
Minutes of the 7thMeeting of

Culture, Recreation and Sports Committee,

the 5th Term Kwun Tong District Council

Date:8November 2016 (Tuesday)

Time:2:30 p.m.

Venue:Conference Room, Kwun Tong District Office,

Unit 05-07, 20/F Millennium City 6, 392 Kwun Tong Road,

Kwun Tong, Kowloon



Mr KAN Ming-tung (Chairman) / Mr LAI Shu-ho, Patrick, BBS, MH, JP
Mr BUX Sheik Anthony / Mr LUI Tung-hai
Dr CHAN Chung-bun, Bunny, GBS, JP / Mr MA Yat-chiu, Marco
Mr CHAN Kok-wah, Ben, BBS, MH / Mr MOK Kin-shing
Mr CHAN Man-kin / Mr NGAN Man-yu
Mr CHAN Wah-yu, Nelson, MH, JP / Mr OR Chong-shing, Wilson, MH
Mr CHENG Keng-ieong / Mrs POON YAM Wai-chun, Winnie, MH
Mr CHENG Keung-fung / Mr SO Koon-chung, Kevin
Mr CHEUNG Ki-tang / Ms SO Lai-chun, MH, JP
Mr HSU Hoi-shan / Ms TSE Suk-chun
Mr HUNG Kam-in, Kin / Mr WONG Chi-ken
Ms KAM Kin / Mr YIP Hing-kwok, MH, JP

Co-opted Members

Mr MAK Fu-ling, MH / Mr YICK Kam-chuen

In Attendance

Mr MAK Shui-hei, Henry / Assistant District Officer (Kwun Tong)2, Kwun Tong District Office
Mr LEE Yin-bun, Philip / Senior Executive Officer (District Council), Kwun Tong District Office
Miss TSUI Pui-yee, Cindy / Manager(Kowloon East)Marketing, Programme and District Activities, Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Ms FOK Ng-mui, Betty / Deputy District Leisure Manager(Kwun Tong)2, Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Ms KWAN Yuen-mei, Rica / Senior Librarian(Kwun Tong), Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Ms CHUNG Shuk-ling, Charing / Social Work Officer 2 (Planning and Coordinating Team), Social Welfare Department
Mr LEE Wing-yin / Senior School Development Officer (Kwun Tong)2, Education Bureau

Representatives Present to AssistDiscussion of Agenda Items

Item II

Ms FOK Ng-mui, Betty / Deputy District Leisure Manager(Kwun Tong)2, Leisure and Cultural Services Department

Item III

Miss TSUI Pui-yee, Cindy / Manager(Kowloon East)Marketing, Programme and District Activities, Leisure and Cultural Services Department

Item IV

Ms KWAN Yuen-mei, Rica / Senior Librarian(Kwun Tong), Leisure and Cultural Services Department


Ms KOO Wah-hung, Janet / Executive Officer (District Council)2, Kwun Tong District Office



Mr CHAN Yiu-hung, Jimmy (Vice-chairman) / Mr TAM Siu-cheuk
Mr AU YEUNG Kwan-nok / Mr TANG Wing-chun
Mr CHAN Chun-kit / Mr WONG Chun-ping
Mr CHEUNG Yiu-pan

Co-opted Members

Mr CHEUNG Tai-shing / Mr LEUNG Chun-kit, Allen
Mr KAI Ping-chung, MH / Mr NG Hoi-kit, Ricky

Opening Remarks

The Chairman welcomed all to the 7th meeting of the Culture, Recreation and Sports Committee (“CRSC”) of the 5th term Kwun Tong District Council (“KTDC”). The Secretariat had received the notices of Mr Jimmy CHAN, Mr AU YEUNG Kwan-nok, Mr CHAN Chun-kit, Mr CHEUNG Yiu-pan, Mr TAM Siu-cheuk and Mr Allen LEUNG before the meeting that they would be absent due to other commitments. The CRSC noted the notices of absence.

  1. Confirmation of Minutes of Last Meeting

2.The minutes of the last meeting were confirmed without amendment.

  1. Report on Recreational and Sports Activities Organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department in Kwun Tong between August and September 2016

(5th Term KTDCCRSC Paper No. 53/2016)

3.Ms Betty FOK, Deputy District Leisure Manager(Kwun Tong)2 of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (“LCSD”), presented the paper.

4.Members noted the paper.

  1. Report on Free Cultural and Entertainment Programmes and Arts and Cultural Activities Organised by the LCSD in Kwun Tong

(5th Term KTDCCRSC Paper No. 54/2016)

5.Miss Cindy TSUI, Manager(Kowloon East)Marketing, Programme andDistrict Activities of the LCSD, presented the paper.

6.Members noted the paper.

  1. Report on Promotional Activities Organised by the LCSD Public Libraries in Kwun Tong

(5th Term KTDCCRSC Paper No. 55/2016)

7.Ms Rica KWAN, Senior Librarian(Kwun Tong) of the LCSD, presented the paper.

8.Members noted the paper.

  1. CRSC Financial Statement for 2016/2017

(5th Term KTDCCRSC Paper No. 56/2016)

9.The Secretary presented the paper and supplemented information on the expenditure of the reception in celebration of the anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region enquired at the last meeting. Members noted the information.

10.Members endorsed the paper.

VI.Any Other Business

(i)Kwun Tong District Organising Committee for the 6thHong Kong Games

11.The convenor of the Kwun Tong District Organising Committee for the 6th Hong Kong Games reported that the Organising Committee had held the 2nd meeting on 27 October 2016 at the Kwun Tong District Leisure Services Office. The meeting had confirmed the uniform of Kwun Tong Delegation Team and the form of souvenirs, as well as the details of the flag presentation cum pledging ceremony. The publicity slogan for this year was“全力出擊觀塘出色” (“Kwun Tong goes for excellence”). The flag presentation cum pledging ceremony was scheduled for 26 February 2017 (Sunday) at 2:30 p.m. at Kowloon Bay Sports Centre. Apart from inviting the athletes of the competition games, the Chairman of the KTDC would also be invited to deliver a speech, and the cheering team of Kwun Tong District would also give a performance. The proposed rundown on that day was similar to that of the 5thHong Kong Games, including flag presentation, oath-takingby athletes, and group photos. The Secretariat would write to Members to invite them to the ceremony later.

12.Members noted the arrangement.

(ii)Preparatory Working Group on the Green Promotional Stall

13.The Chairman reported that Hong Kong Flower Show 2017 would be held at Victoria Park from 10 to 19 March. The KTDC continued to receive invitation to set up a green promotional stall to promote environmental awareness. The Secretariat would write to Members to invite them to join the Preparatory Working Group on the Green Promotional Stall and select the convenor at the first meeting.

14.Members noted the arrangement.

(iii)Participation in Large-scale Sports Activities Supported by the KTDC

15.The Chairman pointed out that the KTDC had always been supportive of charitable sports activities and reminded the Members who were interested in joining AXA Hong Kong Streetathon@kowloon 2017, Vita Green Charity Cycling Marathon Challenge 2017 and Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2017 – District Councils Challenge Cup to refer to the emails concerned issued by the Secretariat or contact the Secretariat directly to arrange enrolment.

16.Members noted the arrangement.

X. Date of Next Meeting

17.The next meeting would be held on 12 January 2017 (Thursday) at 2:30 p.m. The 8th meeting of the District Facilities Management Committee would be held at 3:30 p.m. on the same date.

18.There being no other business, the meeting ended at 2:50 p.m.

The minutes of the meeting were confirmed on 12 January 2017.

Kwun Tong District Council Secretariat

January 2017