27 Marian Activities Mary Kathleen Glavich, SND

1. Research what it was like to be a Jewish woman in first-century Nazareth.

2. Write and perform an “Interview with Mary” concerning her son: his birth, flight into Egypt, visit of the magi, finding in the Temple, wedding at Cana.

3. Write a piece for the Nazareth Gazette about Mary or an event in her life, such as when neighbors tried to kill her son.

4. View slides/photos of Holy Land sites. These may be found on the Internet.

5. Write a journal entry that Mary might have written.

6. Write a report on some facet of Mary: her name and what’s been named in her honor,

Mary in art, Mary in literature, devotions to Mary, a Mary garden, prayers to Mary, Marian hymns, Mary’s feast days, Marian shrines, Marian apparitions.

7. Write a Marian song, a poem, a rap, or a prayer.

8. Create art or a poem based on one of Mary’s titles such as those in the Litany of Loreto.

9. Plan and carry out a Living Rosary, a May Crowning, or a Marian prayer service.

10. Make a pilgrimage to a Marian shrine, if possible, the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Washington. Or visit and pray at Mary statues on the property. A virtual tour of our National Shrine is available at

11. Make a rosary (See St. Mary’s Press, Internet). Hold a family contest: prize for most unique.

12. View movies about Mary: The Nativity, Passion of the Christ, Song of Bernadette.

13. Research and report on apparitions of Mary. Interview someone who has been at a site, or invite him or her to be a guest speaker.

14. Discuss how a child/teen could imitate Mary by listening, trusting, and loving.

15. Create a book that introduces a young child to Mary.

16. Produce a multimedia presentation or a concert centered on Mary for a “Mary Day.”

17. Create a Marian display: art, statues, a quilt.

18. Act out a scene from Mary’s life.

19. Design a Marian poster, mosaic, or stained-glass window.

20. Interview three people about what Mary means to them and report to the class.

21. Research legends about Mary that arose out of love for her.

22. Subscribe to “A Moment with Mary” daily e-mails at

23. Read and summarize the last chapter of Vatican II’s document on the Church, which is on Mary, or the U.S. bishops letter “Behold Your Mother.”

24. Read a book about Mary: The Catholic Companion to Mary (Sr. Kathleen Glavich, ACTA Publications) or The Healing Touch of Mary(Cheri Lomonte, ACTA)

25. Visit learning stations and carry out the Marian activity at each such as:

1. Read the chart about how to pray the rosary. Memorize a set of mysteries.

2. Look up these Scripture passages and tell what virtue of Mary it demonstrates.

Luke 1:26-38 Luke 1:39–45 Luke 1:46–55. Luke 2:41–51 John 2:1–10 John 19:25–27

3. Analyze a Marian hymn in the hymnal. What truths does it convey/celebrate?

4. Memorize one of these Marian prayers (Memorare, We Fly to Thy Patronage, Angelus, Regina Coeli, Magnificat)

5. View the pictures of the Holy Land. What insights do they give into Mary’s life?

26. Make a Mary candle: white with blue ribbon, Marian symbols (M, roses) carved or glued on.

27. Investigate the website of the Marian Library in Dayton: