Moved fireworks canisters before and after the 4th of July

6) Cleared downed trees/branches after July 5th storm

7) Swept Streets before the 4th of July and after July 5th Storm

8) Work has started on Mingo View Water Tower repairs/upgrades - expect to be completed July 14th

B) Amy Repinski - Three Rivers Community Action report on:

1) Results of the survey for possible Community Transportation Service completed

2) 204 Residents surveyed from the Kenyon-Wanamingo Communities

3) Combined daily, weekly, and occasional riders of 377 potential riders/week

4) Council members asked logistical questions of cost and operation of service

5) The $90,000 operation costs paid for by Three Rivers Community Action grant dollars

6) Kenyon-Wanamingo would need to come up with 20% capital replacements costs every 6-7 years

7) $74,500 cost for a vehicle replacement - 20% would equal $15,000 combined communities cost

8) Roughly $2,500/year that could be divided between the Communities in a number of ways

8) If approved by MNDoT, service would be Monday through Friday 7:00AM-5:00PM

9) No weekend or major Holiday Service

10) The service is from curb to curb - no assistance will be provided

11) Dispatch would be available from 6:00AM-9:00PM - advanced notice pickup only

12) Would utilize local vendors for repairs and fuel needs - drivers would be hired locally

13) Storage of Buses from Zumbrota, Pine Island, Kenyon-Wanamingo would require new location

14) Wanamingo would have a representative on the Hiawatha Board - Quarterly Board Meetings

C) State Senator Matt Schmit reported on:

1) 2016 Minnesota Legislative Session had positive and negative outcomes

2) The State Continues fiscal responsibility including $230 million above projections for tax collections recently

3) Supplemental spending bill included $35 million for broadband expansion that will better connect approximately 11,000 Homes/Businesses

4) A Transportation Bill failed to be passed, but was close to a deal - including utilizing surplus, dedicating tab fees, and bonding dollars for roads/bridges

5) The bipartisan tax bill was vetoed by Governor Dayton - included tax relief that affected large numbers of Minnesotans

6) Bonding Bill failed to be passed - roughly 1/3 roads/bridges, MNSCU buildings, State Hospitals, and Prisons


Gary Braget - Abatement Clean-Up Hearing for 409 2nd Street E, 305 2nd Street E, and 100 2nd Avenue. The was concern that the outside piled material at the locations attracted rodents and feral cats. Mayor Holmes and Administrator Boulton have been working with Mr. Braget to obtain a dumpster, clear items of little or no value - including rotten wood, and remove it from the properties in question. The Council agreed with the recommended course of action. Mayor Holmes and Administrator Boulton will continue to follow up with Mr. Braget. No further Council Action was necessary.


16-037 = Committing Support to Provide Public Transportation in Conjunction with Three Rivers Community Action: VanDeWalker moved to approve, Seconded by Flotterud. Passed 5-0-0.

16-038 = Approving Emerald Valley Declaration of Easement, Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions, and Reservations for Development Dissolution: VanDeWalker moved to approve, Seconded by Kyllo. Passed 5-0-0.


A discussion took place regarding Kerf Cutter, a water valve repair tool. The Council was presented with the idea at the June City Council Meeting. Since the last meeting, Kenyon has decided not to purchase the tool in 2016. There was discussion involving purchasing/not purchasing the tool and if so renting/not renting out the tool with other entities. Council Member VanDeWalker wanted the City to purchase the tool and be able to share the tool with Kenyon Utilities. Council Member Kyllo echoed purchasing the tool and said that there were numerous valves that needed repairs throughout the community. Council Member Ohr was concerned with sharing/renting out the tool if purchased. He wanted to review rental language to make sure that the there is teeth in the language that the tool comes back in working condition. Council Member Flotterud stated that the water and sewer funds have positive cash balances that should allow for the purchase of the tool. Monty Schaefer stated that there were eleven valves that need to be addressed/fixed this summer. VanDeWalker moved to approve the purchase of the Kerf Cutter tool and that the Council revisit the rental of the tool to other entities at a later Council Meeting, seconded by Kyllo. Passed 5-0-0.

Mayor Holmes wanted to thank all those that assisted with the 4th of July Celebration in Wanamingo. He also expressed his condolences to the family and friends of Mark Kehren along with the entire Goodhue Community. Mr. Kehren passed away from an accident after attending the Wanamingo Fire Relief Association dance due on the early morning of July 5th.

Administrator Boulton let the Council know that drafts for two Ordinances will be brought up at the August City Council Meeting including: Food Truck Regulations and Opting out of requirements for Temporary Family Health Care Dwellings.

*Next City Council meeting on 7/28/2016 at 6:00pm.

Adjourn: At 7:59PM a motion to adjourn was made by Flotterud and seconded by Ohr. Passed 5-0-0.

Signed: Attest:


Ryan Holmes, Mayor Michael Boulton, City Administrator