The Allies Trade Space for Time

Know: Germany First

19. "America's task was far more complex and back-breaking [in World War II] than in World War I." Explain.

The Shock of War

Know: Axis Powers, Internment Camps, Korematsu v. U.S.

20. How did the war affect liberal ideals and goals at home?

Building the War Machine

Know: War Production Board, War Labor Board

21. What effects did the war have on manufacturing, agriculture and labor?

Makers of America: The Japanese

Know: Matthew Perry, Meiji Government, Picture Brides, Gentleman's Agreement, Issei, Nissei

22. In what way can it be said that the reason's for Japanese immigrants' success also caused them trouble?

Manpower and Womanpower

Know: WAACS, WAVES, SPARS, GI, Braceros, Rosie the Riveter

23. What opportunities were opened to women as a result of the war?

Wartime Migrations

Know: A. Philip Randolph, Fair Employment Practices Commission, Double V, CORE, Code Talkers, Zoot Suit Riots

24. What effect did the war have on the nation's minorities?

Holding the Homefront

25. What economic effects resulted from American participation in the war?

The Rising Sun in the Pacific

Know: Douglas MacArthur, Bataan Death March

26. Describe Japanese victories in the Pacific in the months following Pearl Harbor.

Japan's High Tide at Midway

Know: Battle of the Coral Sea, Midway, Chester Nimitz

27. Why was Midway an important battle?

American Leapfrogging Toward Tokyo

Know: Guadalcanal, Island Hopping, Guam

28. What strategy did the United States use to defeat the Japanese?

The Allied Halting of Hitler

Know: Wolf Packs, Enigma, Erwin Rommel, Bernard Montgomery, El Alamein, Battle of Stalingrad

29. "The war against Hitler looked much better at the end of 1942 than it had in the beginning." Explain.

A Second Front from North Africa to Rome

Know: Soft Underbelly of Europe, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Casablanca, Sicily

30. Describe the purpose and outcome of the Invasion of North Africa.

D-Day: June 6, 1944

Know: Teheran, D-Day, Normandy, George Patton

31. Why could June 6, 1944 be considered THE turning point of the war?

FDR: The Fourth-Termite of 1944

Know: Thomas Dewey, Henry Wallace, Harry S Truman

32. Why was the choice of a vice-presidential candidate important and difficult for the democrats in 1944?

Roosevelt Defeats Dewey

Know: Fala

33. What factors led to Roosevelt's victory over Dewey?

The Last Days of Hitler

Know: Battle of the Bulge, "Nuts," Elbe River, Holocaust, V-E Day

34. Describe the last six months of war in Europe.

Japan Dies Hard

Know: Iwo Jima, Okinawa, Kamikazes

35. Explain the meaning of the title of this section.

The Atomic Bombs

Know: Potsdam, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Hirohito

36. What was the military impact of the atomic bomb?

The Allies Triumphant

Know: George Marshall

37. "This complex conflict was the best fought war in America's history." Explain

Varying Viewpoints: The Atomic Bombs: Were They Justified?

38. What questions concerning WWII have historians attempted to answer?