Trial Contact:

Shona Honyara

15557 112 A Ave

Surrey, BC V3R 0K5


Phone: 604-306-5419

Mail Entries to the above Trial Contact Address.

Make cheques payable to: Bev Johnson


Measuring will be available on

Friday at 4:15pm,

Saturday and Sunday from 7:30 AM to 7:45 AM.

First dog on the line at 5:00 PM on Friday and

8:00 AM on Saturday and Sunday


If your dog does not have a completed AAC Measurement card you must have you dog measured before you attempt to check in.

Confirmations will be emailed. Please note that upon receipt of the confirmation, you are requested to verify all information regarding yourself and your dog is correct and your dog is correctly entered in the events requested. If information is incorrect or your dog is not correctly entered you must contact the trial secretary as soon as possible to have corrections made.

Trial Site

Trial will be held INDOORS on GROOMED DIRT FLOOR with a self-healing and displaceable tire and electronic timing. One ring will have some rubberized contacts.

Limited Entry AAC Sanctioned Agility Trial

Feb 11-13, 2011

Cloverdale Agriplex

6050 176th Street, Cloverdale, B.C.


5 Masters Standard, 2 Masters Jumpers, 3 Masters Gamblers,

2 Masters Snooker, 4 Steeplechase, 3 Advanced Standard, 2 Advanced Gamblers, 1 Advanced Snooker, 2 Advanced Jumpers, 3 Starters Standard, 2 Starters Jumpers, 1 Starters Gamblers,

1 Starters Snooker

Our Distinguished Judges:

Barb Vanderheide, Wendy Alexander,

Roxanne Ziefflie and,

Bev Johnson

Closing Date: Feb 4, 2011

Dogs must have an AAC ID card to

compete in this trial.


There is on-site camping with electrical hookups. The charge is $22 + HST/night if paid in advanced with the trial entry. (if collected by ‘Cloverdale’ $26+HST)

Dog Friendly Hotels: contact the trial secretary for suggestions.


We will have Lori’s Donair on site.

Clean up

This cannot be said too often!!!’ YOU MUST pick up after

your dog. Anyone seen not scooping up the poop will be

asked to leave the trial.


Ribbons will be awarded for qualifying scores, placements 1st through 4th and there are rosettes for Starters and Advanced Standard and Games titles as well as all of the Masters titles.

Dog Height Division

Shoulder Height of Dog / Height Division
12 inches or less / 10 inches
Over 12 inches but under 16 inches / 16 inches
Over 16 inches but under 21 inches / 22 inches
Over 21 inches / 26 inches

AAC ID. Cards

If your dog does not have an AAC ID Card please order it yourself before the trial. All dogs must have an AAC ID card and must present this card at check in to compete in this trial. The required form is enclosed.

Running Order:

Although this is our planned running order for the trial, it may be necessary to change the running order without notice. Please be forewarned!

Events may NOT be run in the order specified in this table

Friday – Ring 1 / Ring 2
Steeplechase 1 – Barb / Masters Standard 1- WA
Masters Standard 2 – Barb / Steeplechase 2 - WA
Saturday – Ring 1 / Ring 2
Adv Standard 1 – Roxanne / Steeplechase 3 – WA
M Stand 3 – Barb / St Jumpers 1 – Roxanne
M Gamblers 1 – Barb / Adv Jumpers 1 – Roxanne
M Gamblers 2 – WA / St Gamblers 1 – Roxanne
M Snooker 1 – Barb / Adv Gamblers 1 – BJ
M Jumpers 1 – Barb / St Standard 1 – BJ
St Standard 2 – Roxanne
Adv Standard 2 - Roxanne
Sunday – Ring 1 / Ring 2
M Jumpers 2 – WA / Steeplechase 4 – Barb
M Snooker 2 - WA / Adv Gamblers 2 – Roxanne
M Gamblers 3 – Barb / Adv Snooker 1 – Roxanne
M Standard 4 – Barb / St Snooker 1 – Roxanne
M Standard 5 – WA / St Standard 3 – BJ
Adv Standard 3 – BJ
St Jumpers 2 – Roxanne
Adv Jumpers 2 - Roxanne
LNB Official Entry Form
Trial Date: Feb 11-13, 2011
Return Completed Entry Form with Fees
Payable to Bev Johnson
To: Shona Honyara
15557 112 A Ave
Surrey, BC V3R 0K5
Mail Entries to the above Contact Address or
hand-deliver to Shona Honyara.
Entries must be received no later than Feb 4, 2011
***note: NSF cheques will be charged a $35 fee
Dog Identification
Dog #1 Dog #2
Name: / Name:
Breed: / Breed:
Birthdate: / Birthdate:
Dogs Height: AAC# / Dogs Height: AAC#
Jump height: 6 10 16 22 26 / Jump height: 6 10 16 22 26
Regular Specials Veterans / Regular Specials Veterans
Owner / Handler Information
City: / Province:
Postal Code: / Phone Number:
Handler, if other than Owner:
Dog 1 / Dog 2
Masters Standard 1 – BV / $14
Masters Standard 2 – WA / $14
Masters Standard 3 – BV / $14
Masters Standard 4 – BV / $14
Masters Standard 5 – WA / $14
Steeplechase 1 – BV / $14
Steeplechase 2 – WA / $14
Steeplechase 3 – WA / $14
Steeplechase 4 – BV / $14
Masters Gamblers 1 – BV / $14
Masters Gamblers 2 - WA / $14
Masters Gamblers 3 – BV / $14
Masters Jumpers 1 – BV / $14
Masters Jumpers 2 WA / $14
Masters Snooker 1 – BV / $14
Masters Snooker 2 – WA / $14
St Standard 1 – BJ / $14
St Standard 2 – RZ / $14
St Standard 3 – BJ / $14
St Gamblers 1 – RZ / $14
St Jumpers 1 – RZ / $14
St Jumpers 2 - RZ / $14
St Snooker 1 – RZ / $14
Adv Standard 1 – RZ / $14
Adv Standard 2 – RZ / $14
Adv Standard 3 – BJ / $14
Adv Gamblers 1 – BJ / $14
Adv Gamblers 2 – RZ / $14
Adv Jumpers 1 – RZ / $14
Adv Jumpers 2 - RZ / $14
Adv Snooker 1 – RZ / $14
Under 10 runs same dogs / 14.00 per run
Over 10 runs multiple dogs same handler / 12.50

General Agreement

I/we agree to abide by the rules and regulations of AAC in effect at the time of this trial, and by any additions rules and regulations as approved by the board of AAC for this trial. I/we certify that the dog entered is not a hazard to persons or other dogs. I/We, the undersigned, agree that the host club has the right to refuse my entry for causes, which the organizing committee shall deem to be sufficient. In consideration of the acceptance of this entry and the holding of the event and the opportunity to have the dog participate or be judged:

I/we agree to hold the organizing committee, the organization (if any) which it represents including its members, officers and directors, the Agility Association of Canada and its officers and directors, sponsors of the event, owners of premises upon which the event is held and their employees, harmless from any claim for loss or injury which may be alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly to any person or thing by the act of this dog while in or upon the event premises or grounds or near any entrance thereto, and I/we personally assume all responsibility and liability for any such claim. I/we further agree to hold the aforementioned parties harmless from any claim for loss of this dog by disappearance, theft, death or otherwise, and from any claim for damage or injury to the dog, whether such loss, disappearance, appearance, theft, damage or injury, be caused or alleged to be caused by the negligence of the parties aforementioned, or by the negligence of any other person, or any other cause or causes. I/we hereby assume the sole responsibility for and agree to indemnify and save the aforementioned parties harmless from any and all loss and expense (including legal fees) by reason of the liability imposed by law upon any of the aforementioned parties for damage because of bodily injuries, including death at any time resulting there from, sustained by any person or persons, including myself (ourselves) or on account of damage to property, arising out of or in consequence of my (our) participation in this event, howsoever such injuries, death or damage to property may be caused, and whether or not the same may have been caused or may have been alleged to have been caused by negligence of the aforementioned parties or any of their employees or agents, or any other person.

I/we herby agree to provide assistance to the trial in the form specified by the host committee for a minimum of two rounds per day.

Signature: ______Date: ______

(Parent or Guardian must sign if handler under 18 years) (Entry not valid unless signed, dated, and submitted with correct fee.)

Notice to Exhibitors

Exhibitors, through submission of entry, acknowledge that they are knowledgeable of the rules and regulations of the AAC, including but not limited to the following:

This event is held under AAC Rules and Regulations and is open to all dogs being at least 18 months of age, pure bred or mixed breed, except bitches in season, aggressive dogs, or dogs suffering from any deformity or illness which may affect the dog’s physical or mental performance.

Obstacles shall be chosen from those described in the current edition of the rules and regulations of the AAC and shall conform to AAC specification.

No food, toys or any other aids or devices shall be permitted in the ring at any time.

It is expressly understood that exhibitors alone are responsible for their behavior and that of their dogs and / or children. Any exhibitor or any exhibitor whose dogs and / or children create unnecessary disturbances or repeatedly engage in unsafe or disruptive behavior may be asked to leave the show grounds and NO REFUND of fees shall be given.

All dogs must be penned, crated or on leash when not in the ring. All dogs must be under control when exiting the ring. Any dog engaging in aggressive or out of control behavior upon exit of the ring may be disqualified and / or required to leave the show grounds and NO REFUND of fees shall be given.

Exhibitors MUST keep crate and exercise areas clean. Please clean up after yourselves and your dogs. Anyone who does not clean up after themselves or their dogs may be required to leave the show grounds with no refund given.

There will be no refunds, cancellations or changes after the closing date, except for bitches in season, competitor injuries (with vet certificate) and move ups as per AAC regulations