History of Medicine Project

A two part project

Each person will participate in a group project while producing an individual project as well.

Group Project: To produce a timeline that will be hung up in the cafeteria that gives a visual account of approaches to disease throughout history and advances made in technologies and practices.

Individual: To present a biography via Ipad Imovie of a man or woman who made a significant contribution to the field of medicine.


Part 1: Timeline of Medicine

(Group project comprised of ~3 students)

  • Groups will select from below a certain historical time period and will receive a length of white butcher paper and a spot in the cafeteria for their timeline.
  • Groups will research their time period and will display a synopsis of their research on their timeline so that it can be read from 5-10 feet away.
  • 2-4 images will be included on the timeline.
  • The following topics are to be researched and the information displayed:
  1. What were the attitudes about the source of or reasons for disease during this time?
  2. How were medical practitioners trained, and how well?
  3. How were diagnoses made?
  4. What were some general practices used? Surgery? Treatment of infections? Treatment of broken limbs? Who delivered babies? Dental or eye problems?
  5. What were some new practices/approaches/technologies developed during this time that helped advance medical science?
  6. What were the major diseases or reasons for death during this time?
  7. Names of 3-5 famous medical practitioners or scientists and a statement of what they contributed.

Time Periods:Points Possible: 50

Ancient Egypt

Ancient China

Greek & Romans : 1200 BC – 500 ADDue Date:

Middle Ages in Europe: 500 – 1400

Arabic medicine : 700 – 1500

Renaissance in Europe: 1400 – 1600

17th century: 1600 - 1700

18th century: 1700 – 1800

19th century: 1800 – 1900

1900 – 1950

1950 – 2005

Part 2: Biography of a Medical Pioneer Due Date: ______

Individual project

A. You will select an individual from the list below and research their life and medical/scientific contributions to modern medical science.

Your Imovie should address the following topics:

1. Describe the state of the medical profession during this person’s lifetime. Give a framework of the ideas, practices and society’s attitudes toward disease to set the stage for this individual’s work.

2. What was the educational background or training of the individual?

3. What significant discovery or achievement(s) were made by this person? Give some background to their achievement – how did they get to that point?

4. What effects did their work have upon medical practice or understandings? Describe the long term effect of their work.

B. In addition, create a one page synopsis (81/2 x 11 piece of paper)of this person’s contribution to medicine to be included with our History of Medicine Timeline. It should include:

A picture of the person.

Date of birth and death

Significant contribution

Effect on medical community

34 Medical Pioneers to choose from:


Claudius Galen

Ibn Sina also known as Avicenna

Rhazes (al-Razi)

Andreas Vesalius

Michael Servetus

Ambroise Pare

Gabriel Fallopius

William Harvey

Bartolomeo Eustachio

John Hunter

James Lind

Edward Jenner

James Blundell

Rene Laennec

Elizabeth Blackwell

Florence Nightingale

Dorothea Dix

Joseph Lister

Elizabeth Garrett Anderson

Paul Ehrlich

Clara Barton

Ignaz Semmelweis

Louis Pasteur

Robert Koch

Lillian Wald

Wilhelm Roentgen

Dr. Elie Metchnikoff

Frederick Banting and Charles Best

Sir Alexander Fleming

Mary Breckinridge

Jonas Salk

Christian Barnard

Dr. William DeVries

Points Possible: 100

Sample Rubrics

Time Line Rubric


/ Exceeds Expectations / Excellent Example / Meets Expectations / Under Expectations / Insufficient
Attitudes about disease during this time / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Training of Medical practitioners / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Diagnoses / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
General practice / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
New practices/approaches or technologies developed that helped advance medical science / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Major diseases or reasons for death during this time? / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Names of 3-5 famous medical practitioners or scientists and a statement of what they contributed. / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1


/ 10 / 8 / 6 / 4 / 2


/ 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1


/ Grade

Biography Rubric

Topics Addressed / Exceeds Expectations / Excellent Example / Meets Expectations / Under Expectations / Insufficient
Current state of medical profession: / 12 11 / 10 9 / 8 7 / 6 5 / 4 3 0
Framework of societal attitudes & practices towards disease: / 12 11 / 10 9 / 8 7 / 6 5 / 4 3 0
Educational background: / 10 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 4 3 0
Achievements: / 12 11 / 10 9 / 8 7 / 6 5 / 4 3 0
Background to achievement: / 12 11 / 10 9 / 8 7 / 6 5 / 4 3 0
Effect of their work: / 12 11 / 10 9 / 8 7 / 6 5 / 4 3 0
Synopsis: Picture, dates, contributions: / 10 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 4 3 0
Quality of Film– format follows
above, story clear with voice over or annotations, audio included; good quality pictures / 20 - 18 / 17 - 16 / 14 - 13 / 12 - 6 / 5 4 3 0
Total / Grade


Claudius Galen

Ibn Sina also known as Avicenna

Rhazes (al-Razi)

Andreas Vesalius

Michael Servetus

Ambroise Pare

Gabriel Fallopius

William Harvey

Bartolomeo Eustachio

John Hunter

James Lind

Edward Jenner

James Blundell

Rene Laennec

Elizabeth Blackwell

Florence Nightingale

Dorothea Dix

Joseph Lister

Elizabeth Garrett Anderson

Paul Ehrlich

Clara Barton

Ignaz Semmelweis

Louis Pasteur

Robert Koch

Lillian Wald

Wilhelm Roentgen

Dr. Elie Metchnikoff

Frederick Banting and Charles Best

Sir Alexander Fleming

Mary Breckinridge

Jonas Salk

Christian Barnard

Dr. William DeVries

Ancient Egypt

Ancient China

Greek & Romans : 1200 BC – 500 AD

Middle Ages in Europe: 500 – 1400

Arabic medicine : 700 – 1500

Renaissance in Europe: 1400 – 1600

17th century: 1600 – 1700

18th century: 1700 – 1800

19th century: 1800 – 1900

19th century: 1900 – 1950

19th century: 1950 – 2005