North Augusta High School World History

The following template has been developed based on Schmoker’s research of effective lessons. Each part is integral to an effective lesson and the entirety is representative of a cycle which may be repeated multiple times throughout a class period.

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Clear Learning Objective (Understand) / MWH-5.3 Identify the major technological and social characteristics of the Industrial Revolution. MWH-5.4 Analyze the relationship between the expanding world market economy and the development of industrialization in Great Britain, the United States, Germany, and Japan, including shifts in world demography and urbanization and changing class and race relations. MWH-5.5 Compare capitalism with other forms of political and economic ideologies, including socialism, communism, and anarchism. / MWH-5.3 Identify the major technological and social characteristics of the Industrial Revolution. MWH-5.4 Analyze the relationship between the expanding world market economy and the development of industrialization in Great Britain, the United States, Germany, and Japan, including shifts in world demography and urbanization and changing class and race relations. MWH-5.5 Compare capitalism with other forms of political and economic ideologies, including socialism, communism, and anarchism. / MWH-5.3 Identify the major technological and social characteristics of the Industrial Revolution. MWH-5.4 Analyze the relationship between the expanding world market economy and the development of industrialization in Great Britain, the United States, Germany, and Japan, including shifts in world demography and urbanization and changing class and race relations. MWH-5.5 Compare capitalism with other forms of political and economic ideologies, including socialism, communism, and anarchism. / MWH-5.3 Identify the major technological and social characteristics of the Industrial Revolution. MWH-5.4 Analyze the relationship between the expanding world market economy and the development of industrialization in Great Britain, the United States, Germany, and Japan, including shifts in world demography and urbanization and changing class and race relations. MWH-5.5 Compare capitalism with other forms of political and economic ideologies, including socialism, communism, and anarchism. / MWH-5.3 Identify the major technological and social characteristics of the Industrial Revolution. MWH-5.4 Analyze the relationship between the expanding world market economy and the development of industrialization in Great Britain, the United States, Germany, and Japan, including shifts in world demography and urbanization and changing class and race relations. MWH-5.5 Compare capitalism with other forms of political and economic ideologies, including socialism, communism, and anarchism.
Teaching/ Modeling/ Demonstrating / Industrial Revolution Notes / . Industrial Revolution Notes / Industrial Revolution Notes / Industrial Revolution Notes / Industrial Revolution Notes
Guided Practice / Notes
Industrial Revolution DBQ / Notes
Reading primary source on railroad / Notes
Read testimony and complete one activity options / Notes
Read Philosophers of IR source reading / Notes
Soc. V. Capt. Activity
Checks for Understanding /
  • Discussion with Notes
  • Start on DBQ
  • Discussion with Notes
  • Continue working on DBQ
  • Discussion with Notes
  • Mock Interview or create speech about reforms that should occur from conditions in IR
  • Thumbs up Thumbs down for notes
  • Complete Venn diagram on philosopher sources
  • Socialism v. Capitalism Activity

Homework/ Upcoming Assessments / -None / -Finish DBQ / -Finish writing activity / -Complete diagram / -C. Event

Week 25 Feb 12Feb 13Feb 14 Feb 15 Feb 16