2017 Montana Wetland and Watershed Stewardship Awards

Call for Nominations

The Montana Wetland Council and the Montana Watershed Coordination Council are currently seeking nominations for the 2017 Montana Wetland and Watershed Stewardship Awards. The awards ceremony will be held on Monday March 20th, 2017at the Montana State Capitol Building, and will recognize and honor individuals and groups who exemplify excellence and commitmentto wetland or watershed conservation, protection, restoration, and enhancementin Montana.
Eligiblenominees may includeindividuals, local watershed groups, resource management groups or other conservation organizations that are or have been involved in wetland or watershed stewardship activities. To nominate an individual or group, please complete the nomination form found below, includingthe appropriate additional documentation, and returnan electronic copy to:
Wetland Stewardship Award
Jordan Tollefson, Montana DEQ Wetland Program Coordinator

Watershed Stewardship Award
Montana Watershed Coordination Council

The deadline for nominations is Sunday, January 15th, 2017.
Please take this opportunity to recognize an individual or group for the outstanding work that they do to promote and implement wetland and watershed conservation in Montana!

2017 Wetland Stewardship Award Nomination Form

Group or Individual and Affiliation:
Street/Mailing Address:
City, State, Zip:
Email Address:


Name and Affiliation:
Street/Mailing Address:
City, State, Zip:
Email Address:

Please answer the following questions about the nominee:

  1. Briefly summarize the nominee’s qualifying accomplishments in no more than 200 words.The summary should explain the nominee’s accomplishments and why those accomplishments are significant.
  2. Provide a narrative description of the nominee’s work; include what projects or activities the nominee has been involved in. When and where did the projects/activities take place? What stage is/are the project(s) in? What effect have the projects/activities had at the local, state, tribal, or national level. What other agencies, organizations, and individuals were involved in the nominee’s projects and the role that they played. (3 pages maximum)
  3. Please provide supporting documentation about the nominee’s projects or activities such as: letters of support, related articles, press coverage, resume, a map and description of the location of work, and pictures of the activities to help the selection committee gain aclearerpicture of the nominee’s accomplishments.
  4. Please submit nominations electronically by January 15, 2017 to: Jordan Tollefson, Montana DEQ Wetland Program Coordinator,

2017 Watershed Stewardship Award Nomination Form

Watershed Project, Group or Individual:
Point of Contact:
Street/Mailing Address:
City, State, Zip:
Email Address:


Name and Affiliation:
Street/Mailing Address:
City, State, Zip:
Email Address:

Please provide a narrative description of how the effort addressed these criteria.Narrative responses are limited to three (3) pages in length.The following criteria guidance statements and questions are offered as suggested descriptive elements; not as required elements of your description:

  1. Summary: Provide a two or three sentence description of the problems or issues addressed by the effort.
  2. Narrative Responses:
  3. Demonstration of measurable results: Activities undertaken to solve identified problems resulted in documented improvements to watershed resources.
  4. Diverse, local involvement and effective collaboration:All interested and affected parties were meaningfully involved in the process and took ownership and pride in the effort including landowners, agencies, conservation districts, and local groups.
  5. Community outreach and education:Effective communication and education was important to the watershed stewardship effort.
  6. Comprehensive approach to watershed health: The effort generated a greater understanding of the integral components of the watershed and resulted in planning for those components critical to the health and function of the watershed.
  7. Supplemental Documentation: Please attach examples of products developed for the watershed effort, i.e., photos, brochures, newsletters, news articles, work plans or strategies, etc.

Please submit nominations electronically by January 15, 2017 to: Montana Watershed Coordination Council,


2015 Award Recipients:

●Watershed Award: Kris Newgard, Hydrologist, USFS-Kootenai National Forest

●Watershed Award: Musselshell Watershed Coalition

●Wetland Award: Montana Ducks Unlimited, Inc.

●Wetland Award: Montana Wetland and Riparian Mapping Center

2013 Award Recipients:

●Watershed Award: Adam Sigler, Montana State Extension: Water Quality

●Watershed Award: Arctic Grayling CCAA Management Team

●Wetland Award: Blackfoot Trumpeter Swan Restoration Program

●Wetland Award: Valley Garden Ranch, Madison County

2011 Award Recipients:

●Watershed Award: Sweet Grass County Conservation District/Boulder River Watershed Association/Big Timber & Swamp Creek Watershed Group

●Watershed Award: Joel Chavez & Tim Reilly, DEQ Remediation Division, Silver Bow Creek Restoration

●Wetland Award: Henry and Trish Gordon, Gordon Cattle Company

●Wetland Award: Flathead River to Lake Initiative Partners

2009 Award Recipients:

●Watershed Award: Yellowstone River Conservation District Council

●Watershed Award: Robert Ray

●Wetland Award: Jim and Cindy Kittredge, Bird Creek Ranch

●Wetland Award: Tim Griffiths, NRCS Bozeman Area Biologist

2007 Award Recipients:

●Watershed Award: The Flathead Lakers - Critical Lands Project

●Wetland Award: Jim Stone, Rolling Stone Ranch, Ovando MT

●Wetland Award: Gary Sullivan, USFWS and Dave Carr, The Nature Conservancy

2006 Award Recipients:

●Watershed Award: Upper Clark Fork Basin Steering Committee

●Watershed Award: Alan Rollo

2005 Award Recipients:

●Watershed Award: Kootenai River Network

●Watershed Award: Mike McLane

●Wetland Award: Lazlo Family, Granger Ranches, Madison Valley MT

●Wetland Award: Tom Hinz, Montana Wetlands Legacy Coordinator

2002/2003 Award Recipients:

●Watershed Award: Bitter Root Water Forum

●Wetland Award: Larry Weeks, Volunteer Restoration

●Wetland Award: Gordon Stockstad, Resources Bureau Chief, MT Dept. Transportation

2001 Award Recipients:

●Watershed Award: Big Spring Watershed Partnership

●Watershed Award: Upper Shields Watershed Association

●Watershed Award: Big Blackfoot Chapter of Trout Unlimited / Blackfoot Challenge

2000 Award Recipients:

●Watershed Award: Careless Creek Watershed

●Watershed Award: Green Mountain Conservation District

●Watershed Award: Sage Creek Watershed Alliance

●Wetland Award: Mary Bradshaw, H2-O Ranch, Helmville

●Wetland Award: Brian Maiorano, Missoula County Floodplain Administrator

1999 Award Recipients:

●Watershed Award: Big Hole Watershed Committee

●Watershed Award: Sun River Watershed