Lesson Plan

Lesson Title:Pop MusicGroup:Date:

National Curriculum Key Stage and Targets: Upper KS2, Music, Speaking, listening and communication

Cross-Curricular Elements: History, Pop videos

Further Learning Opportunities

Timing / Teaching and Learning
Creating a Safe Environment: Establishing the rules / 10 mins /

Establish classroom rules for discussion activities as democratically as reasonably possible (pupils always respect rules and regulations if they have a part in deciding them). These are negotiable but respectful language; giving people space and time to speak; respecting that some things are private and revealing things about friends and relatives without them knowing would not be right.

The rules should be observable to the whole class throughout the lesson.

Avoid negative terminology e.g. Say/write: “Be polite to others” rather than: “Don’t be rude to others”.

Focus the Learning - Learning Objectives: Tell students what they will learn, how it relates to their experience, the standard at which they are working and write key vocabulary on the board. / By the end of the Lesson:
All students must; have listened to and commented on the music/videos
Most students should; reflect upon their response to the music and understand that the music was created by LGB artists
Some students could; set the music(images & artist) into a historical context e.g. George Michael, gay man, AIDS ribbon, tribute to Freddie Mercury
Extend / Reinforce the Learning:
Write the homework on the board and ensure students have written it in their planners. / 15
  • Look at their own music collections and discuss in class

Begin the Learning - Starter: Present new information using Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic methods. / 5
mins / Settle class for PowerPoint and set boundaries for dealing with sensitive issues around respect, tolerance, religion and sexual orientation
Continue the Learning - Activities: This is the main part of the lesson. Provide a variety of challenging, differentiated VAK tasks / activities, meeting the needs of all students and all abilities.
Activity / Apply / Review
New activity / Apply / Review / 30+
mins / PowerPoint Presentation & listening to some/all of the tracks. Follow each piece of music with a discussion. If you are unable to view the videos suggested then ensure that the image slides are used. Allow time and quiet thinking time for the children to formulate questions and opinions- this will make discussion more powerful and pertinent.
Slide 4.Elton- gay man- married to a woman for a while, then in civil partnership and now married to David Furnish- music is very mainstream/ accepted by the establishment- chosen as an easy introduction to LGB artists

High School Musical- Disney sweet view of the world- realistic? Limited diversity

Glee- Don’t stop Believing- Current TV series- popular with young people that includes a gay teenager, a visibly disabled teenager and other diversities - a good direct contrast to High School Musical
Slide 5.Dusty- Look of Love- 60’s pop exemplified- very basic camera work recording stage performance- lesbian singer- not out at the time- ambiguous who is she singing to- man or woman?

YMCA- Village people- iconic stereotyping of gay men- 70’s- popular on disco scene- first open pop celebration of male sexuality

Communards- You Are My World- 80’s out gay group that reflected this and the politics of the time, in their songs and videos- even here the final scene of the video ends before the gender of the visitor is revealed, again ambiguity

Slide 6.
George Michael- out gay man- AIDS activist- wearing Red Ribbon in tribute to another gay artist- Freddie Mercury who died of HIV related illness. LGB artists increasingly became more high profile. George himself died from heart failure on Christmas Day 2016
Slide 7. Perry- I kissed a girl and I like it- straight woman – unusual juxtaposition with lesbian overtones- stronger content
Slide 8. QBoy – out gay white rapper- pushing boundaries/ stronger content

To use any of the above 9 web addresses just copy the above and drop into you web browser. They are not all direct links. Many schools/authorities bar the use of You Tube so you may have to download at home but ALWAYS check your school policy, copyright rules and the content of the images and songs that you intend to use.
Slide 8.Mika- ‘Billy Brown’ - An artist who was born IN THE Lebanon and had a very successful album in the UK, after which he came out. He now lives, works and records I France. a charming little cartoon to a narrative song that deals with bisexuality
Could be used as starting point for class/children to create their own pop videos, posters/ cd covers on the computer

Students / Target groups likely to need support… / Students likely to need extension work
Access to IT and creating own music/artwork inspired by music
Celebrating the Learning - Plenary: Students demonstrate in some way what they have learned. Recognition of progress. Refer back to Learning Objectives. / 5
mins / Discussion and creation of ‘products’ (video/posters/cd covers)
Management of Resources
Identify which resources are to be used and how. Include the use of new technology and the use of other supporting adults. / IWB with internet connectivity- check that the weblinks work and that you can adjust the sound levels. Remember to check content, copyright/performing rights and school policies
Equal Opportunities & Social / Moral / Cultural considerations
Identify any relevant aspects of the lesson which develop pupil understanding, skills and knowledge in these areas. / Cultural, ethnic and religious sensibilities
Health and Safety Considerations
Identify the major Health and Safety considerations and what needs to bedone to ensure maximum safety. / Normal KS2 classroom risk assessments. Be aware of sound levels.
Make sure you have previewed ALL materials