I hope you all had a good Christmas and that the New Year has started well for you. It’s now time to keep all those New Year resolutions going but if you haven’t made any yet here’s a few you could choose to do quite easily:

·  Recycle more! You have a black box and blue bag – maybe even a green bin. Plastic bottles and other items can be recycled at Tesco or Asda.

·  Save energy – it’s not that cold anymore (thanks to climate change?) so turn down your heating or put an extra jumper on.

·  Don’t use the car so much – many journeys are less than a few miles so try and walk, cycle or use public transport.

·  Buy the right things – look for products produced locally or that support Fairtrade. Take your own re-useable bag to the shop.

Schools Eco-Management Event

On Wednesday 2nd May 2007, teachers and other school staff from across the borough will be invited to attend the Village Hall at the Mansion House in Victoria Park, North Road.

From 4pm until 6pm there will be a number of agencies showing how they can help schools improve their environmental performance by involving pupils and linking into the curriculum.

Contact Grace Tatlock on 456253 for more information and to register your interest.

Waste Consultation

St Helens Council have produced a statement outlining how they will consult with the community on Local Development Framework issues. The Statement of Community Involvement has been submitted to Government and undergone examination, before being adopted by Council on 17 January 2007. A copy of the Statement is available on the Council’s website www.sthelens.gov.uk or at local libraries. Future planning consultations will take place in accordance with this document.

Comments are now being invited on the preliminary document that will deal with waste issues. The document will be available in late February, and any comments received will be used in development of the document. When developed the document will plan for a network of sustainable waste management facilities and encourage good waste practices.

Work continues on the preparation of the preferred options, which will form the basis of the future plan. It is hoped that public consultation will take place in early summer. For further details on any aspect of the Local Development Framework contact Jonathan Noad on ext 6117.

2007 - Hottest Year Ever?

1998 is currently the warmest year ever recorded on Earth, but 2007 could well take the lead.

This is due to the combination of the El Nino effect (where sea temperatures in SE Pacific are warmer than average) and global warming, which is already beginning to affect the climate.

How has this Winter been for you so far?

Healthy Hearts & Minds in St Helens & Halton

People in St. Helens and Halton are being encouraged to make the most of the countryside around them for the sake of their own health and well being.

Halton & St. Helens Primary Care Trust have teamed up with St. Helens Council, the Planet St. Helens Forum and the Wildlife Advisory Group to deliver an innovative pilot project to raise awareness of green spaces and areas of outstanding natural beauty which exist locally.

The idea behind the scheme is to highlight local nature spots which people can seek out and enjoy while boosting their physical and mental fitness at the same time by taking regular exercise. The campaign features short presentations, including local green walks and nature trails, to be screened on the Health TV Channel over the coming months in GP surgeries and other health care settings. The project also promotes the successful ‘Get Yourself Lively’ Walking Programme run by St Helens Health Improvement Partnership.

Mark Swift, Health Improvement Specialist with Halton & St Helens PCT explains that ‘nature makes us feel good' and is a growing area of interest amongst researchers which is now being called the ‘Biophilia effect’. Put simply, this explores our natural affinity with nature and links exposure to natural environments with improved mental and physical health.

To find out more about the ‘Biophilia Effect’ or about the Walks Programme contact Mark Swift or Linda Gittens on 01744 697433 or email Mark or

World Aware Event 2007

This years’ event is being held at Victoria Park on Sunday 1st July with a schools day on Monday 2nd July.

There will be a variety of stalls from agencies working across St Helens demonstrating how you can reduce your impact on the environment and promoting the importance of a ‘sustainable’ lifestyle. We have also secured the ‘Green Roadshow’, a touring eco-centre offering workshops, entertainment, displays and exhibitions on various environmental themes (see www.greenroadshow.co.uk for details). The event this year can potentially cater for 1200 visitors on each day.

If you would like to be involved, promote your organisations work, can run an interactive stall or offer help in any other way, please let us know through the usual contact methods.

Sustainable Transport

Transport Minister Gillian Merrow MP , visited Merseytravel recently to discuss ways of increasing bus passenger use. Parish Cllr Cathy Wilson and Cllr Pat Robinson were two of the three transport committee members invited to a discussion with her. The Government is committed to increasing bus usage to reduce car emissions and therefore our impact on Climate Change, and one proposal is to give councils more control over local bus services, with an aim to reverse 20 years of spiralling decline in the numbers of people using buses.

Merseytravel have also recently made their Annual Environmental Sustainability Report 2005 / 2006 available on their website. Visit http://www.merseytravel.gov.uk/information_environment.html for more information.