Saint Mary’s Youth Group Rock-A-Thon

Jan 16th and 17th, 2016

Pledge Sheet for: ______

***Checks should be made out to St. Mary Youth Group***

Name Check # / Cash Amount

SUBTOTAL / ------/ $
$5 donation toward cost of Rock-A / Thon / $ 5.00
GRAND TOTAL / ------/ $



Our Rock-A-Thon is on Saturday, January 16th to Sunday, January 17th. Please arrive at the Church Hall on Saturday at Noon. If you have a team of 4-5 people that’s great, but we also form teams that day. The team is used just so one person is in each Rocking Chair at all times while the rest of the team has more mobility. Everyone at the Rock-A-Thon forms ONE BIG TEAM to enjoy the event, raise money, and gain service hours. This year, money raised will go to The Portland Food Bank and Cross Catholic Outreach. (

If you have any questions, please feel free to call Sandy Franco at 860-395-8498 or via e-mail at

Please bring:

1.  Pledge slip, pledge money ($50 minimum – try to exceed that!). Please put the pledge slip and money in an envelope with your name on the front.

2.  $5.00 per person donation towards the cost of the Rock-A-Thon activities. Please put this in the pledge slip envelope

3.  Permission slip

4.  Rocking chair (only need one for each 4-5 people)

5.  Blanket & pillow (if you want to)

6.  Snack to share. Ideas are: cheese and crackers, fruit and dip, veggies and dip, baked goods, etc.

7.  Drink to share

Do NOT bring:

Footballs, soccer balls, Frisbees, anything that you can throw that could either break something or hurt someone. Cell phones are also not necessary; there is a phone in the hall. NO ENERGY DRINKS.

We have lots of great activities planned for you. I know that you will really enjoy this service opportunity.

May God bless you for your efforts to help in this worthy ministry.


Mr. Jerry Duclos

Rock-A-Thon Permission Slip

Saturday, January 16th to Sunday, January 17th

My son/daughter ______has my permission to participate in the St. Mary Church Rock-A-Thon. I understand that my son/daughter will need to bring their pledge sheet, money and a rocking chair with them at the BEGINNING of the event. High school students and middle school students will begin at 12:00 Noon. Middle school students will leave at midnight; high school students will leave at 12:00 Noon on Sunday, January 17th.

The minimum donation to be raised by each student is $50.00 (which can be a combination of personal and business donations).

I also understand that all teens who participate will be required to bring $5.00 per person to be used towards the Rock-A-Thon activities. If you are writing a check, please make it payable to St. Mary Youth Group.

I also give permission for him/her to participate in the following activities during the Rock-A-Thon.

1)  Mass at 5:00 pm on Saturday evening.

2)  Attend concert in the church Saturday evening followed by Adoration

3)  Attend Mass on Sunday morning; both the 8 and 10:30 Masses

I understand that my teen will be picked up promptly at midnight for middle school students, and at 12:00 Noon on Sunday for high students. No one will be allowed to go outside during the event. No visitors will be allowed.

I recognize, acknowledge and agree that neither St. Mary’s Youth Group, St. Mary Church of Portland, the Diocese of Norwich, nor any chaperones shall be liable for personal injury or personal property damage that is incurred at the Rock-A-Thon.

Parent’s signature: ______

Parent’s name (Please print) ______

Home phone # ______Cell phone #______

Emergency phone # ______