5:30 PM

Executive Session

A.Council enters into Executive Session with the Town Attorney, Town Manager and Assistant Town Manager for the purpose of discussing the legal rights and duties of the Town regarding the Cardona Estate, pursuant to Title 1, Sec. 405, 6E.

B.Council enters into Executive Session with the Town Attorney, Town Manager and Assistant Town Manager for the purpose of discussing the legal rights and duties of the Town regarding the road closure, pursuant to Title 1, Sec. 405, 6E.



Regular Council Meeting February 8, 2016

6:00 PM

Public Comments

I.Minutes:Regular Council Meeting of January 25, 2016.

II.Old Business

A.(010116-2)The Town of Houlton ordains approval of the Ethics Ordinance for Town Councilors and other Town Boards/Committees. (Note: The document in its entirety is available for review at the Town Office during normal business hours.)

(Public Hearing)

III.New Business

A.(020116-1)Council approves execution of the application to the Department of Public Safety by Robert Lawless & Kathryn Harnish, d/b/a The Vault Restaurant, located at 64 Main Street, fora liquor license.

(Public Hearing)

B.(020116-2)Council approves the application for Victualer’s License by Robert Lawless & Kathryn Harnish, d/b/a The Vault Restaurant, located at 64 Main Street.

(Public Hearing)

C.(020116-3)Council approves execution of the application to the Department of Public Safety by the Houlton Rotary Club for a License to operate Beano/Bingo on April 5, 2016, at 110 Military Street.

D.(020116-4)Council approves execution of the Resolution of Adoption of the 2016 Update of the Aroostook County Hazard Mitigation Plan 2016.

E.(020116-5)The Town of Houlton ordains approval of the Credit Enhancement Agreement for Daniel Delucca, d/b/a Aroostook Water Care, Inc., located in the Aroostook Water Care Tax Increment Financing District and authorizes the Town Manager to sign all documents pertaining to said agreement. (Note: The document in its entirety is available for review at the Town Office during normal business hours.)


F.(020116-6)Council accepts the Byrne Grant amount of $1,798 from the US Department of Justice for the Police Department.

G.(020116-7)Council accepts the resignation of Donna Barnard as a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals, effective immediately.

H.(020116-8)The Town of Houlton ordains that Chapter 10 Licenses and Business Regulations of the Houlton Code be amended as follows:

Article IIIBicycle Licenses and Skateboard RegulationsNo Bicycles or Skateboards on Sidewalks, through Article IV Sale of Goods, Wares and Merchandise, (old words lined through, new words underlined)

Article VI Junk Yards and Article VII Arcades and Pinball Machines - repealed

Article VIII through Article XIV – only changed numbering sequence to Article VI through Article XII.

Article XIIIX – Victualers License – Contract Area change, Fee changes

(Note: Document in its entirety available for review at the Town Office during normal business hours.)


IV.Discussions and Reports

A.Efficiency Study:Alan Gould (Telephone Conference)

B.Town Manager’s Reports.

C.Councilors’ Remarks.

V. Adjournment

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