

The following table lists the authority for gathering each piece of data in SAIS, in compliance with ARS 15-§1042.E. Some data elements are identified specifically in state and/or federal law; others are required to meet state and/or federal reporting requirements.

SAIS Data Element / Collection Authority
OR Reason for Collection
Student Information
ADE-generated Student Identifier (SAISID) / state reporting / state funding
An ADE-generated student identifier is necessary to collect to uniquely identify students for purposes of tracking and funding as a result of submitted student level data to the Student Accountability Information System. The following statutes intent eludes to capturing this data element:
ARS 15-241.B
ARS 15-401
ARS 15-1041
2.Country, State (if country of birth is USA) / state funding
Student’s birthday is necessary to collect to uniquely identify students for purposes of tracking and funding as a result of submitted student level data to the Student Accountability Information System. The following statutes intent elude to capturing this data element:
ARS 15-821
ARS 15-828
ARS 15-901
federal reporting
2004 IDEA Sec. 618
Ethnicity Code / state reporting
Collected for use in many accountability roles and assessment of pupils, including dropout and graduation rates. This is eluded to in ARS 15-741.A.9 and ARS 15-743.A.3
federal reporting
OMB Standards for Maintaining, Collecting, and Presenting Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity
2004 IDEA: P.L. 108-446, Section 618 (a)(1)(A)(ii), Section 618 (a)(1)(A)(iii), and Section 618 (a)(3)
Student Names:
1.First, Middle, Last Name & extension (Jr., III, etc.) on Legal Document;
2.First (nickname) & Last Name Student Goes By
3.Tribal Name / state reporting
Data is collected to establish student uniqueness. Each of the names, including first, middle, last, extension, nickname, last name student goes by, and tribal name help ADE identify who the student is and how they are unique. This in turn allows the ADE to properly assign a single student accountability information system ID (SAISID), which uniquely and securely helps identify and track student level data.
(available on docs required by 15-828)
Some statutes that elude to intent include ARS 15-241 and ARS 15-1041
Foreign Exchange Indicator / state funding
Nonresident foreign exchange students who are in exchange programs without payment or tuition must be captured in the Student Accountability Information System pursuant to:
ARS 15-823.D
Gender Code / state reporting
Student’s gender identifier is necessary to uniquely identify students for purposes of tracking and funding as a result of submitted student level data to the Student Accountability Information System. The following statutes intent elude to capturing this data element:
ARS 15-241
ARS 15-1041
federal reporting
EDEN: data group 642
2004 IDEA: P.L. 108-446, Section 618 (a)(1)(A)(ii), Section 618 (a)(1)(A)(iii), and Section 618 (a)(3)
Home Language Code / state reporting
Home language is necessary to collect to meet the Arizona Administrative Code per below:
AAC Title 7: R7-2-306.B
federal reporting
Responsible Party: Mother's (or father's or guardian's or responsible party's) First & Last Name on Legal Document / state reporting
Student’s name(s) are necessary to collect to uniquely identify students for purposes of tracking and funding as a result of submitted student level data to the Student Accountability Information System. The following statutes intent eludes to capturing this data element:
(available on docs required by 15-828)
ARS 15-241
ARS 15-1041
Normal Graduation Year (cohort group) / state reporting
Collected for use in many accountability roles and assessment of pupils, including dropout and graduation rates. Intent eluded to in:
ARS 15-241
federal reporting
EDEN: data groups: 306, 563
Membership Information
Absence: Date, Amount, Reason / state funding
ARS 15-802
ARS 15-803
federal reporting
EDEN: data group 595
Attendance: Start & End Dates, Minutes (duration) / state funding
ARS 15-802
ARS 15-803
federal reporting
EDEN: data group 595
ConcurrentSchool: Entity ID (school identifier), student identifier / state funding
ARS 15-185.C
ARS 15-901 A.2.(b).(ii);
Vocational / technological: ARS 15-802.02.F [S.B.1400 Ch 224]]; ARS 15-901; ARS 15-393.D.3
Activity Code: Enrollment, Withdrawal, Readmission, Year-end, Summer Withdrawal / state funding
School Membership data is collected to meet the need of the superintendent of public instruction who must submit an annual report to the governor and the legislature that includes data on enrollments and memberships pursuant to:
ARS 15-255
ARS 15-901
federal reporting
EDEN: data groups 326, 460, 563, 306
EDEN: data groups 461, 534, 455, 532, 32
Community College: Entity ID (school identifier), Entry & Exit Dates, Classes / state reporting
ARS 15-701.1.F
Funded District of Residence / state funding
The capture of Funded District of Residence is necessary to identify the proper district to be paid state ADM appropriations. Intent eluded to in:
ARS 15-823
ARS 15-824
Grade: Grade Level, Register ID / state funding
ARS 15-701
federal reporting
EDEN: data groups 18, 326, 460, 563, 306
EDEN: data groups 461, 534, 455, 532, 32
2004 IDEA Sec. 618
School membership: Entity ID (school identifier), student identifier, Track Number (calendar), Enrollment (or Readmission) & Withdrawal (or Summer Withdrawal) Dates, Type / state funding
School Membership data is collected to meet the need of the superintendent of public instruction who must submit an annual report to the governor and the legislature that includes data on enrollments and memberships pursuant to:
ARS 15-255
ARS 15-901
Additionally, school membership information is collected to properly pay ADM appropriations.
federal reporting
EDEN: data groups 39, 634, 635, 110, 102, 636
PreviousSchool: State Code, Entity ID (school identifier) if Arizona school, student identifier if Arizona school / Student’s previous school(s) is necessary to collect to uniquely identify students for purposes of tracking and funding as a result of submitted student level data to the Student Accountability Information System. The following statutes intent eludes to capturing this data element:
(available on docs required by 15-828)
Special Enrollment Code (e.g., Certificate of Educational Convenience (CEC) code) / state funding
The collection of special enrollment data is necessary to identify those students who are to be funded outside of regular state ADM appropriations.
ARS 15-825
ARS 15-825.02
Student Membership FTE (full or part time status) / state funding
The collection of full or part time equivalency data is necessary to properly appropriate state ADM funding.
ARS 15-901
federal reporting
EDEN: data groups 39, 634, 635, 110, 102, 636
Test Label – Group Name / The Test- Label – Group Name data element is collected as optional data requested by the LEAs to have their AIMS test labels grouped in an alternative manner
Tuition Payer Code (e.g., state-funded or private paid) / state funding
The collection of special enrollment data is necessary to identify those students who are to be funded outside of regular state ADM appropriations.
Withdrawal Reason / state reporting
ARS 15-1042.H
Special Needs-Related Information
Need: Code, Entry & Exit Dates / state funding / reporting
Need codes and entry/exit dates are collected to properly identify Needs of students as well as the time/length of the need.
Special Education: ARS 15-901, ARS 15-943
Homebound: ARS 901.A.2.(b).(iii)
ELL: ARS 15-751, ARS 15-755
federal reporting
Special Education: EDEN: data groups 478, 567, 99, 194, 447, 598, 613, 85, 491, 618, 512, 74, 475, 476, 568, 482
2004 IDEA Sec. 618
ELL: EDEN data groups 569, 518, 621, 272, 123, 622, 494, 151, 648
Gifted: EDEN data group 46
Homeless: EDEN data groups 516, 560, 655
Immigrant: EDEN data group 519
Other supplemental services: EDEN data groups 578, 546
Assessment (Language): Date, Code (test type), Result / state reporting
The language assessment is required to assess language needs and properly enter or exit a student from ELL Language Program Participation per the following:
ARS 15-756.B
ARS 15-756.05
ARS 15-756.06
federal reporting
EDEN: data groups 569, 518, 621, 272, 123, 622, 494, 151, 648
Initial IEP: Date (of meeting), Date (of Proposed Service Initiation), AzEIP indicator / state / federal reporting (AzEIP)
The collection of the Initial IEP is necessitated by the requirement that the meeting was held prior to placement of a preschooler into a Special Education Program.
EDEN: data groups 458, 482, 74, 613
federal reporting
20 USC sections 1401 and 1412
20 USC 300.121
20 USC 1416 (a)(3)(A)
2004 IDEA Sec. 618
SPED Federal Primary Need Indicator / federal reporting
34 CFR 300.641
2004 IDEA Sec. 618
SPED Service Code, Entity ID (school identifier), Entry & Exit Dates, Grade, Exit Reason, Funded District of Residence, Certificate of Educational Convenience (CEC) Indicator / state funding
SPED Service codes and entry/exit dates are collected to properly identify SPED service participation of students as well as the time/length of the service participation.
SPED Entity ID determines which school/district the student participates in the SPED program.
SPED Funded District of Residence is collected as this determines where the state is to send state SPED appropriations.
The Certificate of Educational Convenience (CEC) Indicatoris necessary to determine proper funding (or non-funding).
SPED Grade is necessary to collect by requirement of the state’s ESS department to validate along with ADM grade.
ARS 15-943
federal reporting
2004 IDEA Sec. 618
EDEN: data groups 478, 567, 99, 194, 447, 598, 613, 85, 491, 618, 512, 74, 475, 476, 568, 482
SPED Exit reason is required to be captured for Federal reporting purposes
Language: Student Language Need Status / state reporting
Student Language Need status codes are collected to properly identify Needs of the student.
ARS 15-753
ARS 15-756
federal reporting
EDEN: data groups 569, 518, 621, 272, 123, 622, 494, 151, 648,
Primary Nighttime Residence (for Homeless Need) / federal reporting
Title VII-B of the McKinney-VentoHomeless Assistance Act,
CDFA Number 84.196;
OMB No.: 1810-0650
Program: Code, Entry & Exit Dates, Exit Reason / for language:
state reporting
Program codes and entry/exit dates are collected to properly identify Needs of students as well as the time/length of the need.
ARS 15-753
ARS 15-756
federal reporting
EDEN: data groups 569, 518, 621, 272, 123, 622, 494, 151, 648
for giftedness, economic, social, behavioral needs:
federal reporting
EDEN: data groups 56, 60, 565, 560, 655, 519, 36, 579, 575, 578, 548, 646, 645
Receiving CTDS (support program for Transportation-School Choice) / state data validation
The Receiving CTDS is collected when a student transfers schools due to school improvement and is allowed transportation to the new. The data is collected to validate that the receiving school is also not under school improvement.
federal reporting
EDEN: data groups 662, 34, 36, 579, 574, 646, 645
Preschool-Related Information
Program: Code, Entry & Exit Dates, Program Partner ID, Family Income Indicator, Living in Household Indicator, Mother Employment Status, Father Employment Status / state reporting
Preschool students are placed in preschool educational programs based on the results of various assessments. The collection of Preschool program related data elements are eluded to in the intent of the following:
ARS 15-191.01
ARS 15-1251
federal reporting
2004 IDEA Part B, Section 619
NCLB Title I
Assessment (Preschool): Date, Responsible Entity ID, Code (test type), Test Scores / state reporting
Preschool students are placed in preschool educational programs based on the results of various assessments. The collection of Preschool assessment related data elements are eluded to in the intent of the following:
ARS 15-191.01
ARS 15-1251
federal reporting
2004 IDEA Part B, Section 619
NCLB Title I
Adult Education ID / state and federal reporting
The capture of the Adult Education identifier is Used in conjunction with and to verify requirements of Preschool Program participation types State Family Literacy and Title I Even Start.
Exempt from PPVT III or PALS-PreK / state and federal reporting
This data is an indicator only to inform ADE of students enrolled in the Early Childhood State Family Literacy or Title I Even Start programs who are exempt from taking the PPVT III or PALS-PreK assessment(s).
System Processing-Related Information
Transaction identifier / Collected to identify a unique transaction uploaded into SAIS for the purpose systematically processing.
Operation code / Collected to discern a type of transaction operation. This data element identifies if the intent of the user (to add, change, or delete student level data for a specific transaction)
Vendor-defined field / Collected solely for the benefit of vendor’s student management software systems that interact with SAIS. The vendor may use this test field to self-identify for their own purposes.
Capture Date (effective date of change) / Collected to accurately reflect student detail activity on a daily and membership/program participation basis. This is needed for accurate reporting on both state and federal levels.

Abbreviations List

AAC / ArizonaAdministrative Code
ADE / Arizona Department of Education
ADM / Average Daily Membership
ARS / Arizona Revised Statutes
AYP / Annual Yearly Progress
AzEIP / Arizona Early Intervention Program
CDFA / Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
CEC / Certificate of Educational Convenience
CFR / Code of Federal Regulations
CTDS / State of Arizona school Identifier code
EDEN / Education Data Exchange Network
ELL / English Language Learner
IDEA / Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IEP / Individualized Education Plan
NCLB / No Child Left Behind
OMB / Office of Management and Budget (US)
PALS-Pre K / Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening (for pre-Kindergartners)
PPVT III / Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test(version 3)
USC / United States Code
USDOE / United States Department of Education

SAISCollectionAuthorities_FY08.doc1Last updated 6-7-2007