January 30, 2013
School Council Meeting Minutes
Old Business (Mrs. White)
Mrs. White reviewed the minutes of the November 30, 2012 meeting. Items reviewed were:
Election of Officers
School Council Training
Meeting Dates 2012-2013
Review of Bylaws
Mr. Forehand made a motion to have the minutes approved. Shane Allen made the first motion whileFelisha Jackson seconded the motion.
New Business (Mr. Forehand)
School Uniforms:
Data has shown that on Free Dress Fridays more students are written up and sent to the Reflection Zone.
Jaquiez Lackey, a fourth grader in Ms. Anderson’s class, read his persuasive essay about why we still need uniforms. After he read his essay, a picture was taken of the school council and Jaquiez.
The council discussed concerns about keeping Free Dress Fridays.
Mr. Forehand made a motion to make the vote approved to keep Free Dress Fridays. Jessica Houston made the first motion. Amanda Jackson seconded the motion.
The vote was unanimous to keep Free Dress Fridays.
School Improvement Plan:
The School Improvement Plan shows that Middle Ridge has made significant gains over the past several years.
In order for the SIP to be created, ideas are discussed with the Leadership team. Then are taken back to each grade level where recommendations are suggested. These recommendations are then taken back to the Leadership team.
With the money the school received, Reading A-Z was purchased. This is a website for teachers that contain printable leveled readers. Teachers are able to use the leveled readers to help their students read on their level.
Another program purchased was Math IXL. This is a web based program where students practice math skills. Teachers then use this data to help move students through the EBIS process.
Mr. Forehand then showed the council how to locate the SIP on our school’s website.
School Data (OAS, CRCT, GKIDS, STAR)
Ms. Battle summarized what each test measured.
OAS: A computer based program that shows a student’s progress. Teachers then use this data to plan instruction.
CRCT: This is the test that measures a student’s knowledge of what has been taught. We are now moving to Common Core, which involves more rigorous instruction.
GKIDS: This is a Kindergarten test that measures a multitude of Kindergarten skills.
STAR: A computer based assessment tool that is used as a benchmark two or three times a year. This may be used as a progress monitoring tool in the areas of Reading and Math. This test targets areas where students need extra help.
Mr. Forehand showed the council our school data. He explained the meaning of each color represented (Red=Needs Improvement, Yellow: Needs help, Blue: Skill still continues a need to be taught, Green= Doing well). Teachers use this data to plan instruction to help students become more successful.
Mr. Forehand explained how we are moving away from AYP and will now be using the CCRPI to measure students’/schools’ progress. At this point, we still do not have the results back from last school year. Results are expected to arrive very soon.
Mr. Forehand also discussed how our students will be able to exceed on the CCRPI. We are the only school that has been working on the school career portfolios. We are expected to exceed in 4-8 areas.
Mrs. Arocho shared how important it is for our students to be at school on time daily, dressed in uniform, and ready to learn because we have a lot to accomplish.
2013-2014 School Council Dates/Times
Upcoming dates are as follows:
October 2, 2013
November 6, 2013
February 5, 2014
March 5, 2014
The meetings will continue to be held in the conference room at 7:30 am.
Mr. Forehand made a motion to make the vote approved. Heather White made the first motion. Felisha Jackson seconded the motion.
The vote was unanimous.
SACS Introduction & Blue Ribbon Application
SACS: A team will be here in March of 2014 to observe teachers, look at our data, and school achievement.
Parents will be asked to participate in a survey. A link to the survey will be on our school’s website. Parents will also be able to come to school to use computers.
SACS is completed every eight years. Four recommendations for improvement were made last time SACS visited. Our school district has met all of these recommendations this year. This year SACS will no longer look at each district. They will now be measuring each individual school. SACS’ findings will assign different levels of accreditation.
Blue Ribbon Application: Middle Ridge has been nominated by the state of Georgia and recognized by the State Board of Education for our continuous improvement over the past five years. When we win this award, representatives from our school will get to meet President Obama and awarded a flag for our school. The application will be sent out mid-February.
Open Agenda
No one had any business to add.
Mr. Forehand adjourned the meeting.
After the meeting, Mr. Forehand discussed a new program he will be implementing called Boys to Men. This new program will identify boys that are in need of a mentor/father figure. Instead of Free Dress Friday these boys will dress up in sweater vests. They will take part in various projects such as building picnic tables and going to the Blue Willow to have a manners class.
Members present were Mr. Michael Forehand, Mr. Shane Allen, Mrs. Heather White, Mrs. Felisha Jackson, Mrs. Doris Galvan, Mrs. Amanda Jackson, Mrs. Jessica Houston, Ms. Rhonda Battle and Mrs. Robin Arocho.