Mrs Mikolajczak/Mrs Birrell Hamnavoe Primary School Primary 3 mmmmm2017/2018

Literacy and English
/ ReadingPupils will be encouraged and supported in using various books and media to find out information about our topic. Pupils will also continue to progress through the Oxford Reading Tree (ORT) reading scheme through group reading and related comprehension activities.
Writing will include recount writing about weekend activities and developing imaginative writing skills through activities related to our class novel, ‘The Enchanted Forest’.
Listening and Talkingwill be encouraged through all areas of the curriculum. Dates will be going into children’s diaries with a date for them to take in something for Show and Tell. The class will be listening to stories related to our topic (Shetland) and our class novel, ‘The Enchanted Forest’ by Enid Blyton.
We will continue to develop knowledge of sounds and tricky words throughout the term.
Maths and Numeracy
/ Topics to be covered this term include:
  • Numbers and sequences to 100/100
  • Counting in twos, threes, fours and fives
  • Developing an understanding of place value in number
  • Addition and subtraction
  • Money

Social Studies/ Sciences / This term our topic is about Shetland and the Shetland way of life over the last 100 years. We will be learning about:
  • Crofts
  • How and what foods were sourced in Shetland
  • The importance of the knitting industry in Shetland
  • Shetland dialect
  • How to read maps and identify areas of Shetland on a map.
We will also be going for a visit to the Shetland Museum and Archives as part of our class topic and taking part in the ‘Early People Tour.’
Expressive Arts
/ Art: The class will be working on portraits and looking closely at the different shapes of forests and trees (Enchanted Forest),with Mrs Burr on Friday mornings.
In class, children will be drawing Shetland croft houses and taking part in other creative activities related to our topic.
Music:The class will be learning about musical notation and rhythm through playing instruments and singing songs related to our topic with Mrs Pottinger on Monday mornings.
/ We will be using the ipads/laptops to support our maths and other curricular areas in class. The pupils will also be encouraged to take photographic evidence of their work using the ipads.
On Tuesday 29th August the class will be going to Mareel to watch an Educational Screening of ‘Minuscule: Valley of the Lost Ants.’ The themes of this short film include: friendship, sticking together, finding solutions, adapting things for new purposes, fighting against the odds and perseverance. There will be a workshop afterwards, directly related to the Curriculum for Excellence that will be used as a follow up to the film.
RME / RME will be taught this term during assembly time.
Health and Wellbeing
/ Food & Health: We will be developing our understanding of the ‘journey’ of food in relation to our Shetland topic. We will look at how diet has changed over the last 100 years and how our ancestors farmed and grew their own food. We will follow Shetland recipes to make a variety of local foods.
The class will be developing their gross and fine motor skills in hockey, as well as the skills of decision making, communication and fitness with Mr Kirknesson a Wednesday afternoon.
They will also be working on general fitness and circuits withMrs Birrell on a Friday.
Modern Languages / French
The class will be learning and responding to the key language used to name the days of the week, months of the year and numbers to 20. More or less French key language will be used depending on the responses of the pupils.