Patient Participation Group PPG

Bingley Medical

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at the Canalside Practice on

Monday, 9th May 2016.

Present: Kathleen Naylor (chairman) Jill Wadsworth Pamela James Donald Wood (secretary) Norma Bartle Pam Vinnicombe

Ian Hodgson David Wadsworth Rebecca Wadsworth

Jean Gallagher Holly Grice David Child

John Naylor MAWalls Jenny Tiffany

Ann Howarth (staff member) Bette Turner Carey Dowson (manager)

Apologies: Peter Meer John Menmuir Lynn Asquith

Peter Thompson Ruth Anderson Dania Leslie

David Rowlinson

Chairman’s opening remarks.

Mrs Naylor welcomed everyone to this, the second Annual General Meeting of the Patient Participation Group, the PPG, of the Bingley Medical Practice. She went on to introduce principal officers.

Minutes of the last AGM held on the 11th May, 2015.

Copies of the minutes with the chairman’s report for 2014/2015 were distributed and, in due course, approved, none against.

Matters arising.

There were no matters arising.

Chairman’s Report for the year.

Mrs Naylor’s written report was read

As a group we define ourselves as a 'Critical friend of the Practice'. The purpose of the group is to present the patients perspective of the Practice and try and help improve Patient experience of attending.

Special thanks must be given to the Practice, especially Dr. Bridget Pitcairn and Carey Dowson, Practice Manager, for their full support. Over the last 12 months they have been open to ideas and suggestions from Patients and Committee members. From our work new music and telephone message have been implemented on the new system. Our link on the Practice website has been amended at our request. For those Patients with computer access our Minutes are available on the Practice website via our Patient Group link. A folder holding printed copies is available to read on our dedicated table in reception and a few copies to take away are in the back of the folder. Furthermore, we now have our own Mobile telephone, 07426 921064 if a patient wishes to speak to us in confidence. Continually throughout the year we have raised Patients comments and suggestions. Thank you to every Patient who took time to complete a comments form.

As confidentiality is paramount a number of PPG members have signed the same confidentiality document that the staff sign after a short course run by Ann Howard, Patient Service Manager, whom we must thank.

Something new this year is working with other local PPGs. In July, with Springfield, Oakglen and Wilsden PPGs we attended Bingley Show to promote Self Care, Pharmacy First and make people aware of PPGs in general. Really positive experience and following on from this we now have joint meetings which are a great opportunity to support each other and share new ideas. This year we have had input into the 6th form survey. Hopefully we will get a few young members from this survey. The joint meetings are now on a more formal basis, and with 'Federating' being rolled out this should stand us in good stead. What is a Federation? A federation is a group of general practices and sometime other community services, who agree to work together to provide patient care. The Government has encouraged them since 2010 and some areas of the country have worked together as federations for a long time. By working together as a Federation and sharing resources problems facing General Practice may be solved.

We again held a coffee morning with tombola upstairs in the cafe and raised £232 for Manorlands Hospice, money which was much needed. Additionally remaining tombola prizes were donated to local Sue Ryder shop which raised a further £31.50 plus. Thanks to all who helped and those who attended.

Ian Hodgson gave a talk at one of our meetings on Sexual Health which was informative and well received. We are looking into whether we could promote sexual health at a joint event with other local PPGS.

Two members attended a Reception Staff meeting to see how we could help them. Suggestions have been included in our first News Letter, which we must thank Donald Wood for all his work on this and everyone who contributed in any way.(now available on line or on our table).

In January, the Practice had its CQC inspection and we were invited to the presentation and spoke direct to the Inspectors. The Practice received Good in all areas.

At the end of January we carried out a survey of over 500 patients. 341 paper and 174 online.

Having realised our Terms of Reference had some typing errors our communication team members have worked very hard to produce not only general but specific officer Terms of Reference clearly showing roles and responsibilities.

During the next year once again we hope to hold an event to raise money for a health related charity. Ideas and suggestions for which charity would be welcome.

We are also hoping to run CPR courses for anyone interested in learning this skill. (This is in response to a patient suggestion.)

None of this would have happened without an active committee and a responsive Practice.

My thanks to them all.

Please remember for minor ailments PHARMACY FIRST.

Thank you for listening does anyone have any questions?

Matters arising from chairman’s report.

·  Mrs James stressed the need to use surnames in identification as so many persons had the same first name and precise identification thus became confusing.

·  Answering a question from the floor relating to the CPR courses mentioned in her report, Mrs Naylor said that she intended to attend such a course herself before further discussion with the PPG at Canalside. Mrs James asked if the person administering CPR e.g in the street, would bear formal identity recognition. Mrs Naylor replied that in the emergency, speed was of the essence allied with confidence in the person.

There being no further questions, the report was adopted.

Adoption of new terms of reference.

The communications group of the PPG had at length produced a revised and updated set of terms of reference for the PPG as a group, chairman, vice-chairman and secretary, setting out duties and responsibilities, length of service etc. These had been distributed to members and approved at an EGM held on the 18th April 2016.

The new terms were adopted, none against.

Election of officers.

The secretary had received no nominations. The following officers were therefore elected from the floor.

Chairman : Mrs Kathleen Naylor serving for a third year.

Vice-chairman: Mrs Jill Wadsworth, volunteering from the PPG membership/communications team.

Secretary: No nominations. Ms Holly Grice volunteered to act as “minute secretary”.

Executive: Mr David Child volunteered to be a member of the executive committee.

Note : If subsequently, a secretary is appointed, he/she will be a member of the executive ex officio.

Future Plans.

The chairman spoke about continuing plans for closer working with local PPG groups, a sponsored walk possibly in September, and the PPG Newsletter, now recommended for quarterly issue. Regarding the Newsletter, Mrs James recommended more patient content e.g the continuing well rehearsed problems making appointments to see a GP, particularly one of choice. Responding, Mr Dowson said the telephone system remained the patient’s first contact with the Practice and attracted most complaints. The search for continuous improvements and explanations continued.

Any other business.

1.  Responding to a question from Mrs James, the chairman confirmed that the bi-monthly PPG meetings in their present format would continue.

2.  Mrs James also wanted to know if the PPG had any plans for guest speakers at its meetings. Chairman responded that she would like to have talks covering such subjects as diabetes, cardiovascular problems, arthritis these subjects were of concern to a large number of people. Mrs Bartle said that Mr Dowson had delivered one such talk on finance in general practice.

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 7.25pm