Sutton upon Derwent Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

held on Monday 16 May2016 at 7.30pm at Sutton upon Derwent Village Hall


Chair: Cllr E Rogers

Councillors:G Stephenson, B Green, A Hardcastle, K Hobman, R Pearson, E Smith

Clerk (Acting):Mrs Yvonne Eggleston

Ward Cllrs:A Strangeway, K West,

3 parishioners were present

048/16To record any Apologies for Absence


049/16To receive and welcome new Councillors

Mr Robin Pearson and Mr Eric Smith were welcomed onto the Parish Council

050/16To record any Register of Interests


051/16To hear any matters raised by attending Parishioners with the consent of the

Chairman (10 minutes maximum)


052/16To approve the minutes of the previous meeting and release for publication if


Proposed by Cllr Green, seconded by Cllr Stephenson that the minutes be approved and signed in readiness for publication. Agreed by all.Action - YE

053/16To discuss any matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting:

018/16a Neighbourhood Plan

Jessica Hobson has responded to the request for clarification of her previous response. However, in her comments she refers to a draft plan submitted in June/July of last year.Before she is re-approached it was thought prudent to contact ex-Councillor Howard Davis who worked on the document prior to his resignation. He will be asked to send a copy to the Parish Council who will look at it. Ms Hobson will then be invited to attend an extra-ordinary meeting to discuss the draft plan before it is made available for consultation.Action - YE

018/16b Children’s Playing Field

Maintenance – Cllrs Rogers and Hobman met with representatives from Play-Scheme of

Elvington to assess and discuss the best approach with upgrading the Children’s Playing


The Parish Council have been awarded £2000 by ERYC to purchase some equipment.

John Danby of Play-Scheme agreed to prepare a maintenance scheme and design for the

Playing Field. We are still awaiting this.

The Parish Council may be eligible to receive some National Lottery funding for further

upgrading. A bid to achieve this is currently being written.

A complaint about the condition of some of the equipment has been received.

Some of the councillors have volunteered to power wash the equipment and assess what

can be done in the meantime. Action - GS, BG, ES

Cllr Hardcastle proposed that an annual spring clean be arranged. It was thought that the

local primary school may like to be involved.

Play-Scheme are to be contacted with a view to purchasing some equipment.

Action - ER,GS

Cllr Rogers thanked parishioner Mr T Watson for his kind donation of a wooden picnic

bench for the Playing Field.

142/15d Update on public footpaths:

Extension from Village to Pylon Corner

The spoil which was been piled up along theroadside has not yet been removed.

Paul Robinson and Dave Sach of ERYC will be pursued as to the timescale for this

outstanding issue.Action- GS

Smallwoods are to be approached to resume the cutting of the footpaths as in previous

years. A first cut will be requested to take place as soon as possible.Action - YE

142/15e Defibrillators

The defibrillator and box have been received. Wiring is expected to be in place some during the coming week. Cllr Green will then liaise with Yorkshire Ambulance to set the machine up. Awareness days will be arranged in conjunction with Elvington when a training machine will be available for those who wish to be trained in its use. Action – BG

143/15d Notice Boards

On-going.Action - BG

006/16 Village Maintenance Schedule -

Field House- a new job sheet has had to be issued as ERYC were unable to carry out the

works before the end of March.

Grange Farm– awaiting further investigation in line with the planning application for a new


Sandhill Lane–Awaiting the alterations to the village signage.

The progress of these issues will be pursued.Action –AS,YE

019/16 viii) Village Website

Cllr Rogers thanks Cllr Hardcastle for his work on updating the village website.

Cllr Hardcastle thanked Cllr Strangeway for the provision of Ordnance Survey maps of the

area and ‘Let’s Be Ready’ flood awareness literature which have now been made available

on the website.

It was suggested that a short piece be put in the Parish Newsletter informing parishioners of

the upgrading of the website and that they can also make comments via Facebook and

Twitter. Action - YE

The bus timetable including times from Sutton upon Derwent will be posted on the website.

Action – YE,AH

031/16 v) Clerk’s Contract

This has now been signed by the Clerk and the Chairman.

031/16 vi) Bank Mandates

Forms for the change of the bank mandates have been sent.

We are awaiting confirmation that the changes have been made.

054/16Agenda items

i)Code of Conduct

It has been noted that when the revised Register of Interest forms were completed in August 2012, the adoption of the amended code of Conduct was not minuted.

The Clerk circulated copies of the Code of Conduct adopted by ERYC in July 2012 to all the Parish Councillors. It was suggested that the Parish Council should adopt the Model Code of Conduct modified under the Localism Act 2011.

Proposed: Cllr Green. Seconded: Cllr Hobman. All in favour.

An electronic copy of the Code to be forwarded to Cllr Green to enable it to be put into a non-amendable Parish Council format.Action – YE

ii)Village maintenanceschedule

20th April – ERYC cut the grass verges

25th April Yorkshire Water dropped a cctv camera into the drain the examine a

30m lengthfrom the Pumping Station to Wynam Lane. We are awaiting notification

the results of their investigation.

iii)Risk Assessment for Beacon Green

This is on-going.

iv)Flooding/Yorkshire Water investigations

Cllr Rogers read out a letter that had been received from some concerned parishioners.

The letter outlined documentation on flooding and drainage issues between 2000 and 2004 and again between 2004 and 2008. These issues still continue today.

The following points were made:

- the drainage system was designed and installed in the 1930’s when the village was less than a quarter of the size it is today.

-subsequent upgrading at the pumping station was negligible as it would create too much pressure on the rising main.

-ERYC continue to approve planning for developments with little regard to the inadequacy of the drainage system.

-the drainage system is a combined sewage and surface water drainage system.

-Yorkshire Water deny responsibility for surface water run-off yet are responsible for the surface water drainage system.

-ERYC are responsible for Highways drainage and road gullies.

-some properties lie below the level of road gullies and therefore flood before run-off water reaches the highway.

- Yorkshire Water and ERYC do not agree on which of the drainage systems is at


It was proposed that ERYC and Yorkshire Water are invited to attend a public meeting

to discuss the results of their investigations and the solutions to the on-going

problems. It will be suggested that the meeting be held between 13th – 15th June at

7.30pm in the Village Hall. Action - YE

v)ERYC Public Spaces Protection Orders 2016, The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014

Tt was felt that the village didn’t currently experience any issues.

vi)Emergency Plans

These need amending with the new councillors’ details. They will be distributed at the next meeting. Action - BG

vii)Children’s Playing Field – Funding

This was discussed under item 053/16

055/16To note and approve the Monthly Financial Report for April 2016

The monthly financial report for April 2016was tabled and accepted by allcouncillors.

Proposed: Cllr Green, Seconded: Cllr Stephenson. All in favour.

To note and approve any Requests for Payment and any other requests for

payments received

1)Mrs Y Eggleston £257.50 - salary

2)WEL Medical Ltd £1524.00 – purchase of defibrillator

Proposed: Cllr GreenSeconded: Cllr Stephenson.Agreed by all that these payments should be made.

056/16To note and process any Planning Matters

New Applications:

16/01345/PLF Erection of a detached dwelling and garage on land to the south of Cherry

Farm, Sandhill Lane, Sutton upon Derwent YO41 4BY for Mr R Gledhill

The Parish Council wish to record their concerns that this development will exacerbate

current drainage problems which have not yet been rectified.

Proposed: Cllr Stephenson Seconded: Cllr Pearson All in favour

It has been observed that this is a tandem development not and infill. This goes against the

Neighbourhood Plan.

It has also been noted that work has already begun on the site.

Proposed: Cllr Hardcastle Seconded: Cllr Stephenson All in favour

Notices of Decisions Received:

16/00346/PLF Erection of a general purpose agricultural building, following demolition of

redundant buildings at Grange Farm, High Lane, Sutton upon Derwent, YP41 4BY for

Mr & Mrs T Gill

Permission granted with conditions.

057/16To hear and note any correspondence matters

All correspondence was tabled and noted

Wilberfoss Parish Council have set up a petition for the creation ofa roundabout at the

access from the village onto the A1079. Details of this will be put on the village website for

Sutton upon Derwent parishioners to access. Action - AH

Public Spaces Protection Orders – ERYC are undertaking a consultation Action- BG

058/16To conduct any other business by consent of the Chairman

The Village Hall Committee have been approached by the headmistress of the local primary school who would welcome letters of complaint from local residents about vehicles being parked on the roads near the school and the obstructions they cause.

With reference to drainage issues, it was felt that at this moment in time any letters of complaint to ERYC should come from individuals.

059/16To fix the date and time of the next meeting

Monday 20th June2016at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Chair closed the meeting at 9.32pm