Name ______Class ______

Module 1

Chapter 1: Amplify your Attitude

Reflective Writing: What do you see when viewing this image? Explain. (hint- focus on the level of water)


An individual’s ______can shape the way in which they see the cup of water. (half - full, half empty)

Those who see it as half- ______typically have an ______outlook on life, specific situations and their ______.

Those who see it as half- ______typically have a ______outlook on life, specific situations and their environment.

Chapter 1 Vocabulary

Optimistic: ______and ______about the future.

Pessimistic: tending to see the ______aspect of things. (negative)

Perspective: a particular ______toward something; a point of view.

Attitude: a way of ______about someone or something; typically reflected in a person’s behavior

Affirmation: emotional ______or encouragement

Visualization: ______yourself obtaining your goal

Chapter 1 Amplify Your Attitude

A ______attitude is one of the most powerful strategies for ______.

How Positive Thinking Leads to Academic Success

• You will be ______to work on______your academic goals.

• You will view obstacles as______and will______from them.

• You will ______better grades and be closer to ______them.

• You will focus on ______, helping you realize your ______.

• You will enjoy greater ______and less ______.

• You will be viewed as a______, thanks to your______attitude.

• You will believe in ______and boost your ______.

• You will effectively block ______around you.

• You will become a ______person and a more ______student.

11 Simple ways to Develop a Winning Attitude

1. Remember to be______every day.

2. Make a ______of everything that went ______each day.

3. Take a few minutes to be quiet and ______on your positive results.

4. Take time to ______and take breaks.

5. Invest in your body by eating ______, exercising and getting

enough rest (more about that in Chapter 31).

6. Use ______affirmations to become more optimistic.

7. Minimize your exposure to ______media – TV, radio etc.

8. Use your posture to boost your attitude – sit up ______,

smile, and ______deeply. Do this for 60 seconds and

you will immediately feel the difference. Try it now!

9. Learn to control your ______. Replace negative thoughts with

______affirmations. Keep doing this until it becomes effortless.

10. Spend time with ______people; they will rub off on you.

11. Think about being ______. See yourself getting ______.

See it and believe it!

Master the Art of Visualization to Create Success

Visualization helps you to ______around you that can help you achieve your ______.

Visualization activates the law of attraction.

The more you visualize your ______, the more you will start living as if you are already ______.

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”

Winston Churchill

Are you a pessimist or an optimist? ______Give your reason why. ______

Chapter 2 Get SMART Goals

1. Set Specific Goals. Goals should be ______and well defined.

2. Make your goals Measurable. A goal that can’t be ______is not really a goal.

3. Create goals that are Actionable and Attainable. Is your goal a ______but still possible to achieve?

4. Design goals to be Realistic and Relevant. Your SMART goals must line up to your dreams and ______. Your belief in your goal makes it relevant to you and helps you to make it a reality.

5. Ensure that your goals are always Time bound. Goals must have a starting point, ending point and a specific length of time. Always give your goals a due date.

SMART Goals Workbook Chart

Ch.3-Do Now:

Why do you get up and go to school every day?

What motivates you?

TPS- Share your motivators with your partner.

Chapter 3 Vocabulary

Inspiration: something that ______one to do something

Mantra: powerful ______that mean a lot to you

Self-esteem: ______in one’s own abilities

Procrastination: delaying or ______something.

Chapter 3 Experience The Magic of Motivation

Motivation leads to ______.

Motivation is what gets

you to take ______no matter how you feel.

______is one of the main

reasons people ______to achieve their goals.

Many people push themselves

to take action once, but then ______there. Motivation to keep doing what

______to be done leads to ______.

The Magic of Motivation

1. Being motivated helps you take charge of your _____. As you get

more done with less work, you will become more ______and

will want to keep going.

2. You will start tasks with ______and complete them. This

will make you more ______that you can succeed.

3. You will get things done on ______.

4. You will face negativity and obstacles with ______and

they will no longer affect your ability to succeed.

5. You will avoid ______and nagging. Others will see you getting

things done effortlessly and have no reason to be critical of you.

6. Your classmates will see you as a ______and a positive influence.

7. You will address ______before they become serious.

8. You will start finding opportunities to become ______.

9. You will enjoy giving 100% of yourself to your ______and will

boost your ______with every step.

10. You will find ______wherever you go. Everyone wants to help

someone who is driven and ______.

The secret is: Inspiration

Inspiration is the greatest source of ______.

The word inspiration means to be in ______. When you are inspired, you

are clear about what you need to do.

Inspiration or Internal Motivation

Some people refer to Inspiration as ______. This means you

are the source of your own motivation. Here are some simple

techniques to get you inspired:

1. Seek ______Time – Being alone focuses your mind and helps

you to get inspired. It can be as simple as five______of quiet

______or a walk outside.

2. Find your Mantra – A mantra is a few powerful ______that mean

a lot to you and make your spirit smile. It could be a quote that

you already cherish. Start your day with an inspirational ______.

3. Rely on______Models – Associate with inspiring people who

bring out the best in you and ______you to do more. This could

include ______, teachers, coaches or ______.

4. Listen to Nature – Make nature your ______. Many students study

best when they are surrounded by nature. Nature can inspire



5. Get in Your Zone – Being in your zone means being you at your

______. Think about moments when you were most successful.

6. Surround Yourself with ______– Surround yourself with art

you enjoy and listen to inspiring music.

7. Create a Good ______Space – Create a study ______

that inspires you.

Celebrate your Successes-Chapter 4 Vocabulary

Momentum: doing something that keeps you ______toward your goal

Accomplishment: something that has been ______successfully

Acknowledgement: expressing ______for someone or something they do

Celebration: ______highlighting a success

11 Simple Ways to Master Motivation

1. Walk Before You Run - Set ______that help you get wins

under your belt. Success leads to more ______.

2. Make it ______– Working on goals has to be fun or you’re likely to quit.

3. Measure Results - Measuring your ______will keep you on the

path to ______.

4. Take ______– Don’t spend more than 30 minutes at a time

working on your goals.

5. Follow Your ______Plan – Commit to your SMART goals and

follow your plan even when you don’t feel like it.

6. ______Successes - Focus on the little successes along the way.

7. Share Your ______and Results - Share your goals and progress

with ______and family.

8. Create a ______Coalition (Group) – ______with people

who support you and want you to succeed.

9. Nip the Slip – Recognize small slips that lead to losing ______.

10. ______Enthusiasm Lows – Mentally ______yourself for times

when your energy is low.

11. Winners Never ______and Quitters Never ______- You may have

trouble staying motivated because you have quit in the past. To

break that habit, take ______at first.

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.”

~ Vince Lombardi

“You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.”

~ Wayne Gretzky

Ch. 4 -Do Now:

Why do you celebrate?

How do you celebrate a job well done?

TPS-Discuss with your partner and compare

Chapter 4 Celebrate Every Success

Celebration delivers you to a world

filled with ______, satisfaction, pride, gratitude and ______.

And celebrating your success will give you increased ______

that automatically helps you do more.

Without celebration, life can be ______.

Celebrations do not have to be huge. Focus on all your victories and celebrate them.

Celebrate to Build Momentum

Once you make a long-term ______to your goals,

it is very important that you celebrate your ______along the way.

______accomplishments are very powerful and are worth celebrating

Remember these small

successes eventually add up to create your ______success.

Hard work without celebration is a sure path to ______city. Celebration

offers you ______and provides the fuel for your next set of ______.

You can’t grow without ______. Everyone needs a ______.

Celebrations make it easier for you to keep ______consistently on

your ______-______goals.

It is also crucial that you recognize failures as ______. No one is

______and everyone makes ______. Successful people accept failures and always ______from them.

Don’t think of happiness and success as destinations, they are ______.

Follow your life’s path with an open ______and heart. Congratulate

yourself on all that you have ______and learned.

Ways to Celebrate your Successes

1. Tell your friends, family and ______about your achievement.

2. Give ______a one-day break to do what you enjoy most.

3. Give yourself ______to sleep in for a day.

4. ______how much closer you are to success and be ______.

5. ______your success and put it where you can see it every ______.






What you need to know: Put it to use in your life.

“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more

there is in life to celebrate.” ~ Oprah Winfrey

Use creative rewards that are special to you.

Don’t wait… celebrate your accomplishments immediately.

Recognize failures as learning opportunities